Translational Control of Plant Immunity(报告时间:2017年5月23日10:00)

报告题目:Translational Control of Plant Immunity 

人:胥国勇博士,  美国杜克大学生物系 







  胥国勇,博士。2007年获南开大学生物技术专业学士学位;2012年获得清华大学生物学专业博士学位。博士期间,在刘玉乐教授指导下,从事细胞器动态平衡和细胞自噬在植物抗病中的功能研究,相关成果发表于New Phytologistthe Plant JournalAutophagy杂志上。2013年起在美国杜克大学生物系董欣年教授课题组从事博士后研究,主要工作揭示了不同mRNA特征介导的翻译调控机制在植物与病原微生物互作中的重要性,其理论研究指导了利用翻译调控机制严格控制抗病基因表达,实现了新的技术突破,两篇文章已同时被Nature接收。 



  In the absence of specialized immune cells, the need for plants to reprogram transcription to transition from growth-related activities to defense is well understood. However, little is known about translational changes that occur during immune induction. Using ribosome footprinting (RF), we found that during pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), translational reprogramming is a fundamental layer of immune regulation and further discovered R-motif and upstream open reading frames (uORFs) are important RNA features conferring stringent translational control of defense genes. Those mechanisms contribute to resolve the conflict of compromising plant growth with enhanced resistance. This broadly applicable new strategy may lead to reduced use of pesticides and lightening of selective pressure for resistant pathogens.