姓  名: 安调过
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-311-85871746
    电子邮件: andiaoguo@163.com;dgan@ms.sjziam.ac.cn
    研究方向: 小麦染色体工程材料的创制、抗病和重要农艺性状基因/QTL的发掘、精细定位与克隆及分子设计育种。









    发表主要论文 (#共同第一,* 通讯作者)
    1. Han GH#, Liu H#, Zhu SY#, Gu TT, Cao LJ, Yan HW, Jin YL, Wang J, Liu SY, Zhou YL, Shi ZP, He HG*, An DG*. Two functional CC-NBS-LRR proteins from rye chromosome 6RS confer differential age-related powdery mildew resistance to wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2024, 66-81.
    2. Wang J, Han GH, Liu H, Yan HW, Jin YL, Cao LJ, Zhou YL, An DG*. Development of novel wheat‑rye 6RS small fragment translocation lines with powdery mildew resistance and physical mapping of the resistance gene PmW6RS. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:179.
    3. Han GH, Wang Jing, Yan HW, Gu TT, Cao LJ, Liu SY, Li XQ, Zhou YL, Fan JR, Shi ZP, Liu H, Li LH*, An DG*. Development and identification of two novel wheat-rye 6R derivative lines with adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew and high-yielding potential. The Crop Journal, 2024, 308-313.
    4. Han GH#, Cao LJ#, Yan HW, Gu TT, Shi ZP, Li XQ, Li LH*, An DG*. Development and identification of a wheat-rye breeding line for harmonious improvement between powdery mildew resistance and high yield potential.Plant Disease, 2023, 107: 2453-2459.
    5. Han GH, Wang Jing, Yan HW, Cao LJ, Liu SY, Li XQ, Zhou YL, Liu W, Gu TT, Shi ZP, Liu H, Li LH*, An DG*. Development and molecular cytogenetic identification of a new wheat-rye 6RL ditelosomic addition and 1R (1B) substitution line with powdery mildew resistance. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.10.004.
    6. Ma FF, Xu YF, Wang RF, Tong YP, Zhang AM, Liu DC*, An DG*. Identification of major QTLs for yield-related traits with improved genetic map in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1138696.
    7. Han GH#, Yan HW#, Gu TT, Cao LJ, Zhou YL, Liu W, Liu DC*, An DG*. Identification of a wheat powdery mildew dominant resistance gene in the Pm5 locus for high-throughput marker-assisted selection. Plant Disease, 2023, 107:450-456.
    8. Xu YF#, Ma FF#, Zhang JP, Liu H, Li LH*, An DG*. Unraveling the genetic basis of grain number-related traits in a wheat-Agropyron cristatum introgressed line through high-resolution linkage mapping. BMC Plant Biology, 2023, 23:563 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04547-7.
    9. An DG*, Han GH, Wang J, Yan HW, Zhou YL, Cao LJ, Jin YL, Zhang XT. Cytological and genetic analyses of a wheat-rye 2RLditelosomicaddition line withadult plant resistance to powdery mildew. The Crop Journal, 2022, 10(3):911-916.
    10. Han GH, Li HW, Cao LJ, Liu SY, Yan HW, Wang J, Zhou YL, An DG*. A novel wheat-rye 2R (2D) disomic substitution line pyramids two types of resistance to powdery mildew. Plant Disease, 2022,106(9):2433-2440.
    11. Han GH#, Yan HW#, Wang J, Cao LJ, Liu SY, Li XQ, Zhou YL, Fan JR, Li LH*, An DG*. Molecular cytogenetic identification of a new wheat-rye 6R addition line and physical localization of its powdery mildew resistance gene. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:889494.
    12. Jin YL#, Liu H#, Gu TT, Xing LX, Han GH, Ma PT, Li XQ, Zhou YL, Fan JR, Li LH*, An DG*. PM2b, a CC-NBS-LRR protein, interacts with TaWRKY76-D to regulate powdery mildew resistance in common wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:973065.
    13. Jin YL#, Gu TT#, Li XQ, Liu H, Han GH, Shi ZP, Zhou YL, Fan JR, Wang J, Liu W, Zhao H*, An DG*. Characterization of a new splicing variant of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm4 in synthetic hexaploid wheat YAV249. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1048252.
    14. Liu H#, Shi ZP#, Ma FF, Xu YF, Han GH, Zhang JP, Liu DC*, An DG*. Identification and validation of plant height, spike length and spike compactness loci in common wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22:568.
    15. Liu H#, Han GH#, Gu TT#, Jin YL, Shi ZP, Xing LX, Yan HW, Wang J, Hao CY, Zhao MC*, An DG*. Identification of the major QTL QPm.cas-7D for adult plant resistance to wheat powdery mildew. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1042399.
    16. Jin YL#, Shi FY#, Liu WH, Fu XY, Gu TT, Han GH, Shi ZP, Sheng Y, Xu HX, Li LH*, An DG*. Identification of resistant germplasm and detection of genes for resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust from 2,978 wheat accessions. Plant Disease, 2021, 105(12):3900-3908.
    17. Liu H#, Zhang XT#, Xu YF, Ma FF, Zhang JP, Cao YW, Li LH*, An DG*. Identification and validation of quantitative trait loci for kernel traits in common wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:529.
    18. Han GH, Liu SY, Wang J, Jin YL, Zhou YL, Luo QL, Liu H, Zhao H*, An DG*. Identification of an elite wheat-rye T1RS·1BL translocation line conferring high resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust. Plant Disease, 2020,104:2940-2948.
    19. Han GH#, Liu SY#, Jin YL, Jia MS, Ma PT, Liu H, Wang J, An DG*. Scale development and utilization of universal PCR-based and high-throughput KASP markers specific for chromosome arms of rye (Secale cereale L.). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:206.
    20. Ma PT#, Han GH#, Zheng Q, Liu SY, Han FP, Wang J, Luo QL, An DG*. Development of novel wheat-rye chromosome 4R translocations and assignment of their powdery mildew resistance. Plant Disease, 2020, 104(1): 260-268.
    21.An DG*, Ma PT, Zheng Q, Fu SL, Li LH, Han FP, Han GH, Wang J, Xu YF, Jin YL, Luo QL, Zhang XT. Development and molecular cytogenetic identification of a new wheat-rye 4R chromosome disomic addition line with resistances to powdery mildew, stripe rust and sharp eyespot. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019, 132:257-272.
    22. Qie YM#, Sheng Y#, Xu HX#, Jin YL, Ma FF, Li LH, Li XQ, An DG*. Identification of a new powdery mildew resistance gene pmDHT at or closely linked to the Pm5 locus in the Chinese wheat landrace Dahongtou. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(10):2645-2651.
    23. Qie YM, Liu Y, Wang MN, Li X, See DR, An DG*, Chen XM*. Development, Validation, and Re-selection of Wheat Lines with Pyramided Genes Yr64 and Yr15 Linked on the Short Arm of Chromosome 1B for Resistance to Stripe Rust. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(1), 51-58.
    24. Ma PT, Xu HX, Xu YF, Song LP, Liang SS, Sheng Y, Han GH, Zhang XT, An DG*. Characterization of the powdery mildew resistance gene in wheat breeding line 10V-2 and its application in marker-assisted selection. Plant Disease, 2018, 102 (5): 925-931.
    25. Ma FF#, Xu YF#, Ma ZQ, Li LH, An DG*. Genome-wide association and validation of key loci for yield-related traits in wheat founder parent Xiaoyan 6. Molecular Breeding, 2018, 38:91.
    26. Jin YL#, Xu HX#, Ma PT#, Fu XY, Song LP, Xu YF, Zhang XT, An DG*. Characterization of a new Pm2 allele associated with broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance in wheat line Subtil. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 475.
    27. Xu HX#, Cao YW#, Xu YF, Ma PT, Ma FF, Song LP, Li LH, An DG*. Marker-assisted development and evaluation of near-isogenic lines for broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2b introgressed into different genetic backgrounds of wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1322.
    28. Xu YF, Li SS, Li LH, Ma FF, Fu XY, Shi ZL, Xu HX, Ma PT, An DG*. QTL mapping for yield and photosynthetic related traits under different water regimes in wheat. Molecular Breeding, 2017, 37:34.
    29. Ma PT, Xu HX, Li LH, Han GH, Luo QL, Sun Y, Xu YF, Zhang XT, An DG*. Characterization of a segregation distortion locus with powdery mildew resistance in a wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium introgression line. Plant Disease, 2016, 100:1541-1547.
    30. Ma PT, Xu HX, Li LH, Zhang HX, Han GH, Xu YF, Fu XY, Zhang XT, An DG*. Characterization of a new Pm2 allele conferring powdery mildew resistance in the wheat germplasm line FG-1. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:546.
    31. Ma PT, Xu HX, Xu YF, Li LH*, Qie YM, Luo QL, Zhang XT, Li XQ, Zhou YL, An DG*. Molecular mapping of a new powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2b in Chinese breeding line KM2939. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2015, 128(4): 613-622.
    32. Xu HX, Yi YJ, Ma PT, Qie YM, Fu XY, Xu YF, Zhang XT, An DG*. Molecular tagging of a new broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance allele Pm2c in Chinese wheat landrace Niaomai. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2015, 128(10): 2077-2084.
    33. Ma PT, Zhang HX, Xu HX, Xu YF, Cao YW, Zhang XT, An DG*. The gene PmYB confers broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance in the multi-allelic Pm2 chromosome region of the Chinese wheat cultivar YingBo 700. Molecular Breeding, 2015, 35(5): 124.
    34. An DG*, Zheng Q, Luo QL, Ma PT, Zhang HX, Li LH, Han FP, Xu HX, Xu YF, Zhang XT, Zhou YL. Molecular cytogenetic identification of a new wheat-ry e 6R chromosome disomic addition line with powdery mildew resistance. PloS one, 2015, 10(8): e0134534.
    35. Ma PT, Xu HX, Zhang HX, Li LH, Xu YF, Zhang XT, An DG*. The gene PmWFJ is a new member of the complex Pm2 locus conferring unique powdery mildew resistance in wheat breeding line Wanfengjian 34. Molecular Breeding, 2015, 210.
    36. Xu YF#, Wang RF#, Tong YP, Zhao HT, Xie QE, Liu DC, Zhang AM, Li B, Xu HX, An DG*. Mapping QTLs for yield and nitrogen-related traits in wheat: influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on QTL expression. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014, 127(1):59-72.
    37. Xu HX, Zhang J, Zhang P, Qie YM, Niu YC, Li HJ, Ma PT, Xu YF, An DG*. Development and validation of molecular markers closely linked to the wheat stripe rust resistance gene YrC591 for marker-assisted selection. Euphytica, 2014, 198(3): 317-323.
    38. Ma PT, Xu HX, Luo QL, Qie YM, Zhou YL, Xu YF, Han HM, Li LH, An DG*. Inheritance and genetic mapping of a gene for seedling resistance to powdery mildew in wheat line X3986-2. Euphytica, 2014, 200(1): 149-157.
    39. An DG*, Zheng Qi, Zhou YL, Ma PT, Lv ZL, Li LH, Li B, Luo QL, Xu HX, Xu YF. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a new wheat-rye 4R chromosome translocation line resistant to powdery mildew. Chromosome Research, 2013, 21:419-432.
    41. Xu HX#, Yin DD#, Li LH, Wang QX, Li XQ, Yang XM, Liu WH, An DG*. Development and application of EST-based markers specific for chromosome arms of rye (Secale cereale L.). Cytogenet Genome Res, 2012, 136:220-228.
    42. Huang J, Zhao ZH, Song FJ, Wang XM, Xu HX, Huang Y, An DG*, Li HJ*. Molecular detection of a gene effective against powdery mildew in the wheat cultivar Liangxing 66. Molecular Breeding, 2012, 30:1737-1745.
    43. Xu YF, An DG*, Liu DC, Zhang AM, Xu HX and Li B. Molecular mapping of QTLs for grain zinc‚ iron and protein concentration of wheat across two environments. Field Crops Research, 2012, 138: 57-62.
    44. Xu YF, An DG* , Liu DC, Zhang AM, Xu HX, Li B. Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL × treatment interactions for salt tolerance at seedling stage of wheat. Euphytica, 2012, 186(1): 233-245.
    45. Wang RF, An DG*, Hu CS, Li LH, Zhang YM, Jia YG, Tong YP*. Relationship between nitrogen uptake and use efficiency of winter wheat grown in the North China Plain. Crop and Pasture Science, 2011, 62: 504-514.
    46. Xu YF, An DG*, Li HJ, Xu HX. Breeding wheat for enhanced micronutrients. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2011, 91 (2): 1-7.
    47. Wang CM, Zheng Q, Li LH, Niu YC, Wang HB, Li B, Zhang XT, Xu YF, An DG*. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a new T2BL·1RS wheat-rye chromosome translocation line resistant to stripe rust and powdery mildew. Plant Disease, 2009, 93:124-129.
    48. Wang CM, Li LH, Zhang XT, Gao Q, Wang RF, An DG*. Development and application of EST-STS markers specific to chromosome 1RS of Secale cereale. Cereal Research communications, 2009, 37:13-21.
    49. An DG#, Su JY#, Liu QY, Zhu YG, Tong YP*, Li JM, Jing RL, Li B, Li ZS. Mapping QTLs for Nitrogen Uptake in relation to the early growth of wheat. Plant and Soil, 2006, 284:73-84.
    50. An DG*, Li LH, Li JM, Li HJ, Zhu YG. Introgression of resistance to powdery mildew conferred by chromosome 2R by crossing wheat nullisomic 2D with rye. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48: 838-847.