姓  名: 董宝娣
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-311-85825949
    电子邮件: dongbaodi@sjziam.ac.cn
    研究方向: 作物绿色高效用水调控机制及节水技术研发


    2005.09-2008.07   中科院遗传发育所农业资源研究中心,理学博士
    2000.09-2003.07   中科院石家庄农业现代化研究所,     理学硕士
    1993.09-1997.07   河北农业大学园艺系, 农学学士 
    2022.03-至今      研究员,遗传发育所农业资源研究中心   
    2019.01-2022.02   青年研究员,遗传发育所农业资源研究中心   
    2008.12-2018.12   副研究员, 遗传发育所农业资源研究中心
    2003.12-2008.12   助理研究员,遗传发育所农业资源研究中心
    1997.07-2003.12   研究实习员,中科院石家庄农业现代化研究所
    2009.10-2010.04   访问学者,  澳大利亚CSIRO 




    Yang H, Dong B*, Wang Y, Qiao Y, Shi C, Jin L, Liu M*. (2020). Photosynthetic base of reduced grain yield by shading stress during the early reproductive stage of two wheat cultivars. Scientific Reports. 10:14353.
    Dong B#, Yang H#, Liu H, Qiao Y, Zhang M, Wang Y, Xie Z, Liu M*. (2019). Effects of shading stress on grain number, yield, and photosynthesis during early reproductive growth in wheat. Crop Science. 59:363-378.
    Dong B, Yang H, Qiao Y, Zhang M, Wang Y, Jin L, Liu M*. (2018). Different growing strategies of two winter wheat cultivars under rainfed conditions during dry years in North China Plain. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 11(5): 150-159.
     Zhang M, Dong B*, Qiao Y, Yang H, Wang Y, Liu M. (2018). Effects of sub-soil plastic film mulch on soil water and salt content and water utilization by winter wheat under different soil salinities. Field Crops Research. 225: 130-140.
    Zhang M, Dong B *, Qiao Y, Yang H, Wang Y, Liu M. (2018). Effects of subsoil plastic film mulch on yield and water use of rainfed winter wheat. Crop & Pasture Science. 69:1197-1207. 
    Zhang M, Dong B*, Qiao Y, Shi C, Yang H, Wang Y, Liu M. (2018). Yield and water use responses of winter wheat to irrigation and nitrogen application in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 17(5): 1194-1206.
    Dong B#, Zheng X#, Liu H, Jason A, Yang H, Zhao H, Zhang M, Qiao Y, Wang Y and Liu M*. (2017). Effects of Drought Stress on Pollen Sterility, Grain Yield, Abscisic Acid and Protective Enzymes in Two Winter Wheat Cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10.3389/fpls.2017.01008.
    Dong B, Liu M*, Jiang J, Shi C, Wang X, Qiao Y, Liu Y, Zhao Z*, Li D, Si F. (2014). Growth, grain yield, and water use efficiency of rain-fed spring hybrid millet (Setaria italica) in plastic-mulched and unmulched fields. Agricultural Water Management. 143: 93-101.
    Dong B, Shi L, Shi C, Qiao Y, Liu M*, Zhang Z. (2011). Grain yield and water use efficiency of two types of winter wheat cultivars under different water regimes. Agricultural Water Management. 99(1): 103-110.
    Ji X, Dong B, Behrouz S, Mark J, Jane E, Trijntje H, Rosemary G, Frank G, and Rudy D*. (2011). Control of abscisic acid catabolism and abscisic acid homeostasis is important for reproductive stage stress tolerance in cereals. Plant Physiology. 156:647-662.
    Li Q, Dong B, Qiao Y, Liu M, Zhang J*. (2010). Root growth, available soil water, and water-use efficiency of winter wheat under different irrigation regimes applied at different growth stages in North China. Agricultural Water Management. 97(10): 1676-1682.