姓  名: 刘小京
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-311-85871748
    电子邮件: xjliu@ms.sjziam.ac.cn
    研究方向: 盐渍化区农业可持续发展理论与技术








    1.Jingsong Li, Huanyu Chen, Kai Guo, Weiliu Li, Xiaohui Feng, Xiaojing Liu*. 2021. Changes in soil properties induced by pioneer vegetation patches in coastal ecosystem. Catena 204(2021)105393.
    2.Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu*. 2021. Reclamation effect of freezing saline water irrigation on heavy saline-alkali soil in the Hetao Irrigation District of North China. Catena,204(2021)105420
    3.Xiaole Kong, Shiqin Wang, Yan-jun Shen, Zhuping Sheng, Xiaojing Liu, Fei Ding. 2021. Quantification of surface water and groundwater salinity sources in irrigated lowland area of North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 2021;35:e14037. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14037
    4.Tabassum Hussain,  Jingsong Li,  Xiaohui Feng,  Hina Asrar. Bilquees Gul, Xiaojing Liu*. 2021. Salinity induced alterations in photosynthetic and oxidative regulation are ameliorated as a function of salt secretion. Journal of Plant Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10265-021-01285-5
    5.Xiaohui Feng, Tabassum Hussain, Kai Guo, Ping An, Xiaojing Liu*.2021. Physiological, morphological and anatomical responses of Hibiscus moscheutos to non-uniform salinity stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 182 (2021) 104301.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104301
    6.K. Guo and X. Liu. 2020. Salt leaching process in coastal saline soil by infiltration of melting saline ice under field conditions. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation , 75 (4) :549-562
    7.Jiu ZQ, Sun HY, Liu XJ. 2020. Thermo-time domain reflectometry to evaluate unsaturated soils contaminated with nonaqueous phase liquids.  Vadose Zone J. 19:e20016.
    8.Tabassum Hussain, Xiaoguang Li, Xiaohui Feng, Jinsong Li, Kai Guo, Bilquees Gul, and Xiaojing Liu. 2020. Soil Respiration and Photosynthetic Carbon Gain on an Abundant Coastal Land After Plantation of Tamarix chinensis. In: Grigore MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17854-3_47-1
    9.Xiaoguang Li, Xiuping Liu, Xiaojing Liu*. 2020. Long‐term fertilization effects on crop yield and desalinized soil properties. Agronomy Journal. First published: 24 June 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20338
    10.Tabassum Hussain, Hans-Werner Koyro, Wensheng Zhang, Xiaotong Liu, Bilquees Gul and Xiaojing Liu*. 2020. Low Salinity Improves Photosynthetic Performance in Panicum antidotale Under Drought Stress. Front. Plant Sci. 11:481. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00481
    11.Xiaoguang Li, Xiaojing Liu*. 2020. Soil Respiration from Different Halophytic Plants in Coastal Saline-Alkali Soils. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2020;29(5):3203–3211.
    12.Xiaogai Wang, Ruibo Sun, Yinping Tian, Kai Guo, Hongyong Sun, Xiaojing Liu, Haiyan Chu, Binbin Liu. 2020. Long-Term Phytoremediation of Coastal Saline Soil Reveals Plant Species-Specific Patterns of Microbial Community Recruitment. mSystems, DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00741-19
    13.Dong, X., Sun, H., Wang, J., Liu, X., Singh, B.P. Wheat-derived soil organic carbon accumulates more than its maize counterpart in wheat-maize cropping system after 21 years.  European Journal of Soil Science. 2020;71:695–705 
    14.Huanyu Chen, Ce Yang, Angyan Ren, Kai Guo, Xiaohui Feng, Jinsong Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Hongyong Sun,* and Jianlin Wang. 2019. The Evapotranspiration of Tamarix and Its Response to Environmental Factors in Coastal Saline Land of China. Water 2019, 11, 2273; doi:10.3390/w11112273
    15.Jingsong Li, Tabassum Hussain, Xiaohui Feng, Kai Guo, Huanyu Chen, Ce Yang, Xiaojing Liu*. 2019. Comparative study on the resistance of Suaeda glauca and Suaeda salsa to drought, salt, and alkali stresses. Ecological Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.105593 (140(2019)105593)
    16.Kai Guo and Xiaojing Liu*. 2019. Effect of initial soil water content and bulk density on the infiltration and desalination of melting saline ice water in coastal saline soil. European Journal of Soil Science. 70(6):1249-1266
    17.Xiaohui Feng, Kai Guo, Ce Yang, Jinsong Li, Huanyu Chen, Xiaojing Liu*. 2019. Growth and fruit production of tomato grafted onto wolfberry (Lycium chinense) rootstock in saline soil. Scientia Horticulturae, 255:298-305
    18.Bingxia Liu, Shiqin Wang, Xiaole Kong, Xiaojing Liu, Hongyong Sun. 2019. Modeling and assessing feasibility of long-term brackish water irrigation in vertically homogeneous and heterogeneous cultivated lowland in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management,211: 98–110
    19.Zhaoqiang Ju & Zhangliu Du & Kai Guo & Xiaojing Liu. 2019. Irrigation with freezing saline water for 6 years alters salt ion distribution within soil aggregates. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(1),1-9.
    20.XH Feng, P. An, K. Guo, X.J. Liu. 2018. Differences in responses of moderately salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive tree species to heterogeneous salinity. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,  62 (3): 589-594
    21.Hongyong Sun, Xiying Zhang, Xiujing Liu, Xiuwei Liu, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen, Jintao Wanga, Xinliang Dong. 2018. Impact of different cropping systems and irrigation schedules on evapotranspiration, grain yield and groundwater level in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 211,202-209
    22.Xiaohui Feng, Ping An, Xiaoguang Li, Kai Guo, Ce Yang, Xiaojing Liu*.Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil water and salinity after establishment of dense-foliage Tamarix chinensis on coastal saline land. Ecological Engineering. 2018(121):104-113.
    23.Xiaohui Feng, Ping An, Kai Guo, Xiaoguang Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Xiumei Zhang. 2017. Growth, root compensation and ion distribution in Lycium chinense under heterogeneous salinity stress. Scientia Horticulturae 226 (2017) 24–32
    24.Kangkang He, Yonghui Yang, Yanmin Yang*, Suying Chen, Qiuli Hu, Xiaojing Liu and Feng Gao. HYDRUS Simulation of Sustainable Brackish Water Irrigation in a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System in the North China Plain. Water 2017, 9, 536; doi:10.3390/w9070536
    25.Xiaoguang Li, Kai Guo, Xiaohui Feng, Haiman Liu and Xiaojing Liu*. Soil Respiration Response to Long-Term Freezing Saline Water Irrigation with Plastic Mulching in Coastal Saline Plain. Sustainability 2017, 9(4), 621; doi:10.3390/su9040621
    26.Yu Qiong, Guo Yuan, Xie Zhixia, Sun Ke, Xu Jin, Yang Ting, Liu Xiaojing*. 2016. Effects of salt stress on tillering nodes to the growth of winter wheat. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 48(5): 1775-1782
    27.Yang lilin, Ding xinquan, Liu Xiaojing*, Li pingman, Eneji A.E. 2016. Impacts of long-term jujube tree/winter wheat-summer maize intercropping on soil fertility and economic efficiency -A case study in the lower North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 75:105-117.
    28.Weiqiang Li, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Ajmal M. Khan, Ping An, Xiaojing Liu, Lam-Son Tran. 2016. Roles of Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid in Regulating Germination of Suaeda salsa Dimorphic Seeds Under Salt Stress. Front. Plant Sci., 6:1235. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.01235
    29.Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu*. 2015. Infiltration of meltwater from frozen saline water located on the soil can result in reclamation of a coastal saline soil. Irrig Sci. 33( 6), 441-452
    30.Y Guo, Q Yu, X Feng, Z Xia, X Liu*. Effect of partial defoliation on the growth, ion relations and photosynthesis of lycium chinense mill. under salt stress. Archives of biological science, 2015: 76(4):1185-1194
    31.ZhiXia Xie, LiuSheng Duan, ZhaoHu Li, XiaoDong Wang, Xiaojing Liu. 2015. Dose-Dependent Effects of Coronatine on Cotton Seedling Growth Under Salt Stress. J Plant Growth Regul, 34(3): 651-664
    32.Weiqiang Li, M. Ajmal Khan, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Xiaojing Liu. 2015. Hormonal and environmental regulation of seed germination in salt cress (Thellungiella halophila). Plant Growth Regul, 76:41–49
    33.Jun Tao, Linhong Wu, Xiaojing Liu, Hua Zhang,Yingjun Xu,Wei Gu*,Ying Li. 2014. Effect of Brackish Ice on Salt and Nutrient Contents of Saline Soil in Flue-Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Amended, Raised Bed Agroecosystem. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1734–1740.
    34.Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu*. 2014. Dynamics of meltwater quality and quantity during saline ice melting and its effects on the infiltration and desalinization of coastal saline soils. Agricultural Water Management 139:1–6.
    35.Zhaoqiang Ju, Xiaona Liu, Xiaojing Liu. 2013. An improved calibration determining soil bulk density with time domain reflectometry. Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 44 (6): 1072-1079.
    36.Jin Xu, Yulong Li, Jianhang Sun, Liguo Du, Yuan Zhang, Qiong Yu, Xiaojing Liu. 2013. Comparative physiological and proteomic response to abrupt low temperature stress between two winter wheat cultivars differing in low temperature tolerance. Plant Biology. 15(2):292-303
    37.Jin Xu, Jianhang Sun, Liguo Du, Xiaojing Liu. 2012. Comparative transcriptome analysis of cadmium responses in Solanum nigrum and Solanum torvum. New Phytologist. 196: 110-124
    38.Jin Xu, Yiyong Zhu, Qing Ge, Yulong Li, Jianhang Sun, Yuan Zhang, Xiaojing Liu. 2012. Comparative physiological responses of Solanum nigrum and Solanum torvum to cadmium stress. New Phytologist 196: 124-138
    39.Yulong Li, Yuan Zhang, Dongqing Shi, Xiaojing Liu, Jun Qin, Qing Ge, Longhua Xu, Xiangliang Pan, Wei Li, Yiyong Zhu, Jin Xu. 2012. Spatial‐temporal analysis of zinc homeostasis reveals the response mechanisms to acute zinc deficiency in Sorghum bicolor. New Phytologist, 200(4):1102-1115
    40.Tao Jun, Gu Wei, Bryan Griffiths, Liu Xiaojing, Xu Yingjun, Zhang Hua. 2012. Maize residue application reduces negative effects of soil salinity on the growth and reproduction of the earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides, in a soil mesocosm experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,49: 46-51
    41.Lina Chen, Hengxia Yin, Jin Xu*, Xiaojing Liu. 2011. Enhanced antioxidative responses of a salt-resistant wheat cultivar facilitate its adaptation to salt stress. African Journal of Biotechnology. http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB
    42.Jin Xu, Hengxia Yin, Lilin Yang, Zhixia Xie and Xiaojing Liu*. 2011. Differential salt tolerance in seedlings derived from dimorphic seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica: from physiology to molecular analysis. Planta, 233(5):859-871.
    43.Li, W., Liu, X., Hanada, A. and Khan, M.A. 2011. Effect of cold stratification, scarification and hormones on germination of dimorphic seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica under saline conditions. ?Seed Sci. & Technol., 39, 82-92  
    44.Weiqiang Li, M. Ajmal Khan, Xiumei Zhang, and Xiaojing Liu*. 2010. Rooting and shoot growth of stem cuttings of saltcedar (Tamarix Chinensis Lour) under salt stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 42(6):4133-4142
    45.Jin Xu, Hengxia Yin, Yulong Li, Xiaojing Liu*.2010. Nitric Oxide Is Associated with Long-Term Zinc Tolerance in Solanum nigrum. Plant Physiology   154(3):1319-1334
    46.Lilin Yang, Fusuo Zhangb, Qiang Gaoc, Renzhao Mao, Xiaojing Liu. 2010. Impact of land-use types on soil nitrogen net mineralization in the sandstorm and water source area of Beijing, China. Catena 82: 15–22.
    47.Xiangjun Li, Ping An, Shinobu Inanaga, Egrinya Eneji and Xiaojing Liu. 2009. Nitrogen accumulation in Soybean Following Defoliation. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32:71-83.
    48.Li, W., An, P., Liu, X., Khan, M.A., Tsuji, W. and Tanaka, K. 2008. The effect of light, temperature and bracteoles on germination of polymorphic seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin under saline conditions Seed Sci. & Technol., 36, 325-338
    49.WEI-QIANG LI, LIU XIAO-JING*, M. AJMAL KHAN AND BILQUEES GUL. 2008. Relationship between soil characteristics and halophytic vegetation in coastal region of North China. Pakistan Journal of Botany 40(3):1081-1090.
    50.W.Li, P. AN and X. Liu. 2008. Effect of storage, stratification, temperature and gibberellins on germination of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda salsa under saline conditions. Seed science and technology 36:122-132
    51.Xiaojing Liu*,Wei Huang, Zhen Niu, Shinsuke Mori, Toshiaki Tadano. 2008. Interactive Effect of Moisture Levels and Salinity Levels of Soil on the Growth and Ion Relations of Halophyte. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(5 & 6 ): 741 – 752.
    52.Zhigang Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Xiumei Zhang, Weiqiang Li.2008. Infiltration of melting saline ice water in soil columns: Consequences on soil moisture and salt content. Agricultural Water Management 95(4):498-502
    53.Yanmin Yang , Zhu Ouyang,, Yonghui Yang, Xiaojing Liu.2008. Simulation of the effect of pruning and topping oncotton growth using COTTON2K model. Field Crops Research 106:  126–137.
    54.Deyu Duan, Weiqiang Li, Xiaojing Liu*, Hua Ouyang, Ping An. 2007. Seed germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa under salt stress. Ann. Bot. Fennci 44: 161-169.
    55.Salman. Gulzar, M.A. Khan, Xiaojing Liu,2007. Seed Germination Strategies of Desmostachya Bipinnata: A Fodder Crop for Saline Soils. Rangeland Ecology & Management 60(4):401-407.
    56.Shaikh Faiza, Gul Bilquees, Li Weiqiang, Liu Xiaojing, Khan M. Ajmal. 2007. Effect of calcium and light on the seed germination of Urochondra setulosa under different salts. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 8(1):20-26.
    57.Yanmin Yang, Xiaojing Liu*, Zhu Ouyang, Yonghui Yang, and Xinli Wang.2006. An optimal staggered canopy system for high yield cultivation of cotton and light distribution in the canopy. Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability III, edited by Wei Gao, Susan L. Ustin, (Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6298 62982G1-11).
    58.Yang Yanmin, Liu Xiaojing*, Li Weiqiang, Li Cunzhen. 2006. Effect of different mulch materials on winter wheat production in desalinized soil in Heilonggang region of North China. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 7(11):858-867.
    59.Salman Gulzar, M. Ajmal Khan, Irwin A. Ungar and Xiaojing Liu. 2005. Influence of Salinity on growth and osmotic relations of Sporobolus ioclados. Pak. J. Bot. 37(1):119-129
    60.Weiqiang Li, Xiaojing Liu, M.Ajmal Khan, S. Yamaguchi. 2005. The effect of plant growth regulators, nitric oxide, nitrate, nitrite and light on the germination of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda salsa under saline conditions. Journal of Plant Research 118(3):  207-214
    61.Li, W. Q., Liu, X. J., Khan, M. A., Kamiya, Y. and Yamaguchi, S. 2005. Hormonal and environmental regulation of seed germination in flixweed (Descurainia sophia). Plant Growth Regulation. 45(3): 199–207.
    62.Xiaojing Liu, Yanmin Yang, Weiqiang Li, Cunzhen Li., Deyu Duan and Toshiaki Tadano.2004. Interactive Effects of Sodium Chloride and Nitrogen on Growth and Ion Accumulation of a Halophyte. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 35 (15&16): 2111-2123.
    63.Deyu Duan,Xiaojing Liu, M. Ajmal Khan and Bilquees Gul. 2004. Effects of salt and water stress on seed germination of Chenopodium glaucum L. Pakistan Journal of Botany 36(4):793-800
    64.Ichizen, N., Nishio, T., Sun, J. Y. and Liu, X. J..2004. Relationship between wheat yield and Suaeda glauca coverage on fields with different soil Na concentrations in China. Weed Biology and Management 4(3): 168-170.
    65.K.R.Reddy, R.R.Robana, Harry F. Hodges, X. J. Liu, James M. Mckinion. 1998. Interactions of CO2 enrichment and temperature on cotton growth and leaf characteristics. Environmwntal and Experimental Botany ,39:117-129
    刘小京,张喜英 主编:农田多水源高效利用理论与实践。河北科学技术出版社。2018年12月,石家庄
    刘小京 王振忠 董文主编,陈素英 左峰副主编:渤海粮仓增产增效新技术。中国农业科技出版社,2017,北京