43. Y. Liu*, B. Jiao*, W. Qian# (2024) Synthetic gene drives in plants: development strategies, potential applications, and ethical considerations. Modern Agriculture. 2, e30
42. Y. Liu*, B. Jiao, J. Champer, W. Qian# (2024) Overriding Mendelian inheritance in Arabidopsis with a CRISPR toxin-antidote gene drive that impairs pollen germination. Nature Plants. 10, 910–922.
-Commented by P. Neve, L. Barrett (2024) Driving evolution in wild plants. Nature Plants. 10, 840–841
41. W. Yu*, S. Zhang*, S. Zhao, L.-G Chen, J. Cao, H. Ye, J. Yan, Q. Zhao, B. Mo, Y. Wang, Y. Jiao, Y. Ma, X. Huang, W. Qian#, J. Dai# (2024) Designing a synthetic moss genome using GenoDesigner. Nature Plants. 10, 848–856
40. L.-G Chen*, T. Lan*, S. Zhang*, M. Zhao*, G. Luo, Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, Q. Du, H. Lu, B. Li, B. Jiao, Z. Hu, Y. Ma, Q. Zhao, Y. Wang#, W. Qian#, J. Dai#, Y. Jiao# (2024) A designer synthetic chromosome fragment functions in moss. Nature Plants. 10, 228-239.
39. J. Wang*, G. Zhang*, W. Qian#, K. Li# (2023) Decoding the heterogeneity and specialized function of translation machinery through ribosome profiling in yeast mutants of initiation factors. Advanced Biology. 8, e2300494.
38. J. Kong*, S. Zhang, W. Qian, K. Li# (2023) Synonymous somatic mutations that alter proximal out-of-frame downstream ATGs are associated with aberrant gene expression levels in cancer cells. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 50, 447-449.
37. B. Sun*, Y. Wang*, Q. Yang*, H. Gao, H. Niu, Y. Li, Q. Ma, Q. Huan, W. Qian#, B. Ren# (2023) A high-resolution transcriptomic atlas depicting nitrogen fixation and nodule development in soybean. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 65, 1536-1552
36. K. Li*, J. Kong*, S. Zhang*, T. Zhao, W. Qian# (2022) Distance-dependent inhibition of translation initiation by downstream out-of-frame AUGs is consistent with a Brownian ratchet process of ribosome scanning. Genome Biology. 23, 254
35. C. Wei*, K.-J Shan*, W. Wang*, S. Zhang, Q. Huan#, and W. Qian# (2021) Evidence for a mouse origin of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 48, 1111-1121
34. K.-J Shan*, C. Wei*, Q. Huan#, and W. Qian# (2021) Host-specific asymmetric accumulation of mutation types reveals that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is consistent with a natural process. The Innovation. 2, 100159
-Highlighted in One Health Collection by Cell Press (https://www.cell.com/reviews/collections/onehealth_2021)
33. W. Luo*, Q. Huan*, Y. Xu, W. Qian, K. Chong#, J. Zhang# (2021) Integrated global analysis reveals a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network, downstream of COLD1, underlying rice chilling tolerance divergence. Cell Report. 36, 109397
32. Q. Zhang, Z. Wang, W. Zhang, Q. Wen, X. Li, J. Zhou, X. Wu, Y. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Wei, W. Qian, Y. Tian# (2021) The memory of neuronal mitochondrial stress is inherited transgenerationally via elevated mitochondrial DNA levels. Nature Cell Biology. 23, 870-880
31. Y. Wang*, Q. Huan*#, K. Li, W. Qian# (2021) Single-cell transcriptome atlas of the leaf and root of rice seedlings. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 48:881-898
30. Q. Wang, Q. Su, J. Nian, J. Zhang, M. Guo, G. Dong, J. Hu, R. Wang, C. Wei, G. Li, W. Wang, H. Guo, S. Lin, W. Qian, X. Xie, Q. Qian, F. Chen# and J. Zuo# (2021) The Ghd7 Transcription Factor Represses the ARE1 Expression to Enhance Nitrogen Utilization and Grain Yield in Rice. Molecular Plant. 14, 1-12
29. C. Wei*, Y.-M. Chen*, Y. Chen# and W. Qian# (2021) The Missing Expression Level-Evolutionary Rate Anticorrelation in Viruses Does Not Support Protein Function as a Main Constraint on Sequence Evolution. Genome Biol. Evol. 13, 4
28. W. Qian# and J. Zhang# (2021) Codon usage bias and nuclear mRNA concentration: Correlation vs. causation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 118, No. 20 e2104714118
27. T. Zhao* #, Y. Chen*, Y. Li*, J. Wang, S. Chen, N. Gao#, and W. Qian# (2021) Disome-seq reveals widespread ribosome collisions that promote cotranslational protein folding. Genome Biology. 22:16 (35 pages).
26. 肇涛澜#,张硕,钱文峰# (2020)翻译延伸的顺式调控机理与生物学效应,《遗传》 42(7),613-631
25. Y. Chen, K. Shan, and W. Qian# (2020) Asians do not exhibit elevated expression or unique genetic polymorphisms for ACE2, the cell-entry receptor of SARS-CoV-2. Preprints. doi: 10.20944/preprints202002.0258.v2
24. Y. Chen* #, K. Li*, X. Chu, L.B. Carey, and W. Qian# (2019) Synchronized replication of genes encoding the same protein complex in fast-proliferating cells. Genome Research. 29, 1929-1938.
23. T. Zhao*, Q. Huan*, J. Sun*, C. Liu*, X. Hou, X. Yu, I. Silverman, Y. Zhang,B. Gregory, C. Liu, W. Qian# and X. Cao# (2019) Impact of poly(A)-tail G-content on Arabidopsis PAB binding and their role in enhancing translational efficiency. Genome Biology 20(1):189 (12 pages).
22. Y. Chen, S. Chen, K. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Huang, T. Li, S. Wu, Y. Wang, L.B. Carey# and W. Qian# (2019) Overdosage of balanced protein complexes reduces proliferation rate in aneuploid cells. Cell Systems 9, 129-142 e125. (Featured Article)
21. J. Zhou, X. Wang, M. Wang, Y. Chang, F. Zhang, Z. Ban, R. Tang, Q. Gan, S. Wu, Y. Guo, Q. Zhang, F. Wang, L. Zhao, Y. Jing , W. Qian , G. Wang, W. Guo# , C. Yang# (2018) The lysine catabolite saccharopine impairs development by disrupting mitochondrial homeostasis. The Journal of Cell Biology 218 (2): 580.
20. C. Duan*, Q. Huan*, X. Chen*, S. Wu, L.B. Carey, X. He and W. Qian# (2018) Reduced intrinsic DNA curvature leads to increased mutation rate. Genome Biology 19(1):132 (18 pages).
19. Q. Huan*, Y. Zhang*, S. Wu, and W. Qian# (2018) HeteroMeth: A Database of Cell-to-cell Heterogeneity in DNA Methylation. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics.16 (4), 234-243.
18. Y. Yang*, W. Cao*, S. Wu, and W. Qian# (2017) Genetic interaction network as an important determinant of gene order in genome evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (12), 3254-3266.
17. Y. Han*, X. Chu*, H. Yu, Y.-K. Ma, X.-J. Wang, W. Qian#, and Y. Jiao# (2017) Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals widespread monoallelic gene expression in individual rice mesophyll cells. Science Bulletin 62 (19), 1304-1314.
16. S. Chen, K. Li, W. Cao, J. Wang, T. Zhao, Q. Huan, Y.-F. Yang, S. Wu, and W. Qian# (2017) Codon-resolution analysis reveals a direct and context-dependent impact of individual synonymous mutations on mRNA level. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (11), 2944-2958.
15. Y. Yang*, X. Zhang*, X. Ma*, T. Zhao*,Q. Sun, Q. Huan, S. Wu, Z. Du#, and W. Qian# (2017) Trans-splicing enhances translational efficiency in C. elegans. Genome Research. 27(9):1525-1535
14. S. Wu*,# , K. Li*, Y. Li, T. Zhao, T. Li, Y. Yang, W. Qian# (2017) Independent regulation of gene expression level and noise by histone modifications. PLoS Computational Biology 13 (6): e1005585.
13. B. Zhang*, S. Wu*, Y. Zhang, T. Xu, F. Guo, H. Tang, X. Li, P. Wang, W. Qian, and Y. Xue (2016) A high temperature-dependent mitochondrial lipase EXTRA GLUME1 promotes floral phenotypic robustness against temperature fluctuation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLoS Genetics 12 (7):e1006152. (*, equal contributions)
12. C. Li, W. Qian, C. J. Maclean and J. Zhang (2016) The fitness landscape of a tRNA gene. Science. 352(6287):837-40
11. W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2014) Genomic evidence for adaptation by gene duplication. Genome Research 24:1356-1362.
10. C. Park, W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2012) Genomic evidence for elevated mutation rates in highly expressed genes. EMBO Reports 13:1123-1129.
9. W. Qian, D. Ma, C. Xiao, Z. Wang, and J. Zhang (2012) The genomic landscape and evolutionary resolution of antagonistic pleiotropy in yeast. Cell Reports, 2:1399-1410.
8. W. Qian, J.-R. Yang, N. M. Pearson, C. Maclean, and J. Zhang (2012) Balanced codon usage optimizes eukaryotic translational efficiency. PLoS Genetics 8(3): e1002603.
7. W. Qian, X. He, E. Chan, H. Xu, and J. Zhang (2011) Measuring the evolutionary rate of protein-protein interaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:8725-8730.
6. W. Qian*, B.-Y. Liao*, A. Y.-F. Chang, and J. Zhang (2010) Maintenance of duplicate genes and their functional redundancy by reduced expression. Trends in Genetics 26:425-430. (*, equal contributions)
5. X. He*, W. Qian*, Z. Wang*, Y. Li, and J. Zhang (2010) Prevalent positive epistasis in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networks. Nature Genetics 42:272-276. (*, equal contributions)
4. Z. Zhang, W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2009) Positive selection for elevated gene expression noise in yeast. Molecular Systems Biology 5:299 (12 pages).
3. W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2009) Protein subcellular relocalization in the evolution of yeast singleton and duplicate genes. Genome Biology and Evolution 1:198-204.
2. W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2008) Gene dosage and gene duplicability. Genetics 179:2319-2324.
1. W. Qian, and J. Zhang (2008) Evolutionary dynamics of nematode operons: easy come, slow go. Genome Research 18:412-421.