姓  名: 黄勋
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64806559(Lab)
    电子邮件: xhuang@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 脂代谢调控



        1994年获厦门大学学士学位,1997年获中国科学院微生物研究所硕士学位,2003年获美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校 (University of California, Santa Cruz) 博士学位,同年进入美国斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 从事博士后研究。2006年10月起任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员,博士生导师。获得国家自然科学基金委“国家杰出青年科学基金”、创新群体(首席)、重点项目、重大研究计划重点项目;科技部“重大科学研究计划” (首席科学家2007-2012年)、“973”和中科院先导项目等项目资助。担任国家自然科学基金委“糖脂代谢的时空网络调控”重大研究计划指导专家组成员;“十三五”、“十四五”国家重点研究计划“发育编程及其代谢调节”重点专项总体专家组成员。科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”(2016年);,获得中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖(2015年)、中国科学院大学“李佩优秀教师奖”(2020年);《遗传》主编,Life Metabolism副主编,河南天健先进生物医学实验室副主任。



    主要研究发现:利用模式动物,建立研究脂质储积和脂代谢稳态的特定组织细胞系统和分析方法(Liu et al., J Genetics Genomics 2014;Wang et al., BBA-Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids 2019),系统解析脂质代谢调控的分子机制及其所影响组织器官生长、发育、衰老的分子细胞机理。
        脂质代谢调控与发育:发现极长链脂肪酸和胆固醇稳态在精子发育过程中的重要作用(Chen et al., Hum Mol Gene 2010; Ma et al., Development 2010; Wang et al., Dev Bio 2011; Ma et al., Genetics 2012);揭示脂质代谢与生长发育协同调控的分子机制(Xiang et al., Dev Bio 2010; Liu et al., PLoS Genetics 2014; Liu et al., J Genetics Genomics 2019; Yang et al., PLoS Genetics 2019; Chen et al., EMBO Reports 2023)。
        细胞脂质储积稳态调控:发现脂肪组织发育分化中脂滴表面蛋白/脂解酶(Plin, ATGL)、基础转录因子和染色质重塑分子等在脂稳态调节的分子机制(Bi et al., J Cell Sci 2012; Wang et al., PLoS One 2012; Fan et al., PLoS Genetics 2017; Yao et al., Cell Reports 2018; Xu et al., Cell Reports 2021; Zhao et al., EMBO Reports 2022; Xu et al., Diabetes 2023);发现新脂滴蛋白SPDL1-L-Centrin调节视锥细胞脂滴定位(Pan et al., Developmental Cell 2023)。
        脂质代谢疾病分子机理解析:揭示脂营养不良症的致病基因Seipin在脂肪细胞和非脂肪细胞脂类储积调控中的作用机制(Tian et al., PLoS Genetics 2011; Bi et al., Cell Metabolism 2014; Ding et al., EMBO J 2018; Zhu et al., Life Metabolism 2022);发现神经细胞脂解在脂滴稳态维持和神经细胞退变中的作用(Yang et al., EMBO Reports 2020);发现磷脂代谢基因Cds2缺陷导致线粒体功能受损和严重非酒精性肝病(NAFLD)的分子细胞机制(Xu et al., Science Bulletin 2022)。

        许捷思 博士 副研究员;李霞 硕士 助理研究员;王威 学士 高级实验师;王海涛 博士 助理研究员

    陈海洋 (硕博2005-2010,四川大学华西医院,教授);项延会 (博士2006-2010,中科院深圳先进院);王超 (硕博2004-2011, 舒泰神生物制药股份有限公司, 总经理);马志国 (硕博2005-2011, 浙江大学, 研究员);田嫄 (硕博2006-2012, 贵州大学, 副教授);葛庆兰 (博士2008-2012,美国);宋松 (硕博2006-2012, Washingtong University, Staff Scientist);刘元 (硕博2008-2014, 武汉大学, 研究员);毕俊峰 (硕博2007-2014, 复旦大学, 研究员);王金铂 (硕博2007-2015,美国);刘正隆 (硕博2009-2016, Mayo Clinic);范玮 (硕博2010-2017, UTSW, Postdoc);丁隆 (硕博2011-2018, New York University, Postdoc);姚艳 (硕博2011-2018, Columbia University, Postdoc);苏醒 (硕士2015-2019,北京);杨晓 (博士2014-2019,山东第一医科大学, 副教授);杨雷雷 (硕博2013-2019, 北京脑科学与类脑研究中心);赵雪璠 (硕博2013-2021);许梦瑶 (硕博2014-2021, University of Massachusetts, Postdoc);纪媛 (硕士2017-2022,北京);潘慧敏 (硕博2015-2022, UCSF, Postdoc);朱景林 (硕博2016-2022, UCSF, Postdoc) ;陈思宇(硕博2017-2023)


    黄勋实验室发表的文章 (# 通讯作者)
    Representative Publications:
    20. Chen, S., Su, X., Zhu, J., Xiao, L., Cong, Y., Yang, L., Du, Z. and Huang, X.# (2023) Metabolic plasticity sustains the robustness of Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis. EMBO Reports 24:e57440 PMID: 37885348
    19. Pan, H., Qin, Y., Zhu, J., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Huang, X., Lam, S-M., Shui, G., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y. and Huang, X.# (2023) Centrins control chicken cone cell lipid droplet dynamics through lipid droplet-localized SPDL1. Developmental Cell 58: 2528-2544 PMID: 37699389
    18. Xu, J.*, #, Liu, Z.*, Zhang, J., Chen, S., Wang, W., Zhao, X., Zhen, M. and Huang, X.# (2023) N-end rule-mediated proteasomal degradation of ATGL promotes lipid storage. Diabetes 72:210-222 PMID: 36346641
    17. Zhu, J., Lam, S-M., Yang, L., Liang, J., Ding, M., Shui, G. and Huang, X.# (2022) Reduced phosphatidylcholine synthesis suppresses the embryonic lethality of seipin deficiency. Life Metabolism 1:175-189
    16. Zhao, X., Wang, W., Yao, Y., Li, X., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2022) An RDH-Plin2 axis modulates lipid droplet size by antagonizing Bmm lipase. EMBO Reports 23:e52669 PMID: 35132760
    15. Xu, J.*, #, Chen, S.*, Wang, W., Lam, S-M., Xu, Y., Zhang, S., Pan, H., Liang, J., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Li, T., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Ding, M., Shui, G., Yang, H. and Huang, X.# (2022) Hepatic CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 2 deficiency causes mitochondrial dysfunction and promotes rapid progression of NASH and fibrosis.Science Bulletin 67:299-314 PMID: 36546079
    14. Xu, M., Ding, L., Liang, J., Yang, X., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2021) NAD kinase sustains lipogenesis and mitochondrial metabolism through fatty acid synthesis. Cell Reports 37:110157 PMID: 34965438
    13. Yang, L., Liang, J., Lam, S-M., Yavuz, A., Shui, G., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2020) Neuronal lipolysis participates in PUFA-mediated neural function and neurodegeneration. EMBO Reports 21:e50214 PMID: 33034119
    12. Chen, L. #, Chen, X.W. #, Huang, X. #, Song, B.L. #, Wang, Y. #, Wang, Y. # (2019) Regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism in health and disease. Sci China Life Sci. 62:1420-1458 PMID: 31686320 (Review)
    11. Yang, X., Liang, J., Ding, L., Li, X., Lam, S-M., Shui, G., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2019) Phosphatidylserine synthase regulates cellular homeostasis through distinct metabolic mechanisms. PLoS Genetics 15:e1008548 PMID: 31869331
    10. Yao, Y., Li, X., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Chen, J., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2018) MRT, functioning with NURF complex, regulates lipid droplet size. Cell Reports 24:2972-2984 PMID: 30208321
    9. Ding, L., Yang, X, Tian, H., Liang, J., Zhang, F., Wang, G, Wang, Y., Ding, M., Shui, G and Huang, X.# (2018) Seipin regulates lipid homeostasis by ensuring calcium-dependent mitochondrial metabolism. EMBO J. 37:e97572 PMID: 30049710
    8. Zhao, Y.*, Luo, L.*, Xu, J.*, Xin, P., Guo, H., Wu, J., Bai, L., Wang, G., Chu, J., Zuo, J., Yu, H.#, Huang, X.# and Li, J# (2018) Malate transported from chloroplast to mitochondrion triggers production of ROS and PCD in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research 28:448-461 PMID: 29540758
    7. Fan, W., Lam, S-M., Xin, J., Yang, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Shui, G. and Huang, X.# (2017) Drosophila TRF2 and TAF9 regulate lipid droplet size and phospholipid fatty acid composition. PLoS Genetics 13:e1006664 PMID: 28273089
    6. Bi, J., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Huang, X., Jiang, Q., Liu, G., Wang, Y. and Huang, X.# (2014) Seipin promotes adipose tissue fat storage through the ER Ca2+-ATPase SERCA. Cell Metabolism 19:861-871 PMID: 24807223
    5. Liu, Y., Wang, W., Shui, G.# and Huang, X.# (2014) CDP-diacylglycerol synthetase coordinates cell growth and fat storage through phosphatidylinositol metabolism and the insulin pathway. PLoS Genetics 10:e1004172 PMID: 24603715
    4. Bi, J.*, Xiang, Y.*, Chen, H., Liu, Z., Gronke, S., Kuhnlein, R. and Huang, X.# (2012) Opposite and redundant roles of the two Drosophila Perilipins in lipid mobilization. Journal of Cell Science 125:3568-77 PMID: 22505614
    3. Tian, Y., Bi, J., Shui, G., Liu, Z., Xiang, Y., Liu, Y., Wenk, M., Yang, H. and Huang, X.# (2011) Tissue-autonomous function of Drosophila Seipin in preventing ectopic lipid droplet formation. PLoS Genetics 7:e1001364 PMID: 21533227
    2. Ma, Z., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) OSBP- and FAN- mediated sterol requirement for spermatogenesis in Drosophila. Development 137:3775-3784 PMID: 20943709
    1. Chen, H., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) Drosophila models of peroxisomal biogenesis disorder: Peroxins are required for spermatogenesis and very long chain fatty acid metabolism. Human Molecular Genetics 19:494-505 PMID: 19933170
    Other Publications:
    49. Guo, T., Miao, C., Liu, Z., Duan, J., Ma, Y., Zhang, X., Yang, W., Xue, M., Deng, Q., Guo, P., Xi, Y., Yang, X., Huang, X. and Ge, W. (2024) Impaired dNKAP function drives genome instability and tumorigenic growth in Drosophila epithelia JMCB in press
    48. Sun, S., Zhao, G., Jia, M., Jiang, Q., Li, S., Li, W., Wang, Y., Bian, X.*, Zhao, Y.*, Huang, X.*, Yang, G.*, Cai, H.*, Pastor-Pareja, J.*, Ge, L.*, Zhang, C.* and Hu, J.* (2024) Stay in touch with the endoplasmic reticulum. Sci. China Life Sci. in press
    47. Zhu, J., Meng, W., Lam, S-M., Shui, G. and Huang, X.# (2023) Phosphatidylcholine deficiency increases ferroptosis susceptibility in the C. elegans germline. J. Genetics and Genomics 50:318-329 PMID: 36933794 (Cover story)
    46. Chen, X., Li, J., Gao, Z., Yang, Y., Kuang, W., Dong, Y., Chua, G., Huang, X., Jiang, B., Tian H., Wang, Y., Huang, X., LI, Y., Lam, S-M. #, and Shui, G.# (2022) Endogenous ceramide phosphoethanolamine modulates circadian rhythm via neural-glial coupling in Drosophila. National Science Review 9: nwac148 PMID: 36713590
    45. Lam, S-M., Huang, X.# and Shui, G.# (2022) Neurological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection – Lipoproteins and exosomes as Trojan horses. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 33:554-568 PMID: 35613979 (Review)
    44. Zhu, J. and Huang, X. (2022) Endocrine function of pheromones couples fat rationing and nutrient scarcity. Sci China Life Sci. 65:1267-1269 PMID: 35266111 (Highlight)
    43. Yao, Y., Xu, M., Qiao, L., Nie, H., Lu, F. and Huang, X.# (2022) BAP60 plays an opposite role to the MRT-NURF complex in regulating lipid droplet size. J. Genetics and Genomics 49:377-379 PMID: 35196573
    42. Huang, X.#, Lin, X., Liu, F., Wu, G., Yang, Z. and Meng, A. (2022) The rise of developmental biology in China. Development Growth and Differentiation 64:106-115 PMID: 34510425
    41. Chen, S. and Huang, X.# (2022) Cytosolic lipolysis in non-adipose tissues: energy provision and beyond. FEBS J 289 : 7385–7398 PMID: 34407292 (Invited Review)
    40. 刘叶阳*, 许梦瑶*, 李蓬, 黄勋#, 徐俐# (2022) 脂滴与其它细胞器互作调控脂稳态的分子机制。中国科学: 生命科学52:76-94 (Review)
    39. Mak, HY.*, Ouyang, Q.*, Tumanov, S.*, Xu, J., Rong, P., Dong, F., Lam, S-M., Wang, X., Lukmantara, I., Du, X., Gao, M., Brown, A., Gong, X., Shui, G., Stocker, R., Huang, X., Chen, S. and Yang, H.# (2021) AGPAT2 interaction with CDP-diacylglycerol synthases promotes the flux of fatty acids through the CDP-diacylglycerol pathway. Nature Communications 12:6877 PMID: 34824276
    38. Tan, S., Ma, H., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, M., Yin, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Shen J., Wang, D., Banes, G., Zhang, Z., Wu, J., Huang, X., Chen, H., Ge, S., Chen, C. and Zhang YE.# (2021) DNA transposons mediate duplications via transposition-independent and -dependent mechanisms in metazoans. Nature Communications 12:4280 PMID: 34257290
    37.王海涛#, 李亭亭, 黄勋, 马润林#, 刘秋月# (2021) Application of genetic modification technologies in molecular design breeding of sheep/遗传修饰技术在绵羊分子设计育种中的应用。Yi Chuan (遗传) 43:580-600 PMID: 34284989 (Review)
    36. Xu, J.# and Huang, X. # (2020) Lipid metabolism at membrane contacts: dynamics and functions beyond lipid homeostasis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8:615856 PMID: 33425923 (Review)
    35. Guan, L.#, Zhan, Z., Yang, Y., Miao, Y., Huang, X., and Ding, M.# (2020) Alleviating chronic ER stress by p38-Ire1-Xbp1 pathway and insulin-associated autophagy in C. elegans neurons. PLoS Genetics 16:e1008704 PMID: 32986702
    34. Yao, Y.#, Ding, L.# and Huang, X.# (2020) Diverse functions of lipids and lipid metabolism in development. Small Methods 4:1900564 (Review)
    33. Xu, Y., Mak, HY., Lukmantara, I., Li, YE., Hoehn, KL., Huang, X., Du, X. and Yang, H.# (2019) CDP-DAG synthase 1 and 2 regulate lipid droplet growth through distinct mechanisms. J Biol Chem. 294:16740-16755 PMID: 31548309
    32. Gao, M., Huang, X., Song, BL., and Yang, H.# (2019) The biogenesis of lipid droplets: Lipids take center stage. Prog Lipid Res. 75:100989 PMID: 31351098 (Review)
    31. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). EOR-1 and EOR-2 act independently of RAS and WNT signaling pathways in RMED/V neuron specification. microPublication Biology 000140
    30. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). New mutants defective in RMED/V neuron specification are alleles of EOR-1 and EOR-2. microPublication Biology 000139
    29. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). EOR-1 and EOR-2 function in RMED/V neuron specification. microPublication Biology 000138
    28. Liu, Y., Ji, Y., Li, X., Shui, G. and Huang, X.# (2019) Lipid storage regulator CdsA is essential for Drosophila metamorphosis. J. Genetics and Genomics 46:231-234 PMID: 31072795
    27. Wang, W.*, Xin. J.*, Yang, Y.*, Lam, S-M., Shui, G. #, Wang. Y# and Huang, X.# (2019) Lipid-gene regulatory network reveals coregulations of triacylglycerol with phosphatidylinositol/lysophosphatidylinositol and with hexosyl-ceramide. BBA-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1864:168-180 PMID: 30521938
    26. Zhan, N., Wang, C., Chen, L., Yang, H., Feng, J., Gong, X., Ren, B., Wu, R., Mu, J., Li, Y., Liu, Z., Zhou, Y., Peng, J., Wang, K., Huang, X., Xiao, S and Zuo, J.# (2018) S-Nitrosylation targets GSNO reductase for selective autophagy during hypoxia responses in plants. Molecular Cell 71:142-154 PMID: 30008318
    25. Chitturi, J., Hung, W., Rahman, AMA., Wu, M., Lim, MA., Calarco, J., Baran, R., Huang, X., Dennis, JW. and Zhen, M.# (2018) The UBR-1 ubiquitin ligase regulates glutamate metabolism to generate coordinated motor pattern in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics 14:e1007303 PMID: 29649217
    24. Lam, S-M., Wang, Z., Li, J., Huang, X. and Shui, G.# (2017) Sequestration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids of Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larva attenuates eicosanoid biosynthesis for prolonged survival. Redox Biology 12:967-977 PMID: 28499251
    23. Tan, S., Cardoso-Moreira, M., Shi, W., Zhang, D., Huang, J., Mao, Y, Jia, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Shao, Y., Leng, L., Liu, Z., Huang, X., Long, M. and Zhang, YE.# (2016) LTR retrotransposons create transcribed retrocopies in metazoans. Genome Research. 26:1663-1675 PMID: 27934698
    22. Pagac, M., Cooper, DE., Qi, Y., Lukmantara, IE., Mak, HY., Wu, Z., Tian, Y., Liu, Z., Lei, M., Du, X., Ferguson, C., Kotevski, D., Sadowski, P., Chen, W., Boroda, S., Harris, TE., Liu, G., Parton, RG., Huang, X., Coleman, RA. and Yang, H.# (2016) SEIPIN regulates lipid droplet expansion and adipocyte development by modulating the activity of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase. Cell Reports 17:1546-1559 PMID: 27806294
    21. Zhang, B.#, Chen, X., Huang, X.# and Yang, X.# (2016) Research advances on animal genetics in China in 2015. Yi Chuan (遗传) 38:467-507 PMID: 27655312 (Review)
    20. Qi, Y., Kapterian T., Du, X., Ma, Q., Fei, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Dawes, I. and Yang, H.# (2016) CDP-diacylglycerol synthases regulate the growth of lipid droplets and adipocyte development. Journal of Lipid Research 57:767-80 PMID: 26946540
    19. Wang, J., Chitturi, J., Ge, Q., Laskova, V., Wang, W., Li X., Ding, M., Zhen, M.# and Huang, X.# (2015) The C. elegans COE transcription factor UNC-3 activates lineage-specific apoptosis and affects neurite growth in the RID lineage. Development 142:1447-1457 PMID: 25790851
    18. Huang, X.# (2015) A lipid pathway for heat adaptation. Sci China (Life Sciences) 58:727-728 PMID: 26044402
    17. Liu, Z., Li, X., Ge, Q., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2014) A lipid droplet-associated GFP reporter-based screen identifies new fat storage regulators in C. elegans. J. Genetics and Genomics 41:305-313 PMID: 24894357
    16. Zhang, J., Li, X., Jevince, A., Guan, L., Wang, J., Hall, D., Huang, X.# and Ding, M.# (2013) Neuronal target identification requires AHA-1-mediated fine-tuning of Wnt signaling in C. elegans. PLoS Genetics 9:e1003618 PMID: 23825972
    15. Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2013) Lipid metabolism in Drosophila: development and disease. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 45: 44-50 PMID: 23257293 (Review)
    14. Ma, Z., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2012) Membrane phospholipid asymmetry counters the adverse effects of sterol overloading in the Golgi membrane of Drosophila. Genetics 190:1299-1308 PMID: 22234859
    13. Zhou, B., Yang, L., Li, S., Huang, J., Chen, H., Hou, L., Wang, J., Green, C., Yan, Z., Huang, X., Kaeberlein, M., Zhu, L., Xiao, H., Liu, Y. and Han, J.# (2012) Midlife gene expressions identify modulators of aging through dietary interventions. PNAS 109:E1201-9 PMID: 22509016
    12. Wang, C. and Huang, X.# (2012) Lipid metabolism and Drosophila sperm development. Sci China (Life Sciences) 55:35-40 PMID: 22314489 (Review)
    11. Wang, C., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2012) Rab32 is important for autophagy and lipid storage in Drosophila. PLoS One 7:e32086 PMID: 22348149
    10. Zhang, P., Na, H., Liu, Z., Zhang, S., Xue, P., Chen, Y., Pu, J., Peng, G., Huang, X., Yang, F., Xie, Z., Xu, T., Xu, P., Ou, G., Zhang, S. and Liu, P.# (2012) Proteomic study and marker protein identification of Caenorhabditis elegans lipid droplets. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 11:317-28 PMID: 22493183
    9. Yue, W., Wang, H., Sun, L., ……Huang, X., Lv, L., Li, T., Zhao, G., Huang, W., Zhang, X., and Zhang D.# (2011) Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia in Han Chinese at 11p11.2. Nature Genetics 43:1228-1231 PMID: 22037552
    8. Wang, C., Ma, Z. Scott, M. P. and Huang, X.# (2011) The cholesterol trafficking protein NPC1 is required for Drosophila spermatogenesis. Developmental Biology 351:146-155 PMID: 21215267
    7. Tuxworth, RI., Chen, H., Vivancos, V., Carvajal, N., Huang, X. and Tear G.# (2011) The Batten disease gene CLN3 is required for the response to oxidative stress. Human Molecular Genetics 20:2037-47 PMID: 21372148
    6. Fei, W., Shui, G., Zhang, Y., Krahmer, N., Ferguson, C., Kapterian, T., Lin, R., Dawes, I., Brown, A., Li, P., Huang, X., Parton, R., Wenk, M., Walther, T. and Yang, H.# (2011) A role for phosphatidic acid in the formation of “supersized” lipid droplets. PLoS Genetics 7:e1002201 PMID: 21829381
    5. Song, S., Ge, Q., Wang, J., Chen, H., Tang, S., Bi, J., Li, X., Xie, Q. and Huang, X.# (2011) TRIM-9 functions in the UNC-6/UNC-40 pathway to regulate ventral guidance. J. Genetics and Genomics 38:1-11 (Cover story) PMID: 21338947
    4. Xiang, Y., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) br regulates the expression of the ecdysone biosynthesis gene npc1. Developmental Biology 344:800-808 PMID: 20621708
    3. Song, S., Zhang, B., Sun, H., Li, X., Xiang, Y., Liu, Z., Huang, X.# and Ding, M.# (2010) A Wnt-Frz/Ror-Dsh pathway regulates neurite outgrowth in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics 6:e1001056. PMID: 20711352
    2. Chen, H., Ma, Z., Liu, Z., Tian,Y., Xiang, Y., Wang, C., Scott, M. P. and Huang, X.# (2009) Case studies of Ends-Out gene targeting in Drosophila. Genesis 47:305-308 PMID: 19298016
    1. Huang, X.#, Warren, J. and Gilbert, L.# (2008) New players in the regulation of ecdysone biosynthesis. J. Genetics and Genomics 35:1-10 PMID: 18222403 (Review)
    Huang Xun’s Publications during PhD and Postdoc (1997-2006)
    8. Abrams, B., Grill, B., Huang, X. and Jin, Y.# (2008) Cellular and molecular determinants targeting the Caenorhabditis elegans PHR protein RPM-1 to perisynaptic regions. Developmental Dynamics 237:630-639 PMID: 18224716
    7. Huang, X., Warren, J., Buchanan, J. A., Gilbert, L. and Scott, M. P.# (2007) Drosophila Niemann-Pick Type C-2 genes control sterol homeostasis and steroid biosynthesis: a model of human neurodegenerative disease. Development 134:3733-3742 PMID: 17804599
    6. Huang, X., Suyama, K., Buchanan, J. A., Zhu, AJ. and Scott, M. P.# (2005) A Drosophila model of the Niemann-Pick Type C lysosome storage disease: dnpc1a is required for molting and sterol homeostasis. Development 132:5115-5124 PMID: 16221727
    5. Nakata, K., Abrams, B.,Grill, B., Goncharov, A., Huang, X., Chisholm, A.D. and Jin, Y.# (2005) Regulation of a DLK-1 and p38 MAP kinase pathway by the ubiquitin ligase RPM-1 is required for presynaptic development. Cell 120:407-420 PMID: 15707898
    4. Huang, X., Powell-Coffman, J. A. and Jin, Y.# (2004). The AHR-1 aryl hydrocarbon receptor and its cofactor the AHA-1 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator specify GABAergic neuron cell fate in C. elegans. Development 131:819-828 PMID: 14757639
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