Protein Disulfide Isomerase PDI-6 Regulates Wnt Secretion to Coordinate Inter-Tissue UPRmt Activation and Lifespan Extension in C. elegans.
    作者: Xinyu Li, Jiasheng Li, Di Zhu, Ning Zhang, Xusheng Hao, Wenfeng Zhang, Qian Zhang, Yangli Liu, Xueying Wu, and Ye Tian
    刊物名称: Cell Reports
    Coordination of inter-tissue stress signaling is essential for organismal fitness. Neuronal mitochondrial perturbations activate the mitochondrial unfolded-protein response (UPRmt) in the intestine via the mitokine Wnt signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here, we found that the protein disulfide isomerase PDI-6 coordinates inter-tissue UPRmt signaling via regulating the Wnt ligand EGL-20. PDI-6 is expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and interacts with EGL-20 through disulfide bonds that are essential for EGL-20 stability and secretion. pdi-6 deficiency results in misfolded EGL-20, which leads to its degradation via ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery. Expression of PDI-6 declines drastically with aging, and animals with pdi-6 deficiency have decreased lifespan. Overexpression of PDI-6 is sufficient to maintain Wnt/EGL-20 protein levels during aging, activating the UPRmt, and significantly extending lifespan in a Wnt- and UPRmt-dependent manner. Our study reveals that protein disulfide isomerase facilitates Wnt secretion to coordinate the inter-tissue UPRmt signaling and organismal aging.