姓  名: 张劲松
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64807601
    电子邮件: jszhang@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 植物耐逆的分子机制及大豆功能基因组研究




       乙烯,一种神奇的气体 | 第一部分http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-505988-1070388.html


        乙烯对于水稻的适应性和生长发育具有重要作用。利用水稻乙烯‘二重’反应,即水稻黄化苗的根生长受乙烯抑制而地上部胚芽鞘的生长受到促进,筛选到了一系列水稻乙烯反应突变体mao huzi (mhz)并鉴定了相应MHZ基因。近期我们的研究揭示了水稻乙烯信号转导的新组分和新机制。MHZ1编码一个组氨酸激酶OsHK1,MHZ1/OsHK1可进行自体磷酸化,并通过磷酸传递蛋白OsAHP1和OsAHP2将磷酸基团传递给下游的响应因子OsRR21。乙烯受体MHZ12/OsERS2和其它乙烯受体可以通过其GAF结构域与MHZ1互作抑制MHZ1的激酶活性,进而抑制MHZ1介导的磷酸传递系统。在乙烯存在下,乙烯通过抑制受体功能从而解除了受体对MHZ1的抑制,激活MHZ1介导的磷酸传递和根乙烯反应。E3泛素连接酶MHZ2/SOR1可以与非典型Aux/IAA蛋白OsIAA26结合,通过泛素化降解OsIAA26蛋白,调控乙烯对水稻根伸长的抑制作用。内质网定位的MHZ3通过与OsEIN2蛋白的N端跨膜区Nramp-like结构域结合,抑制OsEIN2的泛素化,稳定OsEIN2蛋白,从而保护OsEIN2蛋白不被蛋白酶体途径降解维持乙烯反应。这项研究强化了OsEIN2的N端跨膜区在乙烯信号转导中的作用。MHZ11编码一个GDSL类型的脂酶,具有脂酰水解酶活性。乙烯处理后,MHZ11可能通过水解磷脂而产生脂肪酸,脂肪酸与甾醇形成甾醇酯,降低了膜上微域(microdomain)的甾醇含量,从而减弱了微域中受体和OsCTR2互作及后者磷酸化,进而启动了下游乙烯信号转导。我们的研究揭示了MHZ11通过影响甾醇代谢平衡及受体-OsCTR2互作和OsCTR2磷酸化来激活下游乙烯信号转导的新机制。
        大豆是重要的蛋白和油料作物,我们致力于鉴定相应的调节基因并研究其在调控大豆油脂等品质和胁迫反应中的功能。这些研究对于改善大豆品质及耐逆性具有重要的实际意义。通过对10个栽培大豆资源和10个野生大豆资源不同发育阶段籽粒进行RNA测序,鉴定了2个栽培大豆特异的基因共表达调控网络。通过比较网络节点基因与相应籽粒性状QTL的重叠性,鉴定出了调控大豆油脂合成的GmZF351,GmNFYA及调控粒重的GmGA20OX基因,其中GmZF351是调控从糖酵解、脂肪酸合成、TAG形成,到油体形成的重要因子(master regulator)。进一步利用源于高油低油材料的RIL群体,通过重测序及QTL定位,鉴定了油脂和粒重调控QTL,并克隆了来源于野生大豆的PP2C-1基因,该基因编码的蛋白通过与GmBZR1互作使其脱磷酸化,从而激活BR途径提高粒重。在栽培大豆中还有约40%材料不含PP2C-1位点,进一步将此位点导入将可能提高大豆产量潜力。



    Li XK, Huang YH, Zhao R, Cao WQ, Lu L, Han JQ, Zhou Y, Zhang X, Wu WA, Tao JJ, Wei W, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Ma B, Zhao H, Yin CC, Zhang JS (2024) Membrane protein MHZ3 regulates the on-off switch of ethylene signaling in rice. Nat Commun. 15(1):5987. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-50290-4.
    Yang Zhou, Yi-Hong Gao, Bao-Cai Zhang, Han-Lei Yang, Yan-Bao Tian, Yi-Hua Huang, Cui-Cui Yin, Jian-Jun Tao, Wei Wei, Wan-Ke Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen, Yi-Hua Zhou, Jin-Song Zhang  (2024) CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE C proteins modulate cell wall establishment during ethylene-mediated root growth inhibition in rice. Plant Cell. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koae195.
    Rui Zhao§, Wen-Ai Wu§, Yi-Hua Huang§, Xin-Kai Li, Jia-Qi Han, Wu Jiao, Yin-Na Su, He Zhao, Yang Zhou, Wu-Qiang Cao, Xun Zhang, Wei Wei, Wan-Ke Zhang, Qing-Xin Song, Xin-Jian He, Biao Ma, Shou-Yi Chen, Jian-Jun Tao*, Cui-Cui Yin*, Jin-Song Zhang* (2024) An RRM domain protein SOE suppresses transgene silencing in rice. New Phytologist, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19686
    Tao JJ, Yin CC, Zhou Y, Huang YH, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2024) The universal and divergent roles of ethylene in rice and some other crop plants under salt stress. Environ Exp Bot, 217: 105555.
    Hu Y, Liu Y, Wei JJ, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2023) Regulation of seed traits in soybean. aBIOTECH 4: 372-385
    Hu Y, Liu Y, Lu L, Tao JJ, Cheng T, Jin M, Wang ZY, Wei JJ, Jiang ZH, Sun WC, Liu CL, Gao F, Zhang Y, Li W, Bi YD, Lai YC, Zhou B, Yu DY, Yin CC, Wei W, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2023) Global analysis of seed transcriptomes reveals a novel PLATZ regulator for seed size and weight control in soybean. New Phytol, doi: 10.1111/nph.19316.
    Huang YH, Han JQ, Ma B, Cao WQ, Li XK, Xiong Q, Zhao H, Zhao R, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Wei W, Tao JJ, Zhang WK, Qian WF, Chen SY, Yang C, Yin CC, Zhang JS (2023) A translational regulator MHZ9 modulates ethylene signaling in rice. Nature Communications 14: 4674. (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40429-0; https://rdcu.be/divuq)
    Hu Y, Liu Y, Tao JJ, Lu L, Jiang ZH, Wei JJ, Wu CM, Yin CC, Li W, Bi YD, Lai YC, Wei W, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2023) GmJAZ3 interacts with GmRR18a and GmMYC2a to regulate seed traits in soybean. J Integr Plant Biol. 2023 Apr 17. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13494.

    Wei W, Lu L, Bian XH, Li QT, Han JQ, Tao JJ, Yin CC, Lai YC, Li W, Bi YD, Man WQ, Chen SY, Zhang JS, Zhang WK (2023) Zinc-finger protein GmZF351 improves both salt and drought stress tolerance in soybean. J Integr Plant Biol. 2023 Mar 3. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13474. 
    Yin CC, Huang YH, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2023) Ethylene-mediated regulation of coleoptile elongation in rice seedlings. Plant Cell Environ. 46(4): 1060-1074.
    Wei W, Tao J-J, Yin C-C, Chen S-Y, Zhang J-S and Zhang W-K (2022) Melatonin regulates gene expressions through activating auxin synthesis and signaling pathways. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1057993. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1057993.
    Yin CC, Huang YH, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Chen SY, Zhang JS. (2022) Ethylene-mediated regulation of coleoptile elongation in rice seedlings. Plant Cell Environ. 2022 Nov 17. doi: 10.1111/pce.14492. 
    Yang Zhou, Biao Ma, Jian-Jun Tao, Cui-Cui Yin, Yang Hu, Yi-Hua Huang, Wei Wei, Pei-Yong Xin, Jin-Fang Chu, Wan-Ke Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen, Jin-Song Zhang (2022) Rice EIL1 interacts with OsIAAs to regulate auxin biosynthesis mediated by the tryptophan aminotransferase MHZ10/OsTAR2 during root ethylene responses. Plant Cell, https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac250
    Lu L, Wei W, Tao JJ, Lu X, Bian XH, Hu Y, Cheng T, Yin CC, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2021) Nuclear factor Y subunit GmNFYA competes with GmHDA13 for interaction with GmFVE to positively regulate salt tolerance in soybean. Plant Biotechnol J, 19: 2362-2379.
    Lu L, Wei W, Li QT, Bian XH , Lu X, Hu Y, Cheng T, Wang ZY, Jin M, Tao JJ, Yin CC, He SJ, Man WQ, Li W, Lai YC, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2021) A transcriptional regulatory module controls lipid accumulation in soybean. New Phytol, 231: 661-678. DOI: 10.1111/nph.17401.
    Zhao H, Yin CC, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2021) Ethylene signaling in rice and Arabidopsis: New regulators and mechanisms. J Integr Plant Biol, 63: 102-125. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13028. 
    邓祝云, 曲乐庆, 巫永睿, 张劲松, 王台. 代谢与作物品质. 中国科学: 生命科学, 2021, 51
    Deng Z Y, Qu L Q, Wu Y R, Zhang J S, Wang T. Metabolism and crop quality (in Chinese). Sci Sin Vitae, 2021, 51, doi: 10.1360/SSV-2021-0223
    Zhao H, Ma B, Duan KX, Li XK, Lu X, Yin CC, Tao JJ, Wei W, Zhang WK, Xin PY, Lam SM, Chu JF, Shui GH, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) The GDSL lipase MHZ11 modulates ethylene signaling in rice roots. Plant Cell, 32(5): 1626-1643.
    Zhao H, Ma B, Duan KX, Li XK, Lu X, Yin CC, Tao JJ, Wei W, Zhang WK, Xin PY, Lam SM, Chu JF, Shui GH, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) The GDSL lipase MHZ11 modulates ethylene signaling in rice roots. Plant Cell, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00840.
    This paper is highlighted in IN BRIEF (doi:10.1105/tpc.20.00218)
    Van Der Straeten D, Kanellis A, Kalaitzis P, Bouzayen M, Chang C, Mattoo A and Zhang J-S (2020) Editorial: Ethylene Biology and Beyond: Novel Insights in the Ethylene Pathway and Its Interactions.Front. Plant Sci. 11: 248. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00248
    Zhao H, Duan KX, Ma B, Yin CC, Hu Y, Tao JJ, Huang YH, Cao WQ, Chen H, Yang C, Zhang ZG, He SJ, Zhang WK, Wan XY, Lu TG, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) Histidine kinase MHZ1/OsHK1 interacts with ethylene receptors to regulate root growth in rice. Nat Commun. 11(1): 518. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14313-0.

    Bian XH, Li W, Niu CF, Wei W, Hu Y, Han JQ, Lu X, Tao JJ, Jin M, Qin H, Zhou B, Zhang WK, Ma B, Wang GD, Yu DY, Lai YC, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) A class B heat shock factor selected for during soybean domestication contributes to salt tolerance by promoting flavonoid biosynthesis. New Phytol. 225:268-283. doi: 10.1111/nph.16104. https://rdcu.be/bSLmf

    Yin D#*, Ji C, Song Q, Zhang W, Zhang X, Zhao K, Chen CY, Wang C, He G, Liang Z, Ma X, Li Z, Tang Y, Wang Y, Li K, Ning L, Zhang H, Zhao K, Li X, Yu H, Lei Y, Wang M, Ma L, Zheng H, Zhang Y, Zhang JS*, Hu W*, Chen ZJ*. (2019) Comparison of Arachis monticola with diploid and cultivated tetraploid genomes reveals asymmetric subgenome evolution and improvement of peanut. Adv. Sci. DOI:10.1002/advs.201901672
    Zheng H, Dong L, Han X, Jin H, Yin C, Han Y, Li B, Qin H, Zhang JS, Shen Q, Zhang K, Wang D (2019) The TuMYB46L-TuACO3 module regulates ethylene biosynthesis in einkorn wheat defense to powdery mildew. New Phytol. 2019 Nov 1. doi: 10.1111/nph.16305. 
    Zhou Y, Xiong Q, Yin CC, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2019) Ethylene biosynthesis, signaling and crosstalk with other hormones in rice. Small Methods. https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.201900278
    Wei W, Liang DW, Bian XH, Shen M, Xiao JH, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Lv J, Chen X, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2019) GmWRKY54 improves drought tolerance through activating genes in ABA and Ca2+ signaling pathways in transgenic soybean. Plant J. 100: 384-398 doi: 10.1111/tpj.14449
    Yin CC, Ma B, Zhao H, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) Screening and Genetic Analysis of Ethylene-Response Mutants in Etiolated Rice Seedlings. Bio-Protocol, DOI:10.21769/BioProtoc.3001
    Yin D, Ji C, Ma X, Li H, Zhang W, Li S, Liu F, Zhao K, Li F, Li K, Ning L, He J, Wang Y, Zhao F, Xie Y, Zheng H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang JS. (2018) Genome of an allotetraploid wild peanut Arachis monticola: a de novo assembly. GigaScience, 7(6): 1-9. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giy066.
    Chen H, Ma B, Zhou Y, He SJ, Tang SY, Lu X, Xie Q, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) E3 ubiquitin ligase SOR1 regulates ethylene response in rice root by modulating stability of Aux/IAA protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115: 4513-4518.
    Ma B, Zhou Y, Chen H, He SJ, Huang YH, Zhao H, Lu X, Zhang WK, Pang JH, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) Membrane protein MHZ3 stabilizes OsEIN2 in rice by interacting with its Nramp-like domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115: 2520-2525. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1718377115.
    Tao JJ, Wei W, Pan WJ, Lu L, Li QT, Ma JB, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) An Alfin-like gene from Atriplex hortensis enhances salt and drought tolerance and abscisic acid response in transgenic Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 8(1): 2707. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21148-9.
    Zhao S, Hong W, Wu J, Wang Y, Ji S, Zhu S, Wei C, Zhang JS, Li Y (2017) A viral protein promotes host SAMS1 activity and ethylene production for the benefit of virus infection. eLife, 6: e27529. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.27529  .
    Yin CC, Zhao H, Ma B, Chen SY and Zhang JS (2017) Diverse Roles of Ethylene in Regulating Agronomic Traits in Rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1676. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01676.
    Wei W, Tao JJ, Chen HW, Li QT, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Zhang JS, Chen SY (2017) A histone code reader and a transcriptional activator interact to regulate genes for salt tolerance. Plant Physiol. 175: 1304-1320.
    How Rice Seedlings Emerge from Soil. The Plant Cell in a Nutshell, by Nancy Eckardt, 
    Xiong Q, Ma B, Lu X, Huang YH, He SJ, Yang C, Yin CC, Zhao H, Zhou Y, Zhang WK, Wang WS, Li ZK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017) Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl/Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings. Plant Cell, 29: 1053-1072.
    Hao D, Sun X, Ma B, Zhang JS, Guo H (2017) Ethylene. In Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants, pp203-241, edited by Li J, Li C and Smith MS. Elsevier Ltd. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128115626000062.
    Pan WJ, Tao JJ, Cheng T, Shen M, Ma JB, Zhang WK, Lin Q, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017) Soybean NIMA-related Kinase1 Promotes Plant Growth and Improves Salt and Cold Tolerance. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1268-1278.
    Lu X, Xiong Q, Cheng T, Li QT, Liu XL, Bi YD, Li W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lai YC, Du WG, Man WQ, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017). A PP2C-1 Allele Underlying a Quantitative Trait Locus Enhances Soybean 100-Seed Weight. Mol. Plant, 10: 670-684.
    Ma B, Zhang JS (2017). Analysis of growth and molecular responses to ethylene in etiolated rice seedlings. Methods Mol Biol. 1573: 237-243. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6854-1_16.
    Li QT, Lu X, Song Q, Chen HW, Wei W, Tao JJ, Bian XH, Shen M, Ma B, Zhang WK, Bi YD, Li W, Lai YC, Lam SM, Shui G, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017). Selection for a zinc-finger protein contributes to seed oil increase during soybean domestication. Plant Physiol. 173:2208-2224.
    Yang C, Li W, Cao J, Meng F, Yu Y, Huang J, Jiang L, Liu M, Zhang Z, Chen X, Miyamoto K, Yamane H, Zhang JS, Chen SY, Liu J (2017). Activation of ethylene signaling pathways enhances disease resistance by regulating ROS and phytoalexin production in rice. Plant J. 89 (2): 338-353.
    张玉芹,陆 翔,李擎天,陈受宜,张劲松 (2016). 大豆品质调控基因克隆和功能研究进展. 中国农业科学, 49 (22): 4299-4309..
    Zhang YQ, Lu X, Zhao FY, Li QT, Niu SL, Wei W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016). Soybean GmDREBL increases lipid content in seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 6: 34307; doi: 10.1038/srep34307.
    Tao JJ, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) Simple methods for screening and statistical analysis of leaf epidermal cells in dicotyledonous plants. Bio-protocol, 6(17): e1916. http://www.bio-protocol.org/e1916.
    赵赫,陈受宜,张劲松(2016)乙烯信号转导与植物非生物胁迫反应调控研究进展。生物技术通报,32 (10):1-10
    Yin CC, Ma B, Wang W, Xiong Q, Zhao H, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) RNA Extraction and Preparation in Rice (Oryza sativa). Curr Protoc Plant Biol. 1:411-418. DOI: 10.1002/cppb.20023
    Pan WJ, Tao JJ, Cheng T, Bian XH, Wei W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) Soybean miR172a improves salt tolerance and can function as a long distance signal. Mol Plant, 9: 1337-1340.
    Lu X, Li QT , Xiong Q, Li W , Bi YD, Lai YC , Liu XL, Man WQ, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) The transcriptomic signature of developing soybean seeds reveals genetic basis of seed trait adaptation during domestication. Plant J. 86: 530-544.

    Tao JJ, Chen HW, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) The role of ethylene in plants under salinity stress. Front Plant Sci 6: 1059. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01059.

    Li ZG, Chen HW, Li QT, Tao JJ, Bian XH, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) Three SAUR proteins SAUR76, SAUR77 and SAUR78 promote plant growth in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 5: 12477. doi: 10.1038/srep12477

    Yang C, Ma B, He SJ, Xiong Q, Duan KX, Yin CC, Chen H, Lu X, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) MHZ6/OsEIL1 and OsEIL2 regulate ethylene response of roots and coleoptiles and negatively affect salt tolerance in rice. Plant Physiol. 169:148-165.

    Wang F, Chen HW, Li QT, Wei W, Li W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Bi YD, Lai YC, Liu XL, Man WQ, Zhang JS, Chen SY (2015) GmWRKY27 interacts with GmMYB174 to reduce expression of GmNAC29 for stress tolerance in soybean plants. Plant J. 83:224-236.

    Tao JJ, Cao YR, Chen HW, Wei W, Li QT, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY and Zhang JS (2015) Tobacco TCTP interacts with ethylene receptor NTHK1 and enhances plant growth through promotion of cell proliferation. Plant Physiol. 169:96-114.

    Yin CC, Ma B, Collinge DP, Pogson BJ, He SJ , Xiong Q , Duan KX, Chen H, Yang C, Lu X, Wang YQ , Zhang WK, Chu CC, Sun XH, Fang S, Chu JF, Lu TG, Chen SY, and Zhang JS (2015) Ethylene responses in rice roots and coleoptiles are differentially regulated by a carotenoid isomerase-mediated abscisic acid pathway. Plant Cell, 27(4):1061-1081.

    Yang C, Lu X, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) Ethylene signaling in rice and Arabidopsis: conserved and diverged aspects. Mol. Plant, 8(4):495-505.

    Cao YR,Chen HW,Li ZG,Tao JJ,Ma B,Zhang WK,Chen SY*,Zhang JS* (2015) Tobacco ankyrin protein NEIP2 interacts with ethylene receptor NTHK1 and regulates plant growth and stress responses. Plant Cell Physiol. 56(4):803-818. http://pcp.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/pcv009?ijkey=Q0jKv1hTwamHNBn&keytype=ref

    Wei W, Zhang YQ, Tao JJ, Chen HW, Li QT, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Zhang JS*, Chen SY* (2015) The Alfin-like homeodomain finger protein AL5 suppresses multiple negative factors to confer abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 81:871-883.

    Wei W, Li QT, Chu YN, Reiter RJ, Yu XM, Zhu DH, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Zhang JS*, Chen SY* (2015) Melatonin enhances plant growth and abiotic stress tolerance in soybean plants. J. Exp. Bot. 66:695-707
    Wang XH, Li QT, Chen HW, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY*, Zhang JS* (2014) Trihelix transcription factor GT-4 mediates salt tolerance via interaction with TEM2 in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology, 14:339. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-014-0339-7

    Ma B, Yin CC, He SJ, Lu X, Zhang WK, Lu TG, Chen SY*, Zhang JS* (2014) Ethylene-induced inhibition of root growth requires abscisic acid function in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. PLoS Genet 10(10): e1004701. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004701
    Ma B, Chen H, Chen SY and Zhang JS (2014) Roles of ethylene in plant growth and responses to stresses. In: L.-S.P. Tran and S. Pal (eds.), Phytohormones: A Window to Metabolism, Signaling and Biotechnological Applications, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-0491-4_4, pp81-118. Springer Science + Business Media, New York 2014
    Liu YF, Li QT, Lu X, Song QX, Lam SM, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Man WQ, Du WG, Shui GH, Chen SY, Zhang JS. (2014) Soybean GmMYB73 promotes lipid accumulation in transgenic plants. BMC Plant Biol. 14: 73. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/14/73
    Chen LJ, Wuriyanghan H, Zhang YQ, Duan KX, Chen HW, Li QT, Lu X, He SJ, Ma B, Zhang WK, Lin Q, Chen SY* and Zhang JS* (2013). An S-domain receptor-like kinase OsSIK2 confers abiotic stress tolerance and delays dark-induced leaf senescence in rice. Plant Physiol. 163: 1752-1765.
    Song QX, Lu X, Li QT, Chen H, Hu XY, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY*, Zhang JS* (2013) Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in soybean. Mol. Plant 6: 1961-1974.
    Song QX, Li QT, Liu YF , Zhang FX, Ma B, Zhang WK, Man WQ, Du WG , Wang GD, Chen SY*, Zhang JS* (2013) Soybean GmbZIP123 gene enhances lipid content in the seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. J. Exp. Bot.64: 4329-4341.
    Ma B, He SJ, Duan KX, Yin CC, Chen H, Yang C, Xiong Q, Song QX, Lu X, Chen HW, Zhang WK, Lu TG, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2013) Identification of rice ethylene-response mutants and characterization of MHZ7/OsEIN2 in distinct ethylene response and yield trait regulation. Molecular Plant 6: 1830-1848.
    Zou HF,Zhang YQ,Wei W,Chen HW,Song QX,Liu YF,Zhao MY,Fang F,Zhang BC,Lin Q,Zhang WK,Ma B,Zhou YH,Zhang JS*,Chen SY* (2013)Transcription factor AtDOF4.2 regulates shoot branching and seed coat formation in Arabidopsis. Biochem. J. 449: 373-388.
    Wu HJ, Zhang Z, Wang JY, Oh DH, Dassanayake M, Liu B, Huang Q, Sun HX, Xia R, Wu Y, Wang YN, Yang Z, Liu Y, Zhang W, Zhang H, Chu J, Yan C, Fang S, Zhang JS, Wang Y, Zhang F, Wang G, Lee SY, Cheeseman JM, Yang B, Li B, Min J, Yang L, Wang J, Chu C, Chen SY, Bohnert HJ, Zhu JK, Wang XJ, Xie Q (2012) Insights into salt tolerance from the genome of Thellungiella salsuginea. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109(30): 12219-12224.
    Niu CF, Wei W, Zhou QY, Tian AG, Hao YJ, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Zhang ZB*, Zhang JS*, Chen SY* (2012) Wheat WRKY genes TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19 regulate abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell Environ. 35: 1156-1170.
    Zhang, B., Chen, H.W., Mu, R.L., Zhang, W.K., Zhao, M.Y., Wei, W., Wang, F., Yu, H., Lei, G., Zou, H.F., Ma, B., Chen, S.Y., and Zhang, J.S. (2011). NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 68: 830-843.
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