
        由中国细胞生物学会植物器官发生专业委员会、中国植物学会植物生理及分子生物学专 业委员会和JIPB联合组织的“从生态系统到现代农业”国际高端学术研讨会将于2015年6月26 日至27日在兰州大学召开。会议将邀请一批国内外从事植物生物学研究的知名学者,聚焦“从 生态系统到现代农业”相关前沿问题,探讨植物科学的发展前景,展示植物多样性、分子进化、植物生长发育、环境应答等领域的最新成果在现代农业中的应用,促进国内外专家与青年学者之间的互动交流。
        欢迎从事相关领域研究的科研人员和研究生积极报名参加。本次会议限额300人,以收 到注册费先后为序,额满为止。
. 主办和承办单位
        主办单位:  中国细胞生物学会植物器官发生专业委员会 中国植物学会植物生理及分子生物学专业委员会
        承办单位:  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology(JIPB) 兰州大学生命科学学院
. 时间、地点、网站和语言
        时间:2015 年 6 月 26 日–27 日 地点:兰州大学 网站:http://www.jipb.net/jipbsymposiumlanzhou2015语言:英文
. 学术和组织委员会
                许智宏  院士                 (北京大学) 安黎哲  教授   (兰州大学)
                刘春明  研究员              (中国科学院植物研究所) 瞿礼嘉  教授   (北京大学)
                杨维才  研究员              (中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所)
                Leon V. Kochian  教授     (Cornell University, USA)
                William Lucas 教授          (University of California, Davis, USA) 黎   家 教授       (兰州大学)
                贺   萍 (JIPB 编辑部主任) 陈凌凤  (JIPB 编辑)
                刘   彤 (JIPB 编辑) 谭京晶  (JIPB 编辑)
. 会议主题
        1.  分子进化、生物多样性与生态系统
        2.  功能基因组研究与现代农业
. 会程安排
26 June, 2015
8:30-18:00            Registration
Evening Part
Chaired by Prof. Lizhe An (Lanzhou University) and Prof. Chun-Ming Liu (Institute of Botany, CAS, China)
19:00-19:10          Welcome speech, Prof. Cheng Wang, President of Lanzhou University
19:10-19:20          Opening remarks, Prof. Zhihong Xu, Former President of Peking University
19:20-20:00          Keynote speech-1, Prof. William J. Lucas (University of California, Davis, USA)
The plant vascular system functions as a major communication conduit to
integrate gene regulatory networks at the whole-plant level
20:00-20:40          Keynote speech-2, Prof. Kang Chong (Institute of Botany, CAS, China) How does rice sense the cold?
20:40-21:20          Keynote speech-3, Prof. Jiayang Li (Institute of Genetics & Developmental
Biology, CAS, China)
Breeding super rice varieties by design
21: 20-22:00         Keynote speech-4, Prof. Xing Wang Deng (Peking University, China) Hybrid vigor in plants and applications
27 June, 2015

Parallel Session 1: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Morning Part-1
Chaired by Prof. Trevor Wang (John Innes Centre, UK)
8:15-8:30             Introduction, Prof. Yongbiao Xue (Institute of Genetics & Developmental
Biology, CAS, China)
8:30-9:00              Prof. Bao-Hua Song (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA) Climatic   adaptation   in   wild   soybean   (Glycine   soja)   across   its   native geographic range in Northeast Asia
9:00-9:30                   Prof. Yong-Biao Xue (Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology, CAS, China)
Breaking  down  the  reproductive  barriers  to  interspecific  hybridization  in tomatoes
9:30-10:00            Prof. Catherine Kidner (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Understanding the role of herbivore defence in recent radiation of tropical trees
10:00-10:30          Tea break
Morning Part-2
Chaired by Prof. Steven M. Smith (University of Tasmania, Australia)
10:30-11:00          Prof. Hongya Gu (Peking University, China)
Adaptation in periphery populations-taking Chinese Arabidopsis thaliana as an example
11:00-11:30           Prof. Steven M. Smith (University of Tasmania, Australia) Stimulation of seed germination by karrikins from wildfires
11:30-12:00           Prof. Jianqiang Wu (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, China)
Parasitic  plant,  Cuscuta  australis,  transmits  inter-plant  herbivory-induced signals
12:00-13:30          Lunch break
Afternoon Part-1
Chaired by Prof. Jia Li (Lanzhou University, China)
13:30-14:00          Prof. Sa Xiao (Lanzhou University, China)
Facilitation  of  cushion  plant  on  biodiversity  and  functioning  in  alpine ecosystem
14:00-14:30          Prof. Hai-Chun Jing (Institute of Botany, CAS, China)

Genetic control of stem juice volume in sweet sorghum
14:30-15:00          Prof. Christophe Robaglia (CNRS-CEA-Université de la Mediterranée, France)
The TOR signaling pathway in plants: At the crossroad of growth and stress adaptation
15:00-15:30          Prof. Zhongchi Liu (University of Maryland, USA)
Genomic approach in identifying gene networks that regulate strawberry fruit initiation and development
15:30-16:00          Tea break
Afternoon Part-2
Chaired by Prof. Minami Matsui (Riken Genomic Sciences Center, Japan)
16:00-16:30               Prof. Minami Matsui (Riken Genomic Sciences Center, Japan) MOROKOSHI: A Transcriptome Database in Sorghum bicolor
16:30-17:00          Prof. Kurt Fagerstedt (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Changes in gene expression in Arabidopsis hemoglobin transformants during hypoxic stress
17:00-17:30          Prof. Ildoo Hwang (Pohang University S&T, Korea)
Balance of energy redistribution between plant growth and defense response by cytokinins
17:30-18:00          Prof. Hong Ma (Fudan University, China)
Resolution   of   angiosperm   phylogeny   using   nuclear   genes   provides   a framework for understanding biodiversity and evolution of plant development.
18:00-18:20          General Discussion and Closing Remark
Chaired by Prof. Hongya Gu (Peking University, China)
19:00                    Dinner
Parallel Session 2: From Functional Genomics to Agriculture
Morning Part-1
Chaired by Prof. Martin Parry (Rothamsted Research, UK)
8:15-8:30              Introduction, Prof. William J. Lucas(University of California, Davis, USA)
8:30-9:00              Prof. Sanwen Huang (The Institute of Vegetable and Flowers, CAAS, China) Genomics of tomato and cucurbit domestication
9:00-9:30              Prof. Leon V. Kochian (Cornell University, USA)
Investigating root architecture and its role in nutrient acquisition on marginal

9:30-10:00            Dr. Jiping Liu (Cornell University, USA)
An Arabidopsis plasma-membrane localized aquaporin member functions as an aluminum transporter for aluminum tolerance
10:00-10:30          Tea break
Morning Part-2
Chaired by Prof. Christopher Staiger (Purdue University, USA)
10:30-11:00           Prof. Christopher Staiger (Purdue University, USA) Actin stochastic dynamics: How plants cope with insults
11:00-11:30           Prof. Vincent Bulone (AlbaNova University Centre, Sweden) Cellulose biosynthesis in higher plants: Fundamentals and applications
11:30-12:00           Prof. Jianping Hu (Michigan State University, USA)
Discovering new peroxisomal functions: Proteomics, reverse genetics, and agricultural implications
12:00-13:30          Lunch break
Afternoon Part-1
Chaired by Prof. Li-Jia Qu (Peking University, China)
13:30-14:00          Prof. Weicai Yang (Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology, CAS, China)
Turgor regulation during pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis
14:00-14:30          Prof. Zhenbiao Yang (University of California, Riverside, USA) The regulation of tip growth by a subapical pathway
14:30-15:00          Prof. Chung-Mo Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
Alternative RNA splicing as a potential tool for protein knockdown in plants
15:00-15:30          Prof. Qi Xie (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China) Homeostasis of ER-associated protein degradation in plant stress signaling
15:30-16:00          Tea break
Afternoon Part-2
Chaired by Prof. Weicai Yang (Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology, CAS, China)
16:00-16:30          Prof. Philip Becraft (Iowa State University, USA) Endosperm development in corn
16:30-17:00          Prof. Jin-Sheng Lai (China Agricultural University, China) Functional genomics of maize endosperm development
17:00-17:30          Prof. Cong-Ming Lu (Institute of Botany, CAS, China)

The molecular mechanism of photosystem I assembly in Arabidopsis
17:30-18:00          Prof. Martin Parry (Rothamsted Research, UK)
Manipulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism to increase crop yields
18:00-18:30          Prof. Lixin Zhang (Institute of Botany, CAS, China) Retrograde signaling and chloroplast development
18:30-18:45          General Discussion and Closing Remark
Chaired by Prof. Chun-Ming Liu
19:00                    Dinner
. 会议注册
        为确保参会代表之间的充分交流,本会议限定注册代表 300 人,额满为止(以交注册费 先后为序)。注册方式为网上注册,注册费为人民币 1000 元。
        户       名:中国科学院植物研究所 开户银行:工行北京分行海淀西区支行 帐       号:0200004509088100989
        汇款时请注明参会人姓名和“兰州会议注册费”,并请将汇款凭证扫描件和“‘从生态系 统到现代农业’国际高端学术研讨会”通知回执发送至jipblanzhou2015@ibcas.ac.cn
        2、邮局汇款请汇至: 北京海淀区香山南辛村 20 号 中国科学院植物研究所                                   邮编:100093
        JIPB 编辑部  (收) 请在附言注明“兰州会议注册费”及汇款人姓名。
. 会议报告和会议摘要集
        参会人员需向“‘从生态系统到现代农业’国际高端学术研讨会”秘书处提交不超过 500 字的英文论文摘要。摘要包括题目、作者、单位、摘要和关键词,第一或通讯作者的联系方式。提交摘要的截止日期为 2015 年 5 月 15 日,会前将出版会议摘要集。参会代表请将摘要发送至jipblanzhou2015@ibcas.ac.cn(注:提交注册费后摘要方可被会议摘要集收录)。
. 会议食宿

        会议提供 6 月 27 日中餐和晚餐,其他食宿费用自理。
. 会议执行秘书及联系人
        JIPB编辑部:陈凌凤  18600545856 010-62836133    jipblanzhou2015@ibcas.ac.cn
附件  兰州大学附近住宿推荐
(1)兰州东方大酒店: 地址:兰州市城关区天水南路 523 号 电话:(0931)8833555
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        户       名:中国科学院植物研究所
        开户银行:工行北京分行海淀西区支行帐       号: 0200004509088100989 汇款时请注明参会人姓名和“兰州会议注册费”,并请将汇款凭证扫描件和“从生态系统到现代农业”国际高端学术研讨会回执发送至jipblanzhou2015@ibcas.ac.cn
2.邮局汇款请汇到: 邮编:100093 北京市海淀区香山南辛村 20 号
        中国科学院植物研究所图资楼 121 房间 JIPB 编辑部  (收) 请在附言注明“兰州会议注册费”及汇款人姓名。 有意参加者,请于 2015 年 5 月 15 日前发回参会回执。