姓  名: 李云海
    职  称: 研究员
    电子邮件: yhli@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 植物分子和发育生物学


        1996年河南大学学士,1999年中国农业科学院(中国水稻研究所)硕士,2003年中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士。2003-2008年英国John Innes Centre博士后。2008年9月任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员,博士生导师;2015年“国家杰出青年基金”获得者;2016年入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”。


            植物种子大小调控的分子遗传网络(Li et al., Annual Review of Plant Biology 2019)


    近期发表的论文 * 为通讯作者; #共同第一作者
    Cui G#, Zhai Y#, Li Y#, Zheng L*, Li Y*. (2024) The cleavage of WOX5 by the peptidase DA1 connects cytokinin signaling and root stem cell regulation. Current Biology. S0960-9822(24)01293-4.
    Yan L#, Jiao B#, Duan P#, Guo G#, Zhang B, Jiao W, Zhang H, Wu H, Zhang L, Liang H, Xu J, Huang X, Wang Y, Zhou Y*, Li Y*. (2024) Control of grain size and weight by the RNA-binding protein EOG1 in rice and wheat. Cell Reports. 43(11):114856.
    Shen S, Jiao B, Li Y*. (2024) The CLAVATA signaling: a roadmap to optimize grain shape in rice. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 51(7):677-679.
    Huang K#,Wang Y#,Li Y#,Zhang B,Zhang L,Duan P,Xu R,Wang D,Liu L,Zhang G,Zhang H,Wang C,Guo N,Hao J,Luo Y, Zhu X*Li Y*. (2024) Modulation of histone acetylation enables fully mechanized hybrid rice breeding. Nature Plants. 10(6):954-970..
    Huang K, Li Y*. (2024) Genetic editing of grain size genes enables fully mechanized hybrid rice breeding. Nature Plants. 10(6):844-845..

    Cui G#, Li Y#, Zheng L*, Smith C, Bevan MW, Li Y*. (2024) The peptidase DA1 cleaves and destabilizes WUSCHEL to control shoot apical meristem size. Nature Communications. 31;15(1):4627.

    Jiang S#, Jin X#, Liu Z#, Xu R, Hou C, Zhang F, Fan C, Wu H, Chen T, Shi J, Hu Z, Wang G, Teng S, Li L, Li Y*. (2024) Natural variation in SSW1 coordinates seed growth and nitrogen use efficiency in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports. 43(5):114150.
    Chen Y, Vermeersch M, Van Leene J, De Jaeger G, Li Y, Vanhaeren H. (2024) A dynamic ubiquitination balance of cell proliferation and endoreduplication regulators determines plant organ size. Science Advances. 10(11):eadj2570.
    Bai C, Wang GJ, Feng XH, Gao Q, Wang WQ, Xu R, Guo SJ, Shen SY, Ma M, Lin WH, Liu CM, Li Y, Song XJ. (2024) OsMAPK6 phosphorylation and CLG1 ubiquitylation of GW6a non-additively enhance rice grain size through stabilization of the substrate. Nature Communications. 15(1):4300.
    Zheng L#, Wu H#, Wang A#, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Ling HQ*, Song XJ*, Li Y*. (2023) The SOD7/DPA4-GIF1 module coordinates organ growth and iron uptake in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants. 9(8):1318-1332.
    Wu H, Li Y*.(2023)A molecular link between organ size control and iron uptake in plants. Nature Plants. 9(8):1182-1183.
    Guo X#, Zhang X#, Jiang S, # Qiao X, Meng B, Wang X, Wang Y, Yang K, Zhang Y, Li N, Chen T, Kang Y, Yao M, Zhang X, Wang X, Zhang E, Li J, Yan D, Hu Z, Botella JR, Song CP, Li Y*, Guo S*.(2023). E3 ligases MAC3A and MAC3B ubiquitinate UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE14 to regulate organ size in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 194(2):684-697.
    Li J#, Zhang B#, Duan P#, Yan L, Yu H, Zhang L, Li N, Zheng L, Chai T, Xu R, Li Y*. (2023) An endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation-related E2-E3 enzyme pair controls grain size and weight through the brassinosteroid signaling pathway in rice. The Plant Cell. 15; 35(3):1076-1091.
    Peng Y, Jiang S, Wang J, Xu X, Gong X, Jin W, Song C, Dong Z, Sun S, Li Y, Yu H*. (2023) Control of lateral root initiation by DA3 in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports. 31;42 (1):111913.
    Zheng R, Meng X, Hu Q, Yang B, Cui G, Li Y, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Ma X, Song X, Liang S, Li Y, Li J, Yu H, Luan W*. (2023) OsFTL12, a member of FT-like family, modulates the heading date and plant architecture by florigen repression complex in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 31. doi: 10.1111/pbi.14020.
    Xu R*, Li S*, Li N*, Tsukaya H, Li Y*.(2022) Editorial: Control of plant organ size and shape. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:1067587.
    Wu L, Jing X, Zhang B, Chen S, Xu R, Duan P, Zou D, Huang S, Zhou T, An C*, Luo Y*, Li Y*.(2022) A natural allele of OsMS1 responds to temperature changes and confers thermosensitive genic male sterility. Nature Communications. 13(1):2055.
    Shen L, Li J*, Li Y*.(2022) Resistant starch formation in rice: genetic regulation and beyond. Plant Communications. 3(3):100329
    Jiang S, Wei J, Li N, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Xu R, Zhou L, Huang X, Wang L, Guo S, Wang Y, Song CP, Qian W, Li Y*.(2022) The UBP14-CDKB1; 1-CDKG2 cascade controls endoreduplication and cell growth in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell. 34(4):1308-1325.
    Jiang S, Meng B, Zhang Y, Li N, Zhou L, Zhang X, Xu R, Guo S, Song CP, Li Y*.(2022) An SNW/SKI-INTERACTING PROTEIN influences endoreduplication and cell growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 190(4):2217-2228..
    Nicolas A, Maugarny-Calès A, Adroher B, Chelysheva L, Li Y, Burguet J, Bågman AM, Smit ME, Brady SM, Li Y, Laufs P.*. (2022) De novo stem cell establishment in meristems requires repression of organ boundary cell fate. The Plant Cell. 34(12):4738-4759..
    Wu X, Cai X, Zhang B, Wu S, Wang R, Li N, Li Y, Sun Y, Tang W*. (2022) ERECTA regulates seed size independently of its intracellular domain via MAPK-DA1-UBP15 signaling. The Plant Cell. 34 (10):3773-3789.
    Gu B, Dong H, Smith C, Cui G, Li Y, Bevan MW*. (2022) Modulation of receptor-like transmembrane kinase 1 nuclear localization by DA1 peptidases in Arabidopsis. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. ;119(40):e2205757119
    Duan P, Li Y*. (2021)Size matters: G protein signaling is crucial for grain size control in rice. Molecular Plant. 14(10):1618-1620.
    Hao J, Wang D, Wu Y, Huang K, Duan P, Li N, Xu R, Zeng D, Dong G, Zhang B, Zhang L, Inzé D, Qian Q*, Li Y*. (2021)The GW2-WG1-OsbZIP47 pathway controls grain size and weight in rice. Molecular Plant. 14(8):1266-1280.
    Huang L, Hua K, Xu R, Zeng D, Wang R, Dong G, Zhang G, Lu X, Fang N, Wang D, Duan P, Zhang B, Liu Z, Li N, Luo Y, Qian Q, Yao S*, Li Y*.(2021)The LARGE2-APO1/APO2 regulatory module controls panicle size and grain number in rice. The Plant Cell. 33(4):1212-1228.
    Lyu J#, Wang D#, Duan P#, Liu Y#, Huang K, Zeng D, Zhang L, Dong G, Li Y, Xu R, Zhang B, Huang X, Li N, Wang Y, Qian Q*, Li Y*. (2020) Control of Grain Size and Weight by the GSK2-LARGE1/OML4 Pathway in Rice.The Plant Cell. 32(6):1905-1918.
    Li Y#, Xia T#, Gao F, Li Y*. (2020) Control of Plant Branching by the CUC2/CUC3-DA1-UBP15 Regulatory Module. The Plant Cell. 32(6):1919-1932.
    Li N#, Xu R#, Li Y*. (2019) Molecular networks of seed size control in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 70:435-463. (Invited review)
    Xu R#, Li N#, Li Y*. (2019) Control of grain size by G protein signaling in rice. Journal Of Integrative Plant Biology. 61(5):533-540. (Invited review)
    Peng Y#, Chen L#, Li S#, Zhang Y, Xu R, Liu Z, Liu W, Kong J, Huang X, Wang Y, Cheng B, Zheng L, and Li Y*. (2018) BRI1 and BAK1 interact with G proteins and regulate sugar-responsive growth and development in Arabidopsis Nature Communications. 9:1522.
    Li S#, Xu R#, Li A#, Liu K, Gu L, Li M, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhuang S, Wang Q, Gao G, Li N, Zhang C ,Li Y*, Yu B*. (2018) SMA1, a homolog of the splicing factor Prp28, has a multifaceted role in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis.  Nucleic Acids Research. 46(17):9148-9159.
    Xu R#, Yu H#, Wang J#, Duan P#, Zhang B, Li J, Li Y, Xu J, Lyu J, Li N, Chai T, Li Y*. (2018) A Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase influences grain size and weight in rice. Plant Journal. 95(6):937-946.
    Xu R#, Duan P#, Yu H#, Zhou Z, Zhang B, Wang R, Li J, Zhang G, Zhuang S, Lyu J, Li N, Chai T, Tian Z,Yao S, and Li Y*. (2018) Control of grain size and weight by the OsMKKK10-OsMKK4-OsMAPK6 signaling pathway in rice. Molecular Plant. 11:860-873.
    Li N#, Liu Z#, Wang Z, Ru L, Gonzalez N, Baekelandt A, Pauwels L, Goossens A, Xu R, Zu Z, Inzé D, Li Y*. (2018) STERILE APETALA modulates the stability of a repressor protein complex to control organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics. 14(2):e1007218.
    Li N, Xu R, Duan P, Li Y*. (2018) Control of grain size in rice.Plant Reproduction. 31:237-251. (Invited review)
    Baekelandt A, Pauwels L, Wang Z, Li N, De Milde L, Natran A, Vermeersch M, Li Y, Goossens A, Inzé D, Gonzalez N. (2018) Arabidopsis Leaf Flatness Is Regulated by PPD2 and NINJA through Repression ofCYCLIN D3Genes. Plant Physiology. 178(1):217-232.
    Huang K#, Wang D#, Duan P#, Zhang B, Xu R, Li N, Li Y*. (2017) WIDE AND THICK GRAIN 1, which encodes an otubain-like protease with deubiquitination activity, influences grain size and shape in rice. Plant Journal. 91(5):849-860.
    Duan P#, Xu J#, Zeng D, Zhang B, Geng M, Zhang G, Huang K, Huang L, Xu R, Ge S, Qian Q and Li Y*. (2017) Natural variation in the promoter of GSE5 contributes to grain size diversity in rice. Molecular Plant. 10(5):685-694. 
    Dong H#, Dumenil J#, Lu F#, Li N#., Vanhaeren H, Naumann C, Klecker M, Prior R, Smith C, McKenzie N, Saalbach G, Chen C, Xia T, Gonzalez N, Seguela M, Inze D, Dissmeyer N, Li Y*, Bevan M*. (2017) Ubiquitylation activates a peptidase that promotes cleavage and destabilization of its activating E3 ligases and diverse growth regulatory proteins to limit cell proliferation in Arabidopsis. Genes & Development. 31(2):197-208.
    Wang J, Tang M, Chen S, Zheng X, Mo H, Li S, Wang Z, Zhu K, Ding L, Liu S, Li Y*, Tan X*. (2017) Down-regulation of BnDA1, whose gene locus is associated with the seeds weight, improves the seeds weight and organ size in Brassica napus. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15:1024-1033.
    Li N., Li Y* (2016) Signaling pathways of seed size control in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 33:23-32. (Invited review)
    Chen L#., Peng, Y#., Tian, J., Wang, X, Kong, Z, Mao, T, Yuan, M, Li Y* (2016) TCS1, a microtubule-binding protein, interacts with KCBP/ZWICHEL to regulate trichome cell shape in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics. 12(10):e1006266.
    Xu Y#, Jin W#, Li N, Zhang W, Liu C, Li C*, Li Y* (2016) UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE 14 interacts with ULTRAVIOLET-B INSENSITIVE 4 to regulate endoreduplication and cell and organ growth in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 28(5):1200-1214.
    Wang Z, Li N, Jiang S, Gonzalez N, Huang X, Wang Y, Inze D, Li Y* (2016) SCFSAP controls organ size by targeting PPD proteins for degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications. 7:11192.
    Fang N, Xu R, Huang L, Zhang B, Duan P, Li N, Luo Y*, Li Y*. (2016) SMALL GRAIN 11 Controls Grain Size, Grain Number and Grain Yield in Rice. Rice. 9(1):64.
    Duan P#, Ni S#, Wang J#, Zhang B#, Xu R, Wang Y, Chen H, Zhu X*, and Li Y* (2016) Regulation of OsGRF4 by OsmiR396 controls grain size and yield in rice. Nature Plants.14(11):2134-2146. (Cover story)
    Zhang Y, Du L, Xu R, Cui R, Hao J, Sun C, and Li Y.* (2015) Transcription factors SOD7/NGAL2 and DPA4/NGAL3 act redundantly to regulate seed size by directly repressing KLU expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell. 27(3):620-32.
    Peng Y#, Chen L#, Lu Y, Wu Y, Dumenil J, Zhu Z, Bevan M, and Li Y.* (2015) The ubiquitin receptors DA1, DAR1 and DAR2 redundantly regulate endoreduplication by modulating the stability of TCP14/14 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 27(3):649-62.
    Liu S, Hua L, Dong S, Chen H, Zhu X, Jiang J, Zhang F, Li Y, Fang X, and Chen F. (2015) OsMAPK6, a mitogen-activated protein kinase, influences rice grain size and biomass production. Plant Journal. 84(4):672-681.
    Zheng L*#, Shang L#, Chen X, Zhang L, Xia Y, Smith C, Bevan MW, Li Y, Jing HC. (2015) TANG1, Encoding a Symplekin_C Domain-Contained Protein, Influences Sugar Responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 168(3):1000-12.
    Li N, and Li Y. * (2015) Maternal control of seed size in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66(4):1087-1097. (Invited review)
    Du L#, Li N#, Chen L, Xu Y, L Y, Zhang Y, Li C, Li Y.* (2014) The ubiquitin receptor DA1 regulates seed and organ size by modulating the stability of the ubiquitin-specific protease UBP15/SOD2 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 26(2):665-677.
    Li N, Li Y*. (2014) Ubiquitin-mediated control of seed size in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5:332. (Invited review)
    Duan P#, Rao Y#, Zeng D#, Yang Y, Xu R, Zhang B, Dong G, Qian Q.*, Li Y*. (2014) SMALL GRAIN 1, which encodes a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), influences grain size in rice. The Plant Journal. 77(4):547-57.
    Colas des Francs-Small C, Falcon de Longevialle A, Li Y, Lowe E, Tanz S, Smith C, Bevan M, Small I. (2014) The Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins TANG2 and ORGANELLE TRANSCRIPT PROCESSING439 Are Involved in the Splicing of the Multipartitenad5 Transcript Encoding a Subunit of Mitochondrial Complex I. Plant Physiology. 165(4):1409-1416.
    Xia T#, Li, N#, Dumenil, J, Li J, Kamenski A, Bevan M, Gao F, Li Y*. (2013) The Ubiquitin Receptor DA1 Interacts with the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase DA2 to Regulate Seed and Organ Size in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 25(9):3347-59.
    Peng Y#, Ma W#, Chen L, Yang L, Li S, Zhao H, Zhao Y, Jin W, Li N, Bevan MW, Li X, Tong Y*, Li Y*. (2013)  Control of root meristem size by DA1-related protein 2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 161(3):1542-56.
    Peng Y, Chen L, Lu Y, Ma W, Tong Y, Li Y*. (2013) DAR2 acts as an important node connecting cytokinin, auxin, SHY2 and PLT1/2 in root meristem size control. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 8(6): e24226.
    Fang W#, Wang Z#, Cui R, Li J, and Li Y*. (2012) Maternal control of seed size by EOD3/CYP78A6 in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal. 70(6):929-39.
    Li S#, Liu Y#, Zheng L, Chen L, Li N, Corke F, Lu Y, Fu X, Zhu Z, Bevan M, and Li Y*. (2012) The plant specific G protein γ subunit AGG3 influences organ size and shape in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist. 194(3):690-703.
    Li S, Liu W, Zhang X, Liu Y, Li N, Li, Y*. (2012) Roles of the Arabidopsis G protein γ subunit AGG3 and its rice homologs GS3 and DEP1 in seed and organ size control. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 7(10):1357-9.
    Xu, R and Li, Y*. (2012). The Mediator complex subunit 8 regulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 7(2):182-3.
    Xu R and Li Y*. (2011) Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development. 138:4545-4554. 
    Li Y*, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, and Bevan M.W.* (2008) Control of seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genes & Development. 22:1331-1336.
    Li Y, Smith C, Corke F, Zheng L, Merali Z, Ryden P, Derbyshire P, Waldron K, and Bevan MW*. (2007) Signaling from an altered cell wall to the nucleus mediates sugar-responsive growth and development in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 19: 2500-2515.
    Li Y, Lee KK, Walsh S, Smith C, Hadingham S, Sorefan K, Cawley G, and Bevan MW*. (2006) Establishing glucose- and ABA-regulated transcription networks in Arabidopsis by microarray analysis and promoter classification using a Relevance Vector Machine. Genome Research.16: 414-427.
    Rook F, Hadingham S, Li Y and Bevan MW*. (2006) Sugar and ABA response pathways and the control of gene expression. Plant Cell & Enviroment 29 (3):426-434.
    Li Y#, Sorefan K#, Hemmann G#, and Bevan MW.* (2004) Arabidopsis NAP and PIR regulate actin-based cell morphogenesis and multiple developmental processes. Plant Physiology. 136: 3616-3627.
    Li Y#, Qian Q#, Zhou Y#, Yan M, Sun L, Zhang M, Fu Z, Wang Y, Han B, Pang X, Chen M, and Li J.* (2003) BRITTLE CULM1, which encodes a COBRA-like protein, affects the mechanical properties of rice plants. The Plant Cell. 15: 2020-2031.
    (1) Yunhai Li; Wenjuan Fang; Rongfeng Cui. Methods of Controlling Seed Size in Plants, 2017-7-18, 美国, 9708625 
    (2) Yunhai Li; Wenjuan Fang; Zhibiao Wang; Rongfeng Cui. Methods of controlling seed size in plants, 2019-1-3, 其他国家, AU 2013210859   
    (3) Yunhai Li; Tian Xia; Na Li; Jack Dumenil; Michael Bevan. Methods of modulating seed and organ size in plants, 2019-6-25, 美国, US 10329577 B2    
    (4) Yunhai Li; Tian Xia; Na Li; Jack Dumenil; Michael Bevan. A method of increasing the yield of plants, 2019-7-25, 欧洲, No 119645  
    (5) Yunhai Li; Tian Xia; Na Li; Jack Dumenil; Michael Bevan. Methods of modulating seed and organ size in plants, 2019-10-31, 欧洲, No 033454     
    (6) Yunhai Li; Michael Bevan. Methods of controlling plant seed and organ size comprising manipulation of DA protein expression, 2020-2-18, 其他国家, CA 2702206 
    (7) Xiangdong Fu, Shuansuo Wang, Kun Wu,Qian Liu, Qian Qian, Ke Huang Penggen Duan,Baolan Zhang, Yunhai Li. METHODS FOR INCREASING GRAIN PRODUCTIVITY. 2023-8-15,美国,US11,725,214 B2