姓  名: 蒋霓
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64802837
    电子邮件: njiang@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 表型组学


    蒋霓, 博士,研究员,博士生导师
            2009年获华中科技大学生物医学工程专业和计算机科学与技术专业双学士学位。2014年获华中科技大学生物医学工程专业博士学位,之后加入Donald Danforth Plant Science Center从事博士后研究。2018年于该中心任职高级计算科学家。2021年8月加入中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,任职所级公共技术中心表型组学平台首席科学家。主要研究方向为作物表型组学。


            1. 结合多种成像技术(包括可见光成像、红外成像、三维激光扫描、X射线断层成像等)、图像分析和机器学习,开发高通量、高精度的自动化表型组学研究平台,实现多模态、多尺度、多维度的表型性状研究。
            2. 基于统计分析、数学建模和机器学习,融合各类表型数据,依据表型数据对植物进行识别、分类和预测等,实现表型大数据的智能挖掘与应用。
            3. 结合表型组数据与基因组数据,基于人工智能,从基因型-表型数据中发现知识和规律,提高基因型-表型图谱的理解。


    Dan Zeng, Mao Li, Ni Jiang, Yiwen Ju, Hannah Schreiber, Erin Chambers, David Letscher, Tao Ju, Christopher N. Topp, TopoRoot: A method for computing hierarchy and fine-grained traits of maize roots from X-ray CT images, bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.24.457522
    Mon-Ray Shao, Ni Jiang, Mao Li, Anne Howard, Kevin Lehner, Jack L. Mullen, Shayla L. Gunn, John K. McKay, Christopher N Topp, Complementary phenotyping of maize root system architecture by root pulling force and X-ray imaging, Plant Phenomics, Article in Press
    Keith E Duncan, Kirk J Czymmek, Ni Jiang, August C Thies, Christopher N Topp, X-ray microscopy enables multiscale high-resolution 3d imaging of plant cells, tissues, and organs, Plant Physiology, 2021, kiab405, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab405
    Keith Duncan, Ni Jiang, Christopher Topp, The versatility of X-ray microscopy for imaging intact plant structures, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2020, 1-3
    Keith Duncan, Ni Jiang, Tyler Dowd, Christopher Topp, Early evaluation of root system architecture in maize using X-ray microscopy of root tips, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2020, 1-3
    Mao Li, Laura L Klein, Keith E Duncan, Ni Jiang, Daniel H Chitwood, Jason P Londo, Allison J Miller, Christopher N Topp, Characterizing 3D inflorescence architecture in grapevine using X-ray imaging and advanced morphometrics: implications for understanding cluster density, Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 70(21):6261-6276
    Ni Jiang, Eric Floro, Adam L Bray, Benjamin Laws, Keith E Duncan, Christopher N Topp, Three-dimensional time-lapse analysis reveals multiscale relationships in maize root Systems with contrasting architectures The Plant Cell 2019, 31(8):1708-1722
    Zilong Guo, Wanneng Yang, Yu Chang, Xiaosong Ma, Haifu Tu, Fang Xiong, Ni Jiang, Hui Feng, Chenglong Huang, Peng Yang, Hu Zhao, Guoxing Chen, Hongyan Liu, Lijun Luo, Honghong Hu, Qian Liu, Lizhong Xiong, Genome-wide association studies of image traits reveal the genetic architecture of drought resistance in rice. Molecular Plant 2018, 11(6):789-805
    Xiong Xiong, Lejun Yu, Wanneng Yang, Meng Liu, Ni Jiang, Di Wu, Guoxing Chen, Lizhong Xiong, Kede Liu, Qian Liu, A high-throughput stereo- imaging system for quantifying rape leaf traits during the seedling stage. Plant Methods 2017, 13:7
    Wanneng Yang, Zilong Guo, Chenglong Huang, Ke Wang, Ni Jiang, Hui Feng, Guoxing Chen, Qian Liu, Lizhong Xiong, Genome-wide association study of rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaf traits with a high-throughput leaf scorer. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66(18): 5605-5615
    Ni Jiang, Wanneng Yang, Lingfeng Duan, Guoxing Chen, Wei Fang, Lizhong Xiong, Qian Liu, A non-destructive method for estimating the total green leaf area of individual rice plants using multi- angle color images. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2015, 8(2): 1550002
    Wanneng Yang#, Zilong Guo#, Chenglong Huang#, Lingfeng Duan#, Guoxing Chen#, Ni Jiang, Wei Fang, Hui Feng, Weibo Xie, Xingming Lian, Gongwei Wang, Qingming Luo, Qifa Zhang, Qian Liu, Lizhong Xiong, Combining high- throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal natural genetic variation in rice. Nature Communications 2014, 5: 5087
    Chenglong Huang, Wanneng Yang, LingFeng Duan, Ni Jiang, Guoxing Chen, Lizhong Xiong, Liu Qian. Rice panicle length measuring system based on dual-camera imaging, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2013, 98: 158-165.
    Hui Feng, Ni Jiang, Chenglong Huang, Wei Fang, Wanneng Yang, Guo xing Chen, Lizhong Xiong, Qian Liu. A hyperspectral imaging system for an accurate prediction of the above-ground biomass of individual rice plants, Review of Scientific Instruments 2013, 84(9):095107-095107.
    Ni Jiang, Wanneng Yang, Lingfeng Duan, Xiaochun Xu, Chenglong Huang, Qian Liu, Acceleration of CT reconstruction for wheat tiller inspection based on adaptive minimum enclosing rectangle. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2012, 85: 123-133