Publications since 2021
(# First author; * Corresponding author)
1) Buhao Deng#, Jingyi Wang#, Tingyun Yang#, Zhao Deng#, Jiafan Yuan, Bohan Zhang, Zhen Zhou, Fang Chen, Lu Fang, Chengzhi Liang, Bo Yan*,
Youwei Ai*.
TNF and IFNγ-induced cell death requires IRF1 and ELAVL1 to promote CASP8 expression. (2024),
Journal of Cell Biology, 223 (3), e202305026.
---Commented by James E. Vince (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) in Journal of Cell Biology:
IFNγ: Priming for death.
Youwei Ai, Yutong Meng, Bo Yan, Qinyi Zhou, Xiaodong Wang*.
The biochemical pathways of apoptotic, necroptotic, pyroptotic, and ferroptotic cell death. (2024),
Molecular Cell, 84 (1), 170-179. (Invited Review)
3) Bo Yan#, Zhangcheng Ding, Wenbin Zhang, Gaihong Cai, Hui Han, Yan Ma, Yang Cao, Jiawen Wang, She Chen,
Youwei Ai*.
Multiple PDE3A modulators act as molecular glues promoting PDE3A-SLFN12 interaction and induce SLFN12 dephosphorylation and cell death. (2022),
Cell Chemical Biology 29 (6), 958-969.e5
---Commented by Heidi Greulich (Broad Institute) in Cell Chemical Biology: A complex puzzle: Regulation of SLFN12 RNase activity by phosphorylation.
Publications before 2021
(# First author; * Corresponding author)
---Highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology.
---Commented in Protein & Cell.
---Invited commentary from Dr. Guido Kroemer.
Youwei Ai*#, Haibing He, Peihao Chen, Bo Yan, Wenbin Zhang, Zhangcheng Ding, Dianrong Li, Jie Chen, Yan Ma, Yang Cao, Jie Zhu, Jiaojiao Li, Jinjie Ou, Shan Du, Xiaodong Wang, Jianzhang Ma*, Shuanhu Gao*, Xiangbing Qi*.
An alkaloid initiates phosphodiesterase 3A–schlafen 12 dependent apoptosis without affecting the phosphodiesterase activity. (2020).
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10 (
Lead Contact)
5) Dianrong Li#,
Youwei Ai#, Jia Guo, Baijun Dong, Lin Li, Gaihong Cai, She Chen, Dan Xu, Fengchao Wang, Xiaodong Wang*.
Casein kinase 1G2 suppresses necroptosis-promoted testis aging by inhibiting receptor-Interacting kinase 3.(2020).
eLife 9, e61564
6) Dianrong Li#, Jie Chen#,
Youwei Ai, Xiaoqiong Gu, Li Li, Di Che, Zhaodi Jiang, Lin Li, She Chen, Huangwei Huang, Jiawen Wang, Tao Cai, Yang Cao, Xiangbin Qi, Xiaodong Wang*.
Estrogen-related hormones induce apoptosis by stabilizing Schlafen-12 protein turnover.(2019).
Molecular Cell 75 (6), 1103-1116. e9