How to publish with Genome Biology(报告时间:2017年6月6日10:00-11:00)
报告题目:How to publish with Genome Biology
报 告 人:Dr.Yixin Yao, Associate Editor
报告时间:2017年6月6日 10:00-11:00
联 系 人:高彩霞
Associate Editor
Genome Biology, BioMed Central, Springer Nature
姚怡心是施普林格?自然BMC旗下Genome Biology专职编辑。姚怡心于2013年获得环境科学专业哲学博士学位,之后于纽约大学担任助理教授(2013-2014)、上海交通大学担任助理研究员(2015);于2016年1月加入Genome Biology,常驻上海办公室。
In this talk I will review the scope and threshold of peer review of Genome Biology. Ever since the journal’s launch in 2000, our team of highly trained in-house editors works with our editorial board of leading international experts to ensure that the journal is at the cutting edge of both scientific advances and community standards. We provide services to accommodate growing research capacity in China, to help reshaping the landscape of global investigation. I will also discuss some interesting topics such as how to make your rebuttal case work and open data in scientific research.