姓  名: 曹建生
    职  称: 研究员
    职  务: 太行山站站长
    电话/传真: 0311-85813094
    电子邮件: caojs@sjziam.ac.cn
    实验室主页: http://www.sjziam.cas.cn/sourcedb_sjziam_cas/zw/zjrck/yjy/201803/t20180323_4982317.html
    研究方向: 山地生态水文过程及调控






    [1]Cao, J.S., Zhou X., Zhang, W.J., Liu, C.M., Liu, Z.J. Effects of mulching on soil temperature and moisture in the rain-fed farmland of summer corn in the Taihang Mountain of China [J]. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2012, 10(1), 519-523.
    [2]Cao, J.S., Liu, C.M., Zhang, W.J. Effect of integrating straw in to agricultural soils on soil infiltration and evaporation [J]. Water Science and Technology, 2012, 65(12), 2213-2218.
    [3]Cao, J.S., Liu, C.M., Zhang, W.J., Han, S.M. Using temperature effect on seepage variations as proxy for phenological processes of basin-scale vegetation communities [J]. Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27: 360-366.
    [4]Cao, J.S., Liu, C.M., Zhang, W.J. Response of rock-fissure seepage to snowmelt in Mount Taihang slope-catchment, North China [J]. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 67(1), 124-130.
    [5]Cao, J.S., Zhang, W.J., Qi, Y.Q. An automatic slope runoff sediment and flow monitoring system [J]. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2014, 30(1), 5-9.
    [6]Shen, H.T., Cao, J.S.*, Zhang, W.J., Zeng, X.H., Wang, H.R. Winter Soil CO2 Flux from Different Mid-Latitude Sites from Middle Taihang Mountain in North China [J]. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(3), e91589.
    [7]Shen, H.T., Zhang, W.J., Cao, J.S.*, Zhang, X., Xu, Q.H., Yang, X., Xiao, D.P., Zhao, Y.X.Carbon concentrations of components of trees in 10-year-old Populus avidiana stands within the Desertification Combating Program of Northern China [J]. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10, 662-668.
    [8]Xiao, D.P.*, Cao, J.S.*, Bai, H.Z., Qi, Y.Q., Shen, Y.J. Assessing the impacts of climate variables and sowing date on spring wheat yield in the northern China [J]. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2017, 19(6), 1551-1558.
    [9] Han, S.M., Yang, Y.H.*, Li, H.L., Yang, Y.M., Wang, J.S., Cao, J.S.* Determination of crop water use and coefficient in drip-irrigated cotton fields in arid regions [J]. Field Crops Research, 2019, 236, 85-95.
    [10]Xiao, D.P., Zhao, Y.X., Bai, H.Z., Hu, Y.K., Cao, J.S.* Impacts of climate warming and crop management on maize phenology in northern China [J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2019, 11(6), 892-903.
    [11]Yang, H., Cao, J.S.*, Hou, X.L.* Characteristics of aeolian dune, wind regime and sand transport in Hobq Desert, China [J]. Applied Science, 2019, 9(24), 5543.
    [12]Wang, Z.Y., Cao, J.S.*, Zhu, C.Y.*, Yang, H. The impact of land use change on ecosystem service value in the upstream of Xiong‘an New Area [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(14), 5707.
    [13]Zhu,W.R., Li,W.H.; Shi, P.L.*, Cao, J.S.*, Zong, N., Geng, S.B. Intensified interspecific competition for water after afforestation with Robinia pseudoacacia into a native shrubland in the Taihang Mountains, northern China [J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 807.
    [14]Wang, Z.Y., Cao, J.S.* Assessing and predicting the impact of multi-scenario land use changes on the ecosystem service value: A Case Study in the Upstream of Xiong’an New Area, China [J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 704.
    [15]Wang, Z.Y., Cao, J.S.*, Yang, H. Multi-time scale evaluation of forest water conservation unction in the semiarid mountains area [J]. Forests, 2021, 12, 116.
    [16]Cao, J.S., Yang, H. Zhao, Y. Experimental analysis of infiltration process and hydraulic properties in soil and rock profile in the Taihang Mountains, North China [J]. Water Supply, 2021, 22(2), 1691-1703.
    [17]Yang, H., Cao, J.S.* Analysis of basin morphologic characteristics and their influence on the water yield of mountain watersheds upstream of the Xiongan new area, north China [J]. Water, 2021, 13(20), 2903.
    [18]Zhao, Y.H., Yang, H.*, Cao, J.S.* Hydrogeochemistry and isotope hydrology of surface water and groundwater in the mountain watersheds of Daqing river, north China [J]. Water, 2022, 14(9), 1451.
    [19]Liu, X.P., Zhang, W.J., Cao, J.S., Shen, H.T., Zeng, X.H., Yu, Z.Q., Zhao, X. Carbon storages in plantation ecosystems in sand source areas of north Beijing, China [J]. Plos One, 2013, 8(12), e82208.
    [20]Zeng, X.H., Zhang, W.J., Shen, H.T., Cao, J.S., Zhao, X. Soil respiration response in different vegetation types at Mount Taihang, China [J]. Catena, 2014, 116, 78-85.
    [21]Zeng, X.H., Zhang, W.J., Cao, J.S., Liu, X.P., Shen, H.T., Zhao, X. Changes in soil organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and bulk density after afforestation of the “Beijing–Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control”program in China [J]. Catena, 2014, 118, 186-194.
    [22]Zeng, X.H., Zhang, W.J., Liu, X.P., Cao, J.S., Shen, H.T., Zhao, X. Zhang, N.N., Bai, Y.R., Yi, M. Change of soil organic carbon after cropland afforestation “Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control” program area in China [J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(4), 461-470.
    [23]Shen, H.T., Zhang, W.J., Yang, X., Cao, J.S., Zeng, X.H., Zhao, X., Chen, X.X., Zhang, W.X., Carbon storage capacity of different plantation types under Desertification Combating Program in Hebei Province, China [J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(4), 454-460.
    [24]Wang, X.X., Shen, H.T., Zhang, W.J., Cao, J.S., Qi, Y.Q., Chen, G.P., Li, X.Y. Spatial and temporal characteristics of droughts in the Northeast China Transect [J]. Nature Hazards, 2015, 76, 601-614.
    [25]Bohara, M., Yadav, R.K.P., Dong, W.X., Cao, J.S., Hu, C.S. Nutrient and isotopic dynamics of litter decomposition from different land uses in naturally restoring Taihang Mountain, North China [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 1752.
    [26]Zheng, W.B., Wang, S.Q., Sprenger, M., Liu, B.X., Cao, J.S. Response of soil water movement and groundwater recharge to extreme precipitation in a headwater catchment in the North China Plain [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 576, 466-477.
    [27]Yang, H., Shi, C.X., Cao, J.S. A field investigation on gully erosion and implications for changes in sediment delivery processes in some tributaries of the upper Yellow River in China [J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022, 11(5): 288.
    [28]曹建生, 刘昌明, 张万军. 太行山片麻岩区坡地水文地质特性与渗流集蓄技术研究[J].水科学进展, 2005, 16(2): 216-221.
    [29]曹建生, 刘昌明, 张万军, 杨永辉. 典型小流域裂隙岩体渗流补给特性试验研究[J].水利学报, 2005, 36(11): 1335-1340.
    [30]曹建生, 张万军, 刘昌明, 杨永辉. 石子和秸秆覆盖条件下降雨水量转化特征试验研究 [J].水利学报, 2007, 38(3): 378-382.
    [31]曹建生, 张万军, 刘昌明, 韩淑敏. 太行山区坡地暂时饱和区形成机理及渗流补给特性 [J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(5): 14-20.
    [32]曹建生, 张万军, 刘昌明, 杨永辉. 裂隙岩体渗流补给特性及边坡稳定对策研究 [J]. 北京林业大学学报,2007,29(4): 136-142.
    [33]曹建生, 张万军, 刘昌明, 杨永辉. 岩土二元介质坡地非饱和渗流特征试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(8): 9-15.
    [34]曹建生, 张万军, 刘昌明, 杨永辉. 岩土二元介质水分运动与转化特征试验研究.水利学报,2007,38(8): 901-906.
    [35]曹建生, 张万军. 小流域径流泥沙自动采集器的实验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(1): 45-49.
    [36] 曹建生, 董文旭, 李晓欣, 陈素英, 胡春胜. 肯尼亚雨水集流利用现状及思考. 中国生态农业学报, 2016, 24(7): 987-994.
    [37]曹建生, 张万军, 阳 辉, 郝小华, 刘秀萍, 王贺辉. 北方土石山区生态修复与水源涵养研究进展与展望[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2018, 26(10):1091-1099.
    [38]司梦可,曹建生*,阳辉.微地形变化对地表水文过程影响的研究进展[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2019, 27(10): 1587-1595.
    [39]王志印,曹建生*.中国北方土石山区植被恢复及其生态效应研究进展[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2019, 27(9): 1319-1331.
    [40]阳辉,曹建生*,张万军.山地生态水文过程与降水资源调控研究进展[J].生态科学, 2019,38(6):173-177.
    [41]司梦可, 曹建生*, 阳辉, 朱春雨. 太行山区不同植被条件下土壤水分动态变化特征研究[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文),2020, 28(11): 1766-1777.
    [42]赵宇寒, 曹建生*, 朱春雨, 阳辉. 壤中流形成机制及其生态水文效应研究进展[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 30(1):38-46.
    [1]曹建生,胡春胜,郝小华,王贺辉. ZL202010700156.6, 双水源自动交替灌溉系统及应用,发明,2022.
    [2]曹建生,司梦可,翟建文,阳辉,朱春雨,王贺辉. ZL20200054109.9, 利用荆条灌丛加快土石山区次生灌丛群落向乔木顶级群落演替的方法, 发明,2021.
    [3]曹建生,赵勇,朱春雨,阳辉,郝小华,王贺辉. ZL 202010042235.2, 一种山地分散式集流储水补灌造林系统, 发明,2021.
    [4]曹建生,司梦可,翟建文,阳辉,朱春雨,王贺辉. ZL 202010054121.X,一种利用荆条灌丛提升土石山区水源涵养能力的装置, 发明,2021.
    [5]曹建生,沈彦俊,阳辉,朱春雨,王贺辉. ZL202010043294.1,面向陡峭石质山体的雨水外集内蓄系统构建方法,发明,2021.
    [6]曹建生,胡春胜,郝小华,刘秀萍,王贺辉. ZL201610840747.7,一种宽行距分根交替灌溉自动控制方法,发明,2020.
    [7]曹建生,郝小华,王贺辉,刘秀萍. ZL201711405813.9,一种生态化现场循环种养体系的构建方法,发明,2020.
    [9]曹建生,齐永青,沈会涛,刘毅. ZL201610867472.6,一种消除降雨影响的水面蒸发自动测定装置,发明,2019.
    [10]曹建生,沈彦俊,齐永青,王贺辉. ZL201610442103.2,一种温室大棚集雨节灌自动控制系统及方法,发明,2019.
    [11]曹建生,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,刘毅. ZL201610867030.1,一种潜水蒸发自动测定系统及方法,发明, 2019.
    [12]曹建生,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,邵立威. ZL201610443908.9,一种亏缺灌溉自动控制系统及方法,发明,2019.
    [13]曹建生,沈会涛,胡春胜,陈素英,李晓欣,董文旭. ZL201610840846.5,一种农田雨水集蓄、排水及节灌系统,发明, 2019.
    [14]曹建生,沈会涛,齐永青,郝小华,刘秀萍,王贺辉. ZL2016 10442605.5,一种石质山地客土扩蓄造林方法,发明,2018.
    [15]曹建生,张万军. ZL200810055031.1,一种土壤生物扩蓄增容剂及制备方法,发明,2011.
    [16]曹建生,张万军. ZL200910075767.x,一种水位升/降单项运动的自动测定方法及装置,发明,2011.
    [17]曹建生,张万军. ZL200810055033.0,一种土壤有机团粒扩蓄增容剂及制备方法,发明,2009.
    [18]曹建生,张万军. ZL200510048167.6, 一种坡面径流采集方法,发明,2009.
    [19]曹建生,张万军. ZL200510048184.X,小流域暴雨径流自动采集系统,发明, 2009.
    [20]曹建生,张万军. ZL200410012474.4,岩土饱和入渗自动测定系统,发明,2006.
    [21]冯雪赞,张万军,曹建生. ZL200810055030.7,一种促进沙地植物种子发芽的方法,发明,2010.
    [22]冯学赞,张万军,曹建生. ZL03143265.4,地衣快速人工繁殖方法,发明,2005.
    [23]冯学赞,张万军,安淑萍,曹建生. ZL03143266.2,地衣人工繁殖生长调理剂,发明,2005.