姓  名: 李磊
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64806908
    电子邮件: leili@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 植物与微生物互作


            2010年,西北农林科技大学学士,2015年,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士,2016-2021年于德国马普发育生物学研究所进行博士后研究,先后获得UCAS-BHPB奖、EMBO博士后奖学金、HFSP 博士后奖学金等。实验室长期致力于植物与微生物互作及植物抗性蛋白的分子机制研究。


            1. 非典型抗性蛋白的作用机制


    1. Li, L., Weigel, D. (2021) One hundred years of hybrid necrosis: hybrid autoimmunity as a window into mechanisms and evolution of plant–pathogen interactions. Annual Review of Phytopathology. https://doi/10.1146/annurev-phyto-020620-114826.
    2. Schulze, S.*, Yu, L.*, Ehinger, A., Kolb, D., Saile, S., Stahl, M., Franz-Wachtel, M., Li, L., Kasmi, F., Cevik, V., Kemmerling, B. (2021). The TIR-NBS-LRR protein CSA1 is required for autoimmune cell death in Arabidopsis pattern recognition co-receptor bak1 and bir3 mutants. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.11.438637.
    3. Zhu, W., Li, L., Neuh?user, B., Thelen, M., Wang, M., Chen, J., Wei, L., Venkataramani, K., Exposito-Alonso, M., Liu, C., Keck, J., Barragan, C., Schwab, B., Lutz, U., Ludewig, U., Weigel, D. (2021). Small peptides modulate the immune function of the ion channel-like protein ACD6 in Arabidopsis thaliana. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.25.428077.
    4. Cambiagno, D., Giudicatti, A., Arce, A., Gagliardi, D., Li, L., Yuan, W., Lundberg, D., Weigel, D., Manavella, P. (2020). HASTY modulates miRNA biogenesis by linking pri-miRNA transcription and processing. Molecular Plant, doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2020.12.019.
    5. Li, L., Habring, A., Wang, K., Weigel, D. (2020). Oligomerization of NLR immune receptor RPP7 triggered by atypical resistance protein RPW8/HR. Cell Host Microbe 27, 405-417.
    6. Pramoj, P., Lundberg, D., Weigel, D., Li, L.#, (2020). Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN‐PAGE) for the analysis of protein oligomers in plants.  Current Protocol in Plant Biology 5, e20107. doi: 10.1002/cppb.20107.
    7. Wang, W., Yang, J., Zhang, J., Liu, Y.-X., Tian, C., Qu, B., Gao, C., Xin, P., Cheng, S., Zhang, W., Miao, P., Li, L., Zhang, X., Chu, J., Zuo, J., Li, J., Bai, Y., Lei, X., Zhou, J.M. (2020). An Arabidopsis secondary metabolite directly targets expression of the bacterial Type III secretion system to inhibit bacterial virulence. Cell Host Microbe 27, 601–613.e7.
    8. Wang, J., Grubb, L.E., Wang, J., Liang, X., Li, L., Gao, C., Ma, M., Feng, F., Li, M., Li, L., Zhang, X., Yu, F., Xie, Q., Chen, S., Zipfel, C., Monaghan, J., Zhou, J.M. (2018). A Regulatory Module Controlling Homeostasis of a Plant Immune Kinase. Molecular Cell 69, 493–504.e6.
    9. Zhu, W., Zaidem, M., Van de Weyer, A.L., Gutaker, R.M., Chae, E., Kim, S.T., Bemm, F., Li, L., Todesco, M., Schwab, R., Unger, F., Beham, M.J., Demar, M., Weigel, D. (2018). Modulation of ACD6 dependent hyperimmunity by natural alleles of an Arabidopsis thaliana NLR resistance gene. PLoS Genetics 14, e1007628.
    10. Li, L.*,#, Kim, P.*, Yu, L.*, Cai, G., Chen, S., Alfano, J.R. and Zhou, J.M.# (2016) Activation-dependent destruction of a co-receptor by a pseudomonas syringae effector dampens plant immunity. Cell Host Microbe 20, 504-514. (# co-corresponding authors, * co-first authors).
    11. Li, L., Yu, Y., Zhou, Z., and Zhou, J.M. (2016). Plant pattern-recognition receptors controlling innate immunity. Science China Life Sciences 59,878-888.
    12. Liang, X.*, Ding, P. *, Lian, K., Wang, J., Ma, M., Li, L., Li, L., Li, M., Zhang, X., Chen, S., Zhang, Y.#, and Zhou, J.M.# (2016). Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G proteins directly regulate FLS2-mediated immunity. eLife 10.7554/eLife.13568.
    13. Yang, H., Mu, J., Chen, L., Feng, J., Hu, J., Li, L., Zhou, J.M., and Zuo, J. (2015). S-nitrosylation positively regulates ascorbate peroxidase activity during plant stress responses. Plant Physiology 167, 1604-1615.
    14. Li, L.*, Li, M.*, Yu, L., Zhou, Z., Liang, X., Liu, Z., Cai, G., Gao, L., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Chen, S., and Zhou, J.M. (2014). The FLS2-associated kinase BIK1 directly phosphorylates the NADPH oxidase RbohD to control plant immunity. Cell Host Microbe 15, 329-338.
    15. Sun, Y.*, Li, L.*, Macho, A.P., Han, Z., Hu, Z., Zipfel, C., Zhou, J.M.#, and Chai, J.# (2013). Structural basis for flg22-induced activation of the Arabidopsis FLS2-BAK1 immune complex. Science 342, 624-628.