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3) Zhu F.# , Cusumano A.#, Bloem J., Weldegergis B.T., Villela A., Fatouros N.E., van Loon J.J.A., Dicke M., Harvey J.A., Vogel H., Poelman E.H. *(2018) . Symbiotic polydnavirus and venom reveal parasitoid to its hyperparasitoids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 115(20):5205-5210.
4) Cusumano A.*, Zhu F., Volkoff A.N., Verbaarschot P., Bloem J., Vogel H., Dicke M., Poelman E.H. Parasitic wasp-associated symbiont affects plant‐mediated species interactions between herbivores. Ecology Letters, 21(7):957-967.
5) Zhu F. #*, Lammers M.#, Harvey J.A. & Poelman E.H. (2016). Intrinsic competition between primary hyperparasitoids of the solitary endoparasitoid Cotesia rubecula. Ecological Entomology, 41, 292–300.
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7) Harvey, J.A.*, Fei, M., Lammers, M., Kos, M., Zhu, F., Heinen, R., Poelman, E.H., Gols, R. (2016). Development of a solitary koinobiont hyperparasitoid in different instars of its primary and secondary hosts. Journal of Insect Physiology, 90, 36-42.
8) Zhu F.*, Broekgaarden C., Weldegergis B.T., Harvey J.A., Vosman B., Dicke M., Poelman E.H. (2015). Parasitism overrides herbivore identity allowing hyper-parasitoids to locate their parasitoid host using herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Molecular Ecology, 24, 2886-2899.
9) Weldegergis B.T. #*, Zhu F. #, Poelman E.H., Dicke M. (2015). Drought stress affects plant metabolites and herbivore preference but not host location by its parasitoids. Oecologia, 177, 701-713.
10) Zhu F., Poelman E.H., Dicke M.* (2014). Insect herbivore- associated organisms affect plant responses to herbivory. New Phytologist, 204, 315-321.
11) Zhu F.*, Weldegergis B.T., Lhie B., Harvey J.A., Dicke M., Poelman, E.H. (2014). Body odors of parasitized caterpillars give away the presence of parasitoid larvae to their primary hyperparasitoid enemies. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40, 986-995.
12) Yusuf Sen, Feng Zhu, Henri Vandenbroucke, Jan van der Wolf, Richard GF Visser, AW Van Heusden.* (2013). Screening for new sources of resistance to Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) in tomato. Euphytica, 190(2): 309-317
13) Erik H Poelman*, Maaike Bruinsma, Feng Zhu, Berhane T Weldegergis, Aline E Boursault, Yde Jongema, Joop JA van Loon, Louise EM Vet, Jeffrey A Harvey, Marcel Dicke. (2012) .Hyperparasitoids use herbivore-induced plant volatiles to locate their parasitoid host. PLoS Biology, 10(11): e1001435
#authors contributed equally
*corresponding author