姓  名: 韩立朴
    职  称: 研究员
    职  务: 南大港滨海湿地生态试验站副站长
    电话/传真: 0311-85885023
    电子邮件: lphan@sjziam.ac.cn
    研究方向: 盐碱地-耐盐植物互作生态改良机制,饲草-能源植物抗逆种植过程关键调控技术研究;沙荒地-能源植物、饲草种植逆境生态响应机制及可持续性研究;湿地-盐碱地-农田生态系统植(作)物废弃物资源高效利用及能源品质研究。


    简  历:


            主持国家能源局能源领域行业标准项目“工矿用地复垦区宜能非粮地划分检验标准”;国家能源局能源领域行业标准项目“滨海盐碱区宜能非粮地划分检验标准”;主持国家自然基金青年项目“双层暗管排灌水与燕麦移盐对土壤水盐影响的协同机制研究”;主持国家973重大专项子课题“水土资源要素梯度耦合下植被格局变化与生态响应机制研究—太行山区中段典型案例分析”;主持河北省渤海粮仓科技示范工程科技成果转化类项目“基于暗管排盐的盐碱地作物高效种植技术集成与示范”;主持河北省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“滨海盐碱地暗管地下补水对燕麦II谷子耐盐适生机制的影响”;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“耐盐深根作物秋葵与暗管结合改良盐碱地作用机制研究”;主持中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目;主持中科院STS计划项目课题、中科院A类先导专项子任务苜蓿高效栽培技术体系集成与示范; 作为技术骨干参与了国家公益性行业专项、国家支撑计划课题和国家重点研发专项项目等研究工作。  





    Han, L. P., Steinbergerc, Y., Zhao, Y. L., Xie, G. H. Accumulation and partitioning of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in different varieties of sweet sorghum. Field Crops Res. 2011, 120: 230-240.
    Han, L. P., Guo, X. Q., Yu, Y.J., et al., Effects of Prohexadione-Calcium, Maleic Hydrazide and Glyphosine on Lodging Rate and Sugar Content of Sweet Sorghum. Research on Crops. 2011, 12(1). 230-238.
    Han, L. P., Wang, X. L., Guo, X. Q., et al., Effect of plant growth regulators on growth, yield and lodging of sweet sorghum. Research on Crops. 2011, 12(2), 372-382. 
    Han L.P., Liu H.T., Yu S.H., Wang W.H., Liu J.T... Potential application of oat for phytoremediation of salt ions in coastal saline-alkali soil. Ecological Engineering. 2013, 61,274-281.
    Han L.P., Eneji. A., Steinberger Y., Wang W.H., Yu S.H., Liu H.T., Liu J.T.. Comparative Biomass Production of Six Oat Varieties in a Saline Soil Ecology. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2014, 45:19, 2552-2564. 
    Han L.P., Wang X.Y., Spiertz J. H. J., Yang L. Zhou Y.G.,, Liu J.T., Xie G.H. Spatio-temporal Availability of Field Crop Residues for Biofuel Production in Northwest and Southwest China. Bio-Energy Research. 2015(8): 402-414 
    Han L.P., Wang W.H, Eneji. A., Liu J.T. Phytoremediating Coastal Saline Soils with Oats: Accumulation and Distribution of Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride Ions in Plant Organs. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015 (90):73-81 
    Liu, Z. X., Han, L. P., Steinbergerc, Y., Xie, G. H. Genetic Variation and Yield Performance of Jerusalem Artichoke Germplasm Collected in China. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2011, 10(5):668-678.
    Xue, S., Han, D. Q., Yu, Y.J., Steinbergerc, Y., Han, L. P., Xie, G. H. Dynamics in elongation and dry weight of internodes in sweet sorghum plants. Field Crops Res. 2012, 126:37-44 
    Zhao, Y. L., Steinbergerc, Y., Shi M., Han L. P., Xie, G. H., Changes in Stem Composition and Harvested Produce of Sweet Sorghum during the Period from Maturity to a Sequence of Delayed Harvest Dates. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2012,39:261-273
    Wang, J.S., Wang, M.L., SPIERTZ J. H. J., Liu, Z.X., Han, L.P., Xie, G.H.,. Genetic variation in yield and chemical composition of a wide range of sorghum accessions grown in North-west china. Research on Crops.2013,14(2)95-105.
    Fan F., Spiertz J. H.J., Han L. P., Liu, Z.X., Xie, G.H.. Sweet sorghum performance under irrigated conditions in Northwest China : Biomass and its partitioning in inbred and hybrid cultivars at two nitrogen levels. Research on Crops.2013,14(2)459-470.
    Yang L., Wang XY., Han L.P., et al. A quantitative assessment of crop residue feedstocks for biofuel in North and Northeast China[J]. GCB Bioenergy, 2015, (7):100–111.
    Yu S., Liu J., Eenji A. E., Liu H., Han L.. Spatial variability of soil salinity under subsurface drainage [J]. Communication in soil science and plant analysis, 2015,46:2, 259-270.
    Fengjiao Ma, Hui Gao, A. Egrinya Eneji, Zhanzhong Jin, Lipu Han, Jintong Liu. An economic valuation of groundwater management for Agriculturein Luancheng County, North China. Agricultural Water Management. 2016, 163, 28-36.
    Yu, S., Liu, J., Eneji, A. E., Han, L., Tan, L., & Liu, H. (2016). Dynamics of soil water and salinity under subsurface drainage of a coastal area with high groundwater table in spring and rainy season. Irrigation & Drainage, 65(3), 360-370.
    Fu, T., Han, L., Gao, H., Liang, H., Li, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Pedodiversity and its controlling factors in mountain regions — a case study of taihang mountain, china. Geoderma, 2018, 310:230-237.
    Fu T, Han L, Gao H, Liang, H., Liu, J. Geostatistical analysis of pedodiversity in Taihang Mountain region in North China[J]. Geoderma, 2018, 328:91-99.
    Ameen A, Tang C, Han L*, Xie GH. Short-Term Response of Switchgrass to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium on Semiarid Sandy Wasteland Managed for Biofuel Feedstock. Bioenergy Research, 2018, 11(1):228-238.
    Han L., Fu T., Liu J.*, Yu S., Gao H., Eneji A.E., & Liang H. Accumulation and distribution of calcium and magnesium in oat and correlation analysis with the uptake of sodium, potassium, and chloride elements, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2018, 22, 2765-2781 
    Ameen A., Tang C., Liu J., Han L.*, Xie G.H. Switchgrass as forage and biofuel feedstock: Effect of nitrogen fertilization rate on the quality of biomass harvested in late summer and early fall. Field Crops Research. 2019,235,154-162
    Ameen A, Liu J, Han L*, Xie GH. Effects of nitrogen rate and harvest time on biomass yield and nutrient cycling of switchgrass and soil nitrogen balance in a semiarid sandy wasteland. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019,136, 1-10
    Ameen A., Han L., Xie G. Dynamics of Soil Moisture, pH, Organic Carbon, and Nitrogen Under Switchgrass Cropping in a Semiarid Sandy Wasteland, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2019, 50:7, 922-933 DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2019.1594883
    Fu, T., Han, L. , Gao, H., Liang, H., & Liu, J*.. (2019). Rare and endangered soils in the taihang mountain region, north china. Land Degradation and Development. 2019,30:14,1739-1750
    Tang, C.-C., Han, L.-P.*, and Xie, G.-H. (2020).Response of switchgrass grown for forageand bioethanol to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on semiarid marginal land. Agronomy-Basel, 10 (8): 1147.
    Wang, S.; Fang, D.; Ameen,A.; Li, X.; Guo, K.; Liu, X.; Han, L*.Dynamics of Spring Regrowth and Comparative Production Performance of 50 Autumn-Sown Alfalfa Cultivars in the Coastal Saline Soil of North China. Life 2021, 11, 1436. https://doi.org/10.3390/life11121436
    Xiaoyu Wang,Lipu Han,Lu Yang,Qiqi Liu,Abdulgani Devlet,Guanghui Xie.The spatiotemporal availability of crop residue for biofuel feedstock in East and Central-South China.  Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 2021. doi.org/10.1002/bbb.2310
    Wang, S.; Guo, K.; Ameen,A.; Fang, D.; Li, X.; Liu, X.; Han, L.Evaluation of Different Shallow Groundwater Tables and Alfalfa Cultivars for Forage Yield and Nutritional Value in Coastal Saline Soil of North China. Life 2022, 12, 217. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12020217
    谢光辉,赵亚丽,朱万斌,丁荣娥,韩立朴,程序. 多年生草本木质纤维素能源作物及其在我国北方资源评价. 中国作物学会栽培专业委员会换届暨学术研讨会论文集. 2007
    韩东倩, 韩立朴, 薛帅, 尤明山, 谢光辉*. 基于能源利用的高粱配合力和杂种优势分析.中国农业大学学报, 2012 , 17 (1):26-32
    韩立朴,马凤娇,刘金铜,等. 运东近滨海地区燕麦秸秆盐分积累与改良盐碱地潜力分析.中国生态农业学报.2012, 20(12): 1706?1712
    韩立朴,马凤娇,于淑会,刘金铜.基于暗管埋设的农田生态工程对运东滨海盐碱地的改良原理与实践. 中国生态农业学报. 2012, 20(12): 1680?1686
    王文惠,刘慧涛,马凤娇,韩立朴,等. 暗管改碱技术试验区不同生境盐生植物资源及其群落特征.中国生态农业学报. 2012, 20(12): 1700?1705
    王继师, 樊帆, 韩立朴, 胡亮, 谢光辉. 不同类型高粱主要农艺性状与品质性状差异分析. 中国农业大学学报, 2013, 18 (3):45-54
    樊帆,韩立朴,刘祖昕,王继师,谢光辉.* 氮素对干旱地区甜高粱碳水化合物和理论乙醇产量的影响研究. 中国农业大学学报. 2013, 18(4):28-36
    于淑会, 韩立朴, 高会, 刘金铜. 高水位区暗管埋设下土壤盐分适时立体调控的生态效应[J]. 应用生态学报, 2016, 27(4):1061-1068.
    李晓荣, 高会, 韩立朴,刘金铜. 太行山区植被NPP时空变化特征及其驱动力分析[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2017, 25(4):498-508.
    杨明欣, 张艺, 韩立朴*. 高丹草种子丸粒化配方的筛选. 河南农业科学,2020,49(7) :58-67
    谭攀, 王士超, 付同刚, 刘金铜, 韩立朴*. 我国暗管排水技术发展历史、现状与展望[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021,29(4): 633-639
    付同刚, 蒋莞艳, 刘鹏, 高会, 梁红柱, 韩立朴, 刘金铜. 内蒙古河套灌区盐碱地治理中农户参与意识及其影响因素[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(4): 625-632
    倪世存, 梁红柱, 付同刚, 高会, 韩立朴, 刘金铜. 内蒙古河套灌区粮饲兼用高粱和谷子拔节期农艺性状对土壤盐分梯度的响应[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(4): 649-658
    于淑会, 高会, 尚国琲, 齐志国, 韩立朴. 暗管排水对高水位盐碱地的治理效果及服务价值影响分析. 河北地质大学学报. 2021. 44(4):067-073
    谢光辉, 韩立朴, 郭兴强. 抗旱能源植物种子丸粒化剂及制备和使用方法. 中国. 公开号 CN 101602632A, 2009.12.16. (公开)
    韩立朴;刘金铜;马凤娇;赵治海;王晓明;范光宇. 滨海中重度盐碱地杂交谷子高产栽培方法:中国,201210201152.9[P].2013-06-05.(已获得授权)
    刘慧涛;刘金铜;谭莉梅;刘宏娟;韩立朴;于淑会. 一种原状土壤样品采集装置及采集方法:中国,20120275601.4[P]. 2014-7-02.(已获得授权)
    韩立朴;刘金铜;马凤娇;于淑会;刘慧涛;谭莉梅;高会;徐丽;刘宏娟;刘鹏. 基于暗管排水排盐的中度盐碱地小麦玉米两熟高产栽培方法:中国,201210325760.0[P]. 2013-08-21. (已获得授权)
    徐丽,刘金铜,刘慧涛,于淑会,韩立朴,刘鹏. 一种模拟暗管排水排盐渗流场和盐分变化的装置与方法. 201310149757.2. 2015-02-15.(已获得授权)
    韩立朴,于淑会,刘金铜,马凤娇,高会,白璐,李晓荣. 一种通过植物共生关系改良盐碱地提高夏玉米产量的方法:中国,ZL 201510393749.1,授权(公告)日: 2017.7.25
    韩立朴,刘金铜,付同刚,高会,郭凯,梁红柱,倪世存,齐菲. 一种滨海重度盐碱地植被恢复方法:中国,CN109076739A, 公开(公告)日:2018.12.25 
    王士超, 韩立朴, 卢昌艾, 冯云格, 闫志浩, 张睿. 一种野外测定土壤呼吸的高精度便携式装置:中国,ZL201921207811.3, 2020-04-14
    王士超, 卢昌艾, 韩立朴, 冯云格, 槐圣昌, 方栋. 一种野外固定根管埋设角度的辅助设备:中国,ZL201921207711.0, 2020-05-05
    2013年度,石家庄市山区创业二等奖,“山区坡地现代设施蔬菜高效生产技术集成与示范” 排名第七 
    能源行业标准,工矿用地复垦区宜能非粮地划分检验标准 NB/T 34052-2017  排名第一
    能源行业标准,滨海盐碱区宜能非粮地划分检验标准NB/T 34053-2017 排名第一
    河北省地方标准,湿地生态系统服务评价规范 DB13/T 2784-2018 排名第四