姓  名: 王延鹏
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 010-64807939
    电子邮件: yanpengwang@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 植物基因编辑与新种质创制






    1)Zong Y#, Liu Y#, Xue C#, Li B, Li X, Wang Y, Li J, Liu G, Huang X, Cao X*, Gao C*. (2022). An engineered prime editor with enhanced editing efficiency in plants. Nature Biotechnology, doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01254-w.
    2)Li S#, Lin D#, Zhang Y#, Deng M#, Chen Y, Lv B, Li B, Lei Y, Wang Y, Zhao L, Liang Y, Liu J, Chen K, Liu Z, Xiao J*, Qiu JL*, Gao C*. (2022) Genome-edited powdery mildew resistance in wheat without growth penalties. Nature, 602(7897):455-460. 
    3)Luo J., Rouse M.N., Hua L., Li H., Li B., Li T., Zhang W., Gao C., Wang Y*., Dubcovsky J*. and Chen S*. (2021). Identification and characterization of Sr22b, a new allele of the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr22 effective against the Ug99 race group. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20(3):554-563.
    4)Luo G#, Shen L#, Zhao S#, Li R#, Song Y, Song S, Yu K, Yang W, Li X, Sun J., Wang Y, Gao C, Liu D*, Zhang A*. (2021). Genome-wide identification of seed storage protein gene regulators in wheat through coexpression analysis. The Plant journal, 108(6):1704-1720.
    5)Ma S, Wang M*, Wu J, Guo W, Chen Y, Li G, Wang Y, Shi W, Xia G, Fu D, Kang Z, Ni F*. (2021). WheatOmics: a platform combining multiple omics data to accelerate functional genomics studies in wheat. Molecular Plant, 14(12):1965-1968.
    6)Li T#, Hu J#, Sun Y, Li B, Zhang D, Li W, Liu J, Li D, Gao C, Zhang Y*, Wang Y*. (2021). Highly efficient heritable genome editing in wheat using an RNA virus and bypassing tissue culture. Molecular Plant, 14(11):1787-1798.
    7)Lin Q#, Zhu, Z#, Liu G#, Sun C, Lin D, Xue C, Li S, Zhang D, Gao C, Wang Y*, Qiu JL *. (2021). Genome editing in plants with MAD7 nucleaseJournal of Genetics and Genomics, 48(6):444-451. 
    8)Lin Q#, Jin S#, Zong Y#, Yu H#, Zhu Z, Liu G, Kou L, Wang Y, Qiu JL, Li J*, Gao C*. (2021). High-efficiency prime editing with optimized, paired pegRNAs in plantsNature Biotechnology, 39(8):923-927.
    9)Luo G, Shen L, Song Y, Yu K, Ji J, Zhang C, Yang W, Li X, Sun J, Zhan K, Cui D, Wang Y, Gao C, Liu D*, Zhang A*. (2021). The MYB family transcription factor TuODORANT1 from Triticum urartu and homolog TaODORANT1 from Triticum aestivum inhibit seed storage protein synthesis in wheatPlant Biotechnology Journal, 19(9):1863-1877. 
    10)  Jin S#, Fei H#, Zhu Z#, Luo Y#, Liu J, Gao S, Zhang F, Chen YH, Wang Y*, Gao C*. (2020). Rationally designed APOBEC3B cytosine base editors with improved specificity. Molecular Cell, 79(5):728-740.e6.
    11)  Li C, Zong Y, Jin S, Zhu H, Lin D, Li S, Qiu JL, Wang Y*, Gao C*. (2020). SWISS: multiplexed orthogonal genome editing in plants with a Cas9 nickase and engineered CRISPR RNA scaffolds. Genome Biology, 21(1):141.
    12)Lin Q#, Zong Y#, Xue C#, Wang S, Jin S, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Anzalone AV, Raguram A, Doman JL, Liu DR, Gao C*. (2020). Prime genome editing in rice and wheat. Nature Biotechnology38(5):582-585.
    13)  Si X, Zhang H, Wang Y, Chen K, Gao C*. (2020). Manipulating gene translation in plants by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing of upstream open reading frames. Nature Protocols, 15(2):338-363.
    14)Chen K#Wang Y#, Zhang R, Zhang H, Gao C*. (2019) CRISPR/Cas genome editing and precision plant breeding in agriculture. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 70:667-697.
    15)Jin S#, Zong Y#, Gao Q#, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Qin P, Liang C, Wang D, Qiu JL, Zhang F, Gao C*. (2019). Cytosine, but not adenine, base editors induce genome-wide off-target mutations in rice. Science, 364(6437):292-295.
    16)Zong Y#, Song Q#, Li C, Jin S, Zhang D, Wang Y, Qiu JL, Gao C*. (2018). Efficient C-to-T base editing in plants using a fusion of nCas9 and human APOBEC3A. Nature Biotechnology, 36(10):950-953.
    17)Li C#, Zong Y#, Wang Y#Jin S, Zhang D, Song Q, Zhang R, Gao C*. (2018). Expanded base editing in rice and wheat using a Cas9-adenosine deaminase fusion. Genome Biology, 19(1):59.
    18)Zong Y#Wang Y#, Li C, Zhang R, Chen K, Ran Y, Qiu JL, Wang D, Gao C*. (2017). Precise base editing in rice, wheat and maize with a Cas9- cytidine deaminase fusion. Nature Biotechnology, 35(5):438-440.
    19)   Wang Y, Zong Y, Gao C*. (2017). Wheat genome editing by sequence-specific nucleases. Methods in Molecular Biology, P169-186. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7337-8.
    20)Liang Z , Chen K, Li T, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Liu J, Zhang H, Liu C, Ran Y, Gao C*. (2017). Efficient DNA-free genome editing of bread wheat using CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes. Nature Communications, 8:14261.
    21)Gil-Humanes J, Wang Y, Liang Z, Shan Q, Ozuna C. V, Sanchez-Leon S, Baltes N. J, Starker C, Barro F, Gao C, Voytas D. F*. (2016). High-efficiency gene targeting in hexaploid wheat using DNA replicons and CRISPR/Cas9. The Plant Journal, 89(6):1251-1262.
    22)Zhang Y, Liang Z, Zong Y, Wang Y, Liu J, Chen K, Qiu J, Gao C*. (2016). Efficient and transgene-free genome editing in wheat through transient expression of CRISPR/Cas9 DNA or RNA. Nature Communications, 7:12617.
    23)Ji X, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Wang Y and Gao C*. (2015). Establishing a CRISPR–Cas-like immune system conferring DNA virus resistance in plants. Nature Plants. 1:15144.
    24)   Wang Y#, Cheng X#, Shan Q, Zhang Y, Liu J, Gao C*, Qiu JL*. (2014). Simultaneous editing of three homoeoalleles in hexaploid bread wheat confers heritable resistance to powdery mildew. Nature Biotechnology, 32(9):947-951.
    25)Shan Q, Wang Y, Li J, Gao C*. (2014). Genome editing in rice and wheat using the CRISPR/Cas system. Nature Protocols. 9(10):2395-2410.
    26)Shan Q#Wang Y#, Li J#, Zhang Y, Chen K. Liang Z, Zhang K, Liu J, Xi J.J, Qiu JL*, Gao C*. (2013). Targeted genome modification of crop plants using a CRISPR-Cas system. Nature Biotechnology, 31(8):686-688.
    27)Shan Q#Wang Y#, Chen K#, Liang Z, Li J, Zhang Y, Zhang K, Liu J, Voytas D.F, Zheng X, Zhang Y, Gao C*. (2013). Rapid and efficient gene modification in rice and brachypodium using TALENs. Molecular Plant, 6(4):1365-1368.