姓  名: 武照伐
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64801204
    电子邮件: wuzhaofa@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 神经通讯与脑功能


        2013年获西北农林科技大学学士学位;2019年获北京大学博士学位(导师:李毓龙教授);2019-2023年先后获勃林格殷格翰博士后基金、CLS杰出博士后基金,在北京大学从事博士后研究(合作导师:李毓龙教授和‪Bastian Hengerer教授)。‬2023年10月加入中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,2024年获基金委“优秀青年科学基金项目”支持。2023年入选北京市“青年人才托举工程”,2024年获朝阳区“凤凰计划”高层次人才认定。‬‬‬‬‬‬





        课题组目前招收副研究员、助理研究员、博士后(特别科研助理)、博士生和客座研究生。欢迎对脑科学感兴趣的有志青年加入(Email: wuzhaofa@genetics.ac.cn)。


    代表性论文(*Corresponding author; #Co-first author):
    1.  Wu, Z.#, Cui, Y.#, Wang, H.#, …, Xu, M., Luo, M.* & Li, Y.* (2023), Neuronal activity-induced, ENT-dependent, somatodendritic adenosine release revealed by a GRAB sensor. PNAS, 120(14), e2212387120.
    2.  Wu, Z.*, He, K., Chen, Y., …, Du, J., Jing, M., & Li, Y.* (2022). A sensitive GRAB sensor for detecting extracellular ATP in vitro and in vivo. Neuron, 110, 770-782 e775.
    —Selected as the “Best of Neuron 2021-2022”.
    3.  Peng, W.#, Wu, Z.#, Kun, S.#, Zhang, S., Li, Y. & Min, X.* (2020). Regulation of sleep homeostasis mediator adenosine by basal forebrain glutamatergic neurons. Science, 369, 1208.
    —Highlights by Whalley K., Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2020 Nov;21(11):593-593.
    4.  Wu, Z., Lin, D., & Li, Y.* (2022), Pushing the frontiers: tools for monitoring neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23, 257–274.
    5. .  Wu, Z.*, & Li, Y.* (2020). New frontiers in probing the dynamics of purinergic transmitters in vivo. Neuroscience Research, 35-43. (Cover).
    6.  Wu, Z.#, Feng, J.#, Jing, M., & Li, Y.* (2019). G protein-assisted optimization of GPCR-activation based (GRAB) sensors. Neural Imaging and Sensing 2019, vol. 10865, p. 108650N. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
    7.  Zhou, X.#, He, Y.#, Xu, T.#, Wu, Z.#, Guo, W., Xu, X., ... & Chen, J. F.* (2024). 40 Hz light flickering promotes sleep through cortical adenosine signaling. Cell Research, 1-18.
    8.  Park, G.#, Lee, G.#, …, Wu, Z., Li, Y., & Choi M.* (2025). Glia-like taste cells mediate an intercellular mode of peripheral sweet adaptation. Cell, 188, 141-156 e16
    9.  Chen, Y.#, Luan, P.#, Liu, J.#, …, Wu, Z., & Jing, M.* (2024). Spatiotemporally selective astrocytic ATP dynamics encode injury information sensed by microglia following brain injury in mice. Nature Neuroscience, 1-12.
    10. Li, X., Li, Y., Zhou, Y., …, Wu, Z., ... & Dai, Q.* (2023). Real-time denoising of fluorescence time-lapse imaging enables high-sensitivity observations of biological dynamics beyond the shot-noise limit. Nature Biotechnology, 41, 282–292.
    11. Lin, R.#*, Zhou, Y.#, Yan, T.#, Wang, R.#, Li, H., Wu, Z., ... & Luo, M.* (2022). Directed evolution of adeno-associated virus for efficient gene delivery to microglia. Nature Methods, 1-10.
    12.   Berki, P.#, Cserép, C.#, Környei, Z.#, …, Wu, Z., ... & Dénes, Á.* (2024). Microglia contribute to neuronal synchrony despite endogenous ATP-related phenotypic transformation in acute mouse brain slices. Nature Communications, 15(1), 5402.
    13.   Roy, K.#, Zhou, X.#, Otani, R.#, Yuan, P. C.#, …, Wu, Z., ... & Lazarus, M.* (2024). Optochemical control of slow-wave sleep in the nucleus accumbens of male mice by a photoactivatable allosteric modulator of adenosine A2A receptors. Nature Communications, 15(1), 3661.
    14.   Wang, Q.#, Kong, Y.#, Wu, D. Y., ..., Wu, Z., Li, Y., Yang, J.*, & Gao, T.* (2021). Impaired calcium signaling in astrocytes modulates autism spectrum disorder-like behaviors in mice. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-13.
    15.   Umpierre, A. D.#, Li, B.#, …, Wu, Z., ... & Wu, L.* (2024). Microglial P2Y6 calcium signaling promotes phagocytosis and shapes neuroimmune responses in epileptogenesis. Neuron, 112, 1959-1977 e10
    16.   Feng, J., Zhang, C., Lischinsky, J. E., …, Wu, Z., ... Lin, D., Du, J., & Li, Y.* (2019). A genetically encoded fluorescent sensor for rapid and specific in vivo detection of norepinephrine. Neuron, 102(4), 745-761.
    17.   Bayazitov, I. T., Teubner, B. J., Feng, F., Wu, Z., Li, Y., Blundon, J. A., & Zakharenko, S.* (2024). Sound-evoked adenosine release in cooperation with neuromodulatory circuits permits auditory cortical plasticity and perceptual learning. Cell Reports, 43(2).
    18.   Pittolo, S., Yokoyama, S., Willoughby, D., ... Wu, Z., … & Poskanzer, K.* (2022). Dopamine Activates Astrocytes in Prefrontal Cortex via α1-Adrenergic Receptors. Cell Reports, 40.
    19.   Lu, C.#, Ren, J.#, Mo J., …, Wu, Z., Li, Y., Gao, T., Cao, X.* (2022). Glucocorticoid receptor-dependent astrocytes mediate stress vulnerability. Biological Psychiatry, 92(3), 204-215.
    20.   Li, H., Zhao, Y., …, Wu, Z., Li, Y., & Luo, M.* (2024). Astrocytes release ATP/ADP and glutamate in flashes via vesicular exocytosis. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-15.
    21.   Peng, W.#*, Liu, X.#, Ma, G.#, Wu, Z., … Zhang, S.*, & Min, X.* (2023). Adenosine-independent regulation of the sleep–wake cycle by astrocyte activity. Cell Discovery, 9(1), 16.
    22.   Roberts, B., Lambert, E., Livesey, J., Wu, Z., Li, Y. & Cragg, S.* (2022). Dopamine release in nucleus accumbens is under tonic inhibition by adenosine A1 receptors regulated by astrocytic ENT1 and dysregulated by ethanol. The Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 1738-1751.
    23.   Hatashita, Y., Wu, Z., …, & Inoue, T.* (2023). Spontaneous and multifaceted ATP release from astrocytes at the scale of hundreds of synapses. Glia, 71(9), 2250-2265.
    24.   Ji, E., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., Wei, L., Wu, Z., Li, Y., Yu, X.*, & Song, T. J.* (2024). The Chemokine CCL2 Promotes Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Hippocampal Neurons via GluA1 Subunit Trafficking. Neuroscience Bulletin, 1-18.
    25.   Dai, R., Yu, T., Weng, D., Li, H., Cui, Y., Wu, Z., ... & Luo, M.* (2022). A neuropsin-based optogenetic tool for precise control of Gq signaling. Sci. China Life Sci., 1-14.
    26.   Qian, C., Wu, Z.#, Sun, R.#, …, & Li, Y.* (2021). Localization, proteomics, and metabolite profiling reveal a putative vesicular transporter for UDP-glucose. eLife, 10, e65417.
    27.   Yu, H., Zhao, T., Liu, S., Wu, Q., Johnson, O., Wu, Z., …, Lei, X., Luo, W.* & Li, Y.* (2019). MRGPRX4 is a bile acid receptor for human cholestatic itch. eLife, 8, e48431.
    28.   Xin, Q.#, Wang, J.#, ... Wu, Z., … & Hu, H.* (2024). Neuron-astrocyte Coupling in Lateral Habenula Mediates Depressive-like Behaviors. bioRxiv, 2024-11.
    29.   Guo, Q. #, Hou, T.#, Xie, W.#, ... Wu, Z., … & Wang, S.* (2024). Calcium Homeostasis Modulator 2 Constitutes an ATP-regulation Pore in Mitochondria. bioRxiv, 2024-09.
    30.   Zhang, Z.#, Wang, Y.#, ... Wu, Z., & Qin, W.* (2024). Spatiotemporally-resolved mapping of extracellular proteomes via in vivo-compatible TyroID. bioRxiv, 2024-08.