姓  名: 郭伟翔
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 010-64806257 (office); 010-64806273 (lab)
    电子邮件: wxguo@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 神经干细胞与神经发生


            2014年 任中国科学院遗传发育所研究员


            衰老以及中枢神经系统疾病 (如神经退行性疾病和神经发育疾病) 都会引起神经发生的异常。我们实验室着重研究神经干细胞和神经发生的细胞分子机制,以及它们在神经退行性疾病和神经发育疾病的发生机制,从而为这些疾病的预防和治疗提供理论据。
            王敏 (工程师)
            刘强 (助理工程师)
            周星 (助理研究员)
            罗行 (2023)
            申旭宁 (2017) 梁子琦 (2018) 闫健菲 (2019) 吴俊杰 (2020)
            李志敏 (2019) 秦德哲 (2021)
            汤常永 (2018年国家奖学金/2018年振声奖学金/博士)
            邢如晓 (2018年国家奖学金/博士)
            郭野 (2019年 益海嘉里优秀博士后)
            陈旭  (硕士2013-2016)  汤常永 (博士 2015-2018) 王玉晗 (博士 2014-2019) 邢如晓 (硕博 2013-2019)  韩秀 (硕博 2014-2021) 席颖颖 (硕士 2018-2021) 刘英浩 (硕博 2015-2022) 罗行 (硕博 2016-2023) 王磊 (硕博 2016-2023) 徐铭悦 (硕博 2017-2023)


    1. Luo X, Dai M, Wang M, Wang X, Guo W*. Functional heterogeneity of Wnt-responsive and Hedgehog-responsive neural stem cells in the murine adult hippocampus. Dev Cell. 2023; DIO: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.07.021.
    2. Xu M, Guo Y, Wang M, Luo X, Shen X, Li Z, Wang L, Guo W*. L-arginine homeostasis governs adult neural stem cell activation by modulating energy metabolism in vivo. EMBO J. 2023; 42: e112647.
    3. Liu Y, Wang M, Guo Y, Wang L, Guo W*. D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase governs adult neural stem cell activation and promotes histone acetylation via ATP-citrate lyase. Cell Rep. 2023; 42(2):112067.
    4. Guo Y, Wu J, Wang M, Wang X, Jian Y, Yang C, Guo W*. The metabolite saccharopine impairs neuronal development by inhibiting the neurotrophic function of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase. J Neurosci. 2022; 42(13):2631-2646. (Featured Research)
    5. Han X, Shen X, Wang M, Wang X, Jian Y, Yang C, Guo W*. Loss of RNA-Binding Protein HuR Leads to Defective Ependymal Cells and Hydrocephalus. J Neurosci. 2022; 42(2):202-219.
    6. Xing R, Zhou H, Jian Y, Li L, Wang M, Liu N, Yin Q, Liang Z, Guo W*, Yang C*. The Rab7 effector WDR91 promotes autophagy-lysosome degradation in neurons by regulating lysosome fusion. J. Cell Biol. 2021; 220(8):e202007061.
    7. Zhang B, Wang L, Zhan A, Wang M, Tian L*, Guo W*, Pan Y. Long-term exposure to a hypomagenetic field attenuates adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition. Nat. Commun. 2021; 12 (1):1174. (Featured Article)
    8. Wang M, Tang C, Xing R, Liu X, Han X, Liu Y, Wang L, Yang C*, Guo W*. WDR81 regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis through endosomal SARA-TGFβ signaling. Mol. Psychiatry. 2021; 26(2):694-709.
    9. Zhao Y, He X, Song Z, Guo Y, Zhang Y, Yu H, He Z, Xiong W, Guo W*, Zhu X*. Human antigen R-regulated mRNA metabolism promotes the cell motility of migrating neurons. Development. 2020. 147 (6):dev183509.
    10.Wang Y, Guo Y, Tang C, Han X, Xu M, Sun J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wang M, Cao X, Zhu X,  Guo W*. Developmental Cytoplasmic-to-Nuclear Translocation of RNA-Binding Protein HuR Is Required for Adult Neurogenesis. Cell Rep. 2019. 29 (10): 3101-3117.
    11.Wang J, Cui Y, Yu Z, Wang W, Cheng X, Ji W, Guo S, Zhou Q, Wu N, Chen Y, Chen Y, Song X, Jiang H, Wang Y, Lan Y, Zhou B, Mao L, Li J, Yang H*, Guo W*, Yang X*. Brain Endothelial Cells Maintain Lactate Homeostasis and Control Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2019. 25(6):754-767.
    (Preview: Sensing the Environment: Extracellular Lactate Levels Control Adult Neurogenesis. Scandella V. and Knobloch M. 2019. Cell Stem Cell. 25(6):729-731)
    12.Zhou J, Wang X, Wang M, Chang Y, Zhang F, Ban Z, Tang R, Gan Q, Wu S, Guo Y, Zhang Q, Wang F, Zhao L, Jing Y, Qian W, Wang G, Guo W*, Yang C*. The lysine catabolite saccharopine impairs development by disrupting mitochondrial homeostasis. J. Cell Biol. 2019; 218(2):580-597.
    (Spotlight: Saccharopine, a lysine degradation intermediate, is a mitochondrial toxin. Leandro J. and Houten SM. 2019; J. Cell Biol. 2018(2):391-392.)
    13.Tang C, Wang M, Wang P, Wang L, Wu Q, Guo W*. Neural Stem Cells Behave as a Functional Niche for the Maturation of Newborn Neurons through the Secretion of PTN. Neuron. 2019; 101(1):32-44.
    (Preview: Interactive Regulation of Neuronal Development by Hippocampal Stem Cell Niche Populations. LeBelle J. and Kornblum H. 2019. Neuron. 101(1):1-2.)
    14.Liu K, Xing R, Jian Y, Gao Z, Ma X, Sun X, Li Y, Xu M, Wang X, Jing Y, Guo W*, Yang C*, WDR91 is a Rab7 effector required for neuronal development. J. Cell Biol. 2017; 216(10):3307-3321.
    (Spotlight: A new Rab7 effector controls phosphoinositide conversion in endosome maturation. Casanova J. and Winckler B. 2017. J. Cell Biol. 216(10): 2995-2997)
    15.Liu X, Yang Li, Wang X, Xing R, Liu K, Gan Q, Tang C, Gao Z, Jian Y, Luo S, Guo W*, Yang C*, The Beach-containing protein WDR81 coordinates p62 and LC3C to promote aggrephagy. J. Cell Biol. 2017; 216(5):1301-1320.
    16.Wang F, Tidei JJ, Polich ED, Gao Y, Zhao H, Perrone-Bizzozero NI*, Guo W*, Zhao X*. Positive feedback between RNA-binding protein HuD and transcription factor SATB1 promotes neurogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 2015; 112(36):E4995-5004.