1. 近5年内发表的5篇代表性论著
(1) Cao, Y. #, Wang, X. #, Zhang, X., Misselbrook, T., Bai, Z., Ma, L. Nitrifier denitrification dominates nitrous oxide production in composting and can be inhibited by a bioelectrochemical nitrification inhibitor. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 341, 125851.
(2) Xu, Z., Zhao, B., Wang, Y., Xiao, J., Wang, X.* Composting process and odor emission varied in windrow and trough composting system under different air humidity conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297, 122482.
(3) Cao, Y. #, Wang, X. #, Liu, L., Velthof, G. L., Misselbrook, T., Bai, Z., Ma, L. Acidification of manure reduces gaseous emissions and nutrient losses from subsequent composting process. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 264, 110454.
(4) Wang, X., Selvam, A., Lau, S., Wong, J.W.C. Influence of lime and struvite on microbial community succession and odour emission during food waste composting. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247, 652-659.
(5) Wang X., Bai Z., Yao Y., Gao B., Chadwick D., Chen Q., Hu C., Ma L. Composting with negative pressure aeration for the mitigation of ammonia emissions and global warming potential. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 195, 448-457.
2. 近5年内发表的其余论著
(6) Liu, Z.#, Wang, X.#, Li S., Bai, Z., Ma, L. Advanced composting technologies promotes environmental benefits and eco-efficiency: A life cycle assessment. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 346, 126576.
(7) Cao, Y. #, Wang, X. #, Zhang, X., Misselbrook, T., Ma, L. An electric field immobilizes heavy metals through promoting combination with humic substances during composting. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 330, 124996.
(8) Cao, Y. #, Wang, X. #, Zhang, X., Misselbrook, T., Bai, Z., Ma, L. The effects of electric field assisted composting on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions varied with different electrolytes. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 344, 126194.
(9) Liu, Z. #, Wang, X. #, Wang, F., Bai, Z., Chadwick, D., Misselbrook, T., Ma, L. The progress of composting technologies from static heap to intelligent reactor: Benefits and limitations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 122328.
(10) Cao, Y. #, Wang, X. #, Bai, Z., Chadwick, D., Misselbrook, T., Sommer, S., Wei Q., Ma, L. Mitigation of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane emissions during solid waste composting with different additives: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235, 626-635.
(11) Wang, H., Zhao, Z., Winiwarter, W., Bai, Z., Wang, X., Fan, X., Ma, L. Strategies to reduce ammonia emissions from livestock and their cost-benefit analysis: A case study of Sheyang county. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 290, 118045.
(12) Cao, Y., Bai, Z., Misselbrook, T., Wang, X., Ma, L. Ammonia emissions from different pig production scales and their temporal variations in the North China Plain. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2021, 71, 23–33.
(13) Bai, Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., Wang, W., Liu, L., Zhang, X., Ma, L. China requires region-specific manure treatment and recycling technologies. Circular Agricultural Systems, 2021, 1(1), 1-8.
(14) Fan, H., Wu, S., Woodley, J., Zhuang, G., Bai, Z., Xu, S., Wang X., Zhuang, X. Effective removal of antibiotic resistance genes and potential links with archaeal communities during vacuum-type composting and positive-pressure composting. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021,089, 277-286.
(15) Chang, R., Yao, Y., Cao, W., Wang, J., Wang, X., Chen, Q. Effects of composting and carbon based materials on carbon and nitrogen loss in the arable land utilization of cow manure and corn stalks. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 233, 283-290.
(16) Tong, B., Wang, X., Wang, S., Ma, L., Ma, W. Transformation of nitrogen and carbon during composting of manure litter with different methods. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 293, 122046.
(17) Jia, W., Qin, W., Zhang, Q., Wang, X., Ma, Y., Chen, Q. Evaluation of crop residues and manure production and their geographical distribution in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 188, 954-965.
(18) Bai, Z., Li, X., Lu, J., Wang, X., Velthof, G. L., Chadwick, D., Luo, J., Ledgard, S., Wu, Z., Jin, S., Oenema, O., Ma, L. Livestock Housing and Manure Storage Need to Be Improved in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 8212-8214.
(19) 高巍, 张建杰, 张艳舫, 张楠楠, 王选, 柏兆海, 马文奇, 马林, 中国奶业全产业链绿色发展指标的时空变化特征. 中国生态农业学报, 2020, 8, 1181-1199.
(20) 刘泽龙, 王选, 曹玉博, 马林, 立式筒仓反应器堆肥技术工艺优化研究. 中国生态农业学报, 2020, 28, 149-159.
(21) 曹玉博, 张陆, 王选, 马林, 畜禽废弃物堆肥氨气与温室气体协同减排研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2020, 4, 923-932.
(22) 李硕, 王选, 张西群, 刘泽龙, 赵浩, 赵占轻, 张玉铭, 孙宏勇, 马林, 猪场肥水施用对玉米-小麦农田氨排放、氮素利用与表观平衡的影响. 中国生态农业学报, 2019, 10, 1502-1514.
(23) 郜斌斌, 王选, 王珏, 樊秉乾, 常瑞雪, 陈清, 化学和黏土矿物钝化剂对牛粪秸秆堆肥磷形态转化的影响. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(2), 242-249.
(24) 曹玉博, 邢晓旭, 柏兆海, 王选, 胡春胜, 马林, 农牧系统氨挥发减排技术研究进展. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(3), 566-580.
(25) 郜斌斌, 王选, 常瑞雪, 陈清, 黏土矿物和化学添加剂对牛粪堆肥过程氮素固持的影响. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(20), 250-257.
(26) 马林, 柏兆海, 王选, 曹玉博, 马文奇, 张福锁, 中国农牧系统养分管理研究的意义与重点. 中国农业科学, 2018, 3, 406-416.
Wong, J. W.C., Wang, X., Selvam, A., 2016. Chapter 4 - Improving Compost Quality by Controlling Nitrogen Loss During Composting, Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Solid Waste Management, page, 59-82.
(1)王选,马林,柏兆海,智能堆肥反应器系统以及堆肥反应器,2016.(专利号:ZL 201611207002.3)
(2)王选,唐子贵,马林,柏兆海,智能分层曝气堆肥反应器系统,2017.(申请号:201710670003 .X)
(11)董文旭,王选,柏兆海,马林,胡春胜,一种果园肥水沟灌装置及其使用方法, 2020.(申请号:202010631459.7)
(12)王选,唐子贵,马林,柏兆海,分层曝气堆肥反应器气泵热能利用系统,2019. (专利号:ZL 201920940666.3)
(13)王选,唐子贵,马林,柏兆海,分层曝气堆肥反应器冷凝水回收系统,2019. (专利号:ZL 201920940740.1)
(14)王选,唐子贵,马林,柏兆海,一种多层曝气反应器,2020.(专利号:ZL 202023223851.2)
(15)王选,唐子贵,马林,柏兆海,一种多层曝气搅拌装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202023223861.6)
(16)王选,张晓航,马林,柏兆海,一种对好氧堆肥过程中产生的挥发气体进行回收的装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202021909558.9)
(17)王选,张晓航,马林,柏兆海,养殖废气回收利用装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202030519198)
(18)王选,曹玉博,马林,柏兆海,堆肥碳氮转化气体采集分析系统,2020.(专利号:ZL 202023128007.1)
(19)王选,张晓航,马林,柏兆海,自走式定量喷施设备,2020.(专利号:ZL 202020385055.X)
(20)王选,刘娟,马林,柏兆海,一种圈舍粪尿酸化装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202022046633.X)
(21)王选,张晓航,马林,柏兆海,一种堆肥物料自动进料装置,2021.(专利号:ZL 202121050213.7)
(22)唐子贵,王选,尹恒东,童菁菁,一种氨气回收转化装置,2017. (专利号:ZL 201720681790.3)
(23)马林,张西群,王选,柏兆海,液态粪尿供给存储系统和液态粪尿注射施用与播种机具,2018.(专利号:ZL 201820809769.1)
(24)马林,张西群,王选,柏兆海,施肥播种系统和液态粪尿注射施用与播种一体化机具,2018.(专利号:ZL 201820811241.8)
(25)柏兆海,马林,王选,张楠楠,一种用于在粪污表面均匀铺洒酸化蛭石的装置,2018.(专利号:ZL 201821861866.1)
(26)唐子贵,马林,韩繁,王选,吴丽娟,一种好氧堆肥反应器气动进料机构,2020.(专利号:ZL 202022122115.1)
(27)唐子贵,马林,韩繁,王选,张晓航,一种好氧堆肥反应器均匀出料装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202022118727.3)
(28)唐子贵,马林,韩繁,王选,张晓航,一种好氧堆肥过程尾气高效吸收装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202022118729.2)
(29)董文旭,王选,柏兆海,马林,胡春胜,一种果园肥水沟灌装置,2020.(专利号:ZL 202021289598.8)
(30)马林,张西群,王选,张晓航,柏兆海,一种牵引式液体肥料定量喷施装置,2021.(专利号:ZL 202121809884.7)
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