曹晓风 |
陈明生 |
陈受宜 |
程祝宽 |
储成才 |
方荣祥 |
郭惠姗 |
何朝族 |
李传友 |
李家洋 |
邱金龙 |
王国栋 |
王秀杰 |
夏桂先 |
谢 旗 |
姚善国 |
张劲松 |
周奕华 |
朱 祯 |
朱立煌 |
左建儒 |
陈立超 |
段凯旋 |
郭红艳 |
侯宁宁 |
黄德宝 |
暨国彪 |
李春霞 |
李 伟 |
刘利静 |
刘林川 |
彭永刚 |
孙海汐 |
田彩娟 |
王 莫 |
韦 伟 |
魏丽亚 |
武晓敏 |
徐 宁 |
许 操 |
张雪梅 |
周文焜 |
8:30-8:40 开幕式
第一部分植物激素信号转导与发育 (8:40-10:20)
8:40-9:05 童红宁(储成才课题组)
DLT, a BR signaling component, plays distinct roles in rice growth and development
9:05-9:30 陈立胜(李家洋课题组)
Os19, a new GRAS protein, is involved in Brassinosteriod signaling pathway
9:30-9:55 任 勃(左建儒课题组)
Genome-wide comparative analysis of type-A Arabidopsis response regulator genes by overexpression studies reveals their diverse roles and regulatory mechanisms in cytokinin signaling
9:55-10:20 周文焜(李传友课题组)
The Arabidopsis AQC1/AtTPST is required for post-embryonic mainten-
ance of root stem cell niche
10:35-11:00 暨国彪(朱立煌课题组)
Functional analysis of a white panicle mutant gene in rice
11:00-11:25 张保才(周奕华课题组)
Functional characterization of a Golgi transporter in rice
11:25-11:50彭永刚 (朱 祯课题组)
Comparison of Transcriptional Profiling and Functional Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Super Hybrid Rice
12:00-13:30 午餐(提交分数表)
13:30-13:55 王 莫(程祝宽课题组)
New roles of Synaptonemal Complex (SC) in rice
13:55-14:20 武晓敏(夏桂先课题组)
14:20-14:45 陶建军(张劲松课题组)
14:45-14:55 茶歇(抽奖、提交分数表)
14:55-15:20 宋显伟(曹晓风课题组)
Role of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 in rice small RNA pathways
15:20-15:45 赵营涛 (王秀杰课题组)
Uncovering small RNAs involved in Brassica napus seed oil production and silique development by deep sequencing
15:45-16:10 刘利静(谢 旗课题组)
An efficient system to detect protein ubiquitination by agroinfiltration in Nicotiana benthamiana
16:10-16:35 韦 伟(陈受宜课题组)
Soybean GmPHD-type transcription regulators improve stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants
16:35-17:00 闭幕式(抽奖、颁奖)