姓  名: 邓娴
    职  称: 青年研究员
    电话/传真: 010-64806632
    电子邮件: xdeng@genetics.ac.cn
    研究方向: 植物表观遗传调控


            2001 - 2005,哈尔滨工业大学,学士
            2005 - 2007,哈尔滨工业大学,硕士
            2007 - 2011,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究,博士
            2011 – 2013,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,博士后
            2013 – 2017,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,助理研究员
            2018 – 2021,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,副研究员
            2022 – 今,  中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,青年研究员
            2015年 北京市科学技术二等奖(第四完成人)




    1.Deng X and Cao X. Reconciliation between high yield and disease resistance (Research Highlight). Nature Reviews Genetics. 23: 262–263 (2022)
    2.He K#, Mei H#, Zhu J, Qiu Q, Cao X*, and Deng X*. The Histone H3K27 demethylase REF6/JMJ12 promotes thermomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. National Science Review. nwab213 (2021)
    3.He K, Cao X*, and Deng X*. Histone methylation in epigenetic regulation and temperature responses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 61: 102001 (2021)
    4.Tang S, Yang C, Wang D, Deng X, Cao X, and Song X. Targeted DNA demethylation produces heritable epialleles in rice. Science China Life Sciences. 64 (2021)
    5.Mo W, Liu B, Zhang H, Jin X, Lu D, Yu Y, Liu Y, Jia J, Long Y, Deng X, Cao X, Guo H, and Zhai J. Landscape of transcription termination in Arabidopsis revealed by single-molecule nascent RNA sequencing. Genome Biology. 22: 322-342 (2021)
    6.Si F, Cao X, Song X*, and Deng X*. Processing of coding and non-coding RNAs in plant development and environmental responses. Essays in Biochemistry. 64: 931-945 (2020)
    7.Jia J#, Long Y#, Zhang H, Li Z, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Lu D, Jin X, Deng X, Xia R, Cao X, and Zhai J*. Post-transcriptional splicing of nascent RNA contributes to widespread intron retention in plants. Nature Plants. 6: 780-788 (2020)
    8.Qiu Q#, Mei H#, Deng X#, He K#, Wu B#, Yao Q, Zhang J, Lu F, Ma J*, and Cao X*. DNA methylation repels targeting of Arabidopsis REF6. Nature Communications. 10: 2063 (2019)
    9.Liu J#, Feng L#, Gu X#, Deng X#, Qiu Q, Li Q, Zhang Y, Wang M, Deng Y, Wang E, He Y, Baurle I, Li J, Cao X*, and He Z*. An H3K27me3 demethylase-HSFA2 regulatory loop orchestrates transgenerational thermomemory in Arabidopsis. Cell Research. 29: 379-390 (2019)
    10.  Deng X, Qiu Q, He K, and Cao X*. The seekers: how epigenetic modifying enzymes find their hidden genomic targets in Arabidopsis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 45: 75-81 (2018).
    11.  Hang R, Wang Z, Deng X, Liu C, Yan B, Yang C, Song X, Mo B, and Cao X*. Ribosomal RNA biogenesis and its response to chilling stress in Oryza sativa. Plant Physiology. 177: 381-397 (2018).
    12.  Deng H, Cheema J, Zhang H, Woolfenden H, Norris M, Liu Z, Liu Q, Yang X, Yang M, Deng X, Cao X*, and Ding Y*. Rice in vivo RNA structurome reveals RNA secondary structure conservation and divergence in plants. Molecular Plant. 11: 607-622 (2018).
    13.  Yang Z, Qiu Q, Chen W, Jia B, Chen X, Hu H, He K, Deng X, Li S, Tao A, Cao X*, and Du J*. Structure of the Arabidopsis JMJ14-H3K4me3 complex provides insight into the substrate specificity of KDM5 subfamily histone demethylases. Plant Cell. 30: 167-177 (2018).
    14.  Deng X and Cao X*. Roles of pre-mRNA splicing and polyadenylation in plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 35: 45-53 (2017).
    15.  Hu J#, Yang H#, Mu J, Lu T, Peng J, Deng X, Kong Z, Bao S, Cao X, and Zuo J *. Nitric oxide regulates protein methylation during stress responses in plants. Molecular Cell. 67: 702 (2017).
    16.  Deng X#, Lu T#, Wang L#, Gu L, Sun J, Kong X, Liu C*, and Cao X*. Recruitment of the NineTeen Complex to the activated spliceosome requires AtPRMT5. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113: 5447-5452 (2016).
    17.  Deng X, Song X, Wei L, Liu C, and Cao X*. Epigenetic regulation and epigenomic landscape in rice. National Science Review. 3: 309-327 (2016).
    18.  Wu Z, Zhu D, Lin X, Miao J, Gu L, Deng X, Yang Q, Sun K, Zhu D, Cao X, Tsuge T, Dean C, Aoyama T, Gu H, and Qu L*. RNA binding proteins RZ-1B and RZ-1C play critical roles in regulating pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression during development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 28: 55-73 (2016).
    19.  Hang R, Deng X*, Liu C, Mo B, and Cao X*. Circular RT-PCR assay using Arabidopsis samples. Bio-protocol. 5: e1533 (2015).
    20.  侯毅枫, 邓娴, 陆天聪, 张勇, 曹晓风*. 蛋白质精氨酸甲基化参与基因转录后调控的研究进展. 生命科学. 03: 351-362 (2015).
    21.  Zhang Y#, Gu L#, Hou Y#, Wang L, Deng X, Hang R, Chen D, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Liu C*, and Cao X*. Integrative genome-wide analysis reveals HLP1, a novel RNA-binding protein, regulates plant flowering by targeting alternative polyadenylation. Cell Research. 25: 864-876 (2015).
    22.  Deng X#, Gu L#, Liu C#, Lu T#, Lu F, Lu Z, Cui P, Pei Y, Wang B, Hu S, and Cao X*. Arginine methylation mediated by the Arabidopsis homolog of PRMT5 is essential for proper pre-mRNA splicing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 19114-19119 (2010)
    23.  Deng W#, Liu C#, Pei Y, Deng X, Niu L, and Cao X*. Involvement of the histone acetyltransferase AtHAC1 in the regulation of flowering time via repression of FLOWERING LOCUS C in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 143: 1660-1668 (2007).