姓  名: 杨维才
    职  称: 研究员
    电话/传真: 86-10-64807761
    电子邮件: wcyang@genetics.ac.cn
    实验室主页: http://weicailab.genetics.ac.cn/
    研究方向: 植物生殖发育的分子遗传学


    杨维才 博士、研究员、博士生导师、中国科学院大学岗位教授、中国科学院院士
    2003-至  今
    获International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research, Outstanding Service Award
    Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee中国区代表(2006-2016)
    International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPRR), Board member (2004-2006)
    中国遗传学会常务理事 (2008-2018年)、副理事长/兼秘书长(2019-2024年)
    中国细胞生物学会理事 (2007-2011年)
    《植物学报》副主编 (2008-2014年)
    Journal of Integrative Plant Biology副主编 (2008-2016年)
    Journal of Genetics and Genomics 副主编 (2010年-)
    Journal of Plant Biology编委 (2012-2016年)
    Plant Signaling and Behavior编委 (2008-2016年)
    Cell Research编委 (2006-2010年)
    Molecular Plant编委 (2007年- )
    Sexual Plant Reproduction编委 (2011-2012年)
    Plant Reproduction编委 (2013年-)
    Scientific Reports编委 (2011年-)
    Science in China: Life Science编委 (2008年-)
    New Phytologist编委(2022-)
    Seed Biology主编(2022-)


    1.Meng, J.G., Xu, Y.J., Wang, W.Q., Yang, F., Chen, S.Y., Jia, P.F., Yang, W.C., and Li, H.J. (2023) Central cell-produced attractants control fertilization recovery. Cell DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2023.06.024.
    2.Chen, S.Y., Wang, L., Jia, P.F., Yang, W.C., Sze, H, and Li, H.J. (2022) Osmoregulation determines sperm cell geometry and integrity for double fertilization in flowering plants. Molecular Plant 15: 1488–1496.
    3.Xue, Y., Meng, J.G., Jia, P.F., Zhang, Z.R., Li, H.J. and Yang, W.C. (2022) POD1-SUN-CRT3 chaperone complex guards the ER sorting of LRR receptor kinases in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 13: 2703.
    4.Luo, Y., Shi, D.-Q., Jia, P.-F., Bao, Y., Li, H.-J., Yang, W.-C. (2021). Nucleolar histone deacetylases HDT1, HDT2 and HDT3 regulate plant reproductive development, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.
    5.Meng, J. G., Liang, L., Jia, P.F., Wang, Y.C., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2020). Integration of ovular signals and exocytosis of a Ca2+ channel by MLOs in pollen tube guidance. Nature Plants 6: 143–153.
    6.Zhang, M.X., Zhu, S.S., Xu, Y.C., Guo, Y.L., Yang, W.C., and Li, H.J. (2020). Transcriptional repression specifies the central cell for double fertilization. PNAS 117: 6231-6236.
    7.Meng, J.G., Liang, L., Jia, P.F., Wang, Y.C., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2020) Integration of ovular signals and exocytosis of a Ca2+ channel by MLOs in pollen tube guidance. Nature Plants 6: 143-153.
    8.Tang, J., Jia, P., Xin, P., Chu, J., Shi, D., and Yang, W. (2020). AtTRM61/AtTRM6 complex is a bona fide tRNA N1-methyladenosine methyltransferase in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 3024-3036.
    9.Chen, W., Jia, P.F., Yang, W.C., and Li, H.J. (2020). Plasma membrane H+-ATPase-mediated cytosolic proton gradient regulates pollen tube growth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62: 1817-1822.
    10.  Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C., (2020). Central cell in flowering plants specication, signaling, and evolution. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:590307. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.590307.
    11.  Wu, H.M., Xie, D.J., Tang, Z.S., Shi, D.Q., and Yang, W.C. (2020). PINOID regulates floral organ development by modulating auxin transport and interacts with MADS16 in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal 18: 1778-1795.
    12.  Zhao, P., Wang, F., Li, N., Shi, D.Q., and Yang, W.C. (2020). Pentatricopeptide repeat protein MID1 modulates nad2 intron 1 splicing and Arabidopsis development. Scientific Reports 10: 2008.
    13.  Iftikhar, A. and Yang, W.C. (2020). The functions of kinesin and kinesin-related proteins in eukaryotes. Cell Adhesion & Migration 14: 139-152.
    14.  Iftikhar, A. and Yang, W.C. (2020). Why are ATP-driven microtubule minus-end directed motors critical to plants? An overview of plant multifunctional kinesins. Functional Plant Biology 47: 524–536.
    15.  Shi, C., Luo, P., Du, Y.T., Chen, H., Huang, X., Cheng, T.H., Luo, A., Li, H.J., Yang, W.C., Zhao, P., and Sun, M.X. (2019). Maternal control of suspensor programmed cell death via gibberellin signaling. Nature Communications 10: 3484.
    16.  Long, Y., Xie, D., Zhao, Y., Shi, D., and Yang, W.C. (2019). BICELLULAR POLLEN 1 is a modulator of DNA replication and pollen development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 222: 588–603.
    17.  Meng, J.G., Zhang, M.X., Yang, W.C., and Li, H.J. (2019). TICKET attracts pollen tubes and mediates reproductive isolation between relative species in Brassicaceae. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 62:1413-1419.
    18.  Li, Y., Li., H.J., Morgan, C., Bomblies, K., Yang, W., and Qi, B. (2019). Both male and female gametogenesis require a fully functional protein S-acyl transferase 21 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 100:754-767.
    19.  Jia, P.F., Xue, Y., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2019). LOT regulates TGN biogenesis and Golgi structure in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior 14(3): e1573100.
    20.  Jia, P.F., Xue, Y., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2018). Golgi-localized LOT regulates trans-Golgi network biogenesis and pollen tube growth. PNAS 115: 12307-12312.
    21.  Li, H.J. and Yang, W.C. (2018). Ligands switch model for pollen-tube integrity and burst. Trend Plant Sci 23: 369-372.
    22.  van Velzena, R., Holmer, R., Bua, F., Rutten, L., van Zeijl, A., Liu, W., Santuari, L., Cao, Q., Sharma, T., Shen, D., Roswanjaya, Y., Wardhani, T.A.K., Kalhor, M.S., Jansen, J., van den Hoogen, J., Güng?r, B., Hartog, M., Hontelez, J., Verver, J., Yang, W.C., Schijlen, E., Repin, R., Schilthuizen, M., Schranz, M.E., Heidstra, R., Miyata, K., Fedorova, E., Kohlen, W., Bisseling, T., Smit, S., and Geurts, R. (2018). Comparative genomics of the nonlegume Parasponia reveals insights into evolution of nitrogen-fixing rhizobium symbioses. PNAS 115: E4700-E4709.
    23.  Li, H.J., Meng, J.G., and Yang, W.C. (2018). Multilayered signaling pathways for pollen tube growth and guidance. Plant Reproduction 31, 31-41.
    24.  Sun, M.X., Yang, W.C., and Higashiyama, T. (2018). Special issue on plant reproduction research in Asia. Plant Reproduction 31:1-2.
    25.  Higashiyama, T., and Yang, W.C. (2017). Gametophytic pollen tube guidance: Attractant peptides, gametic controls, and receptors. Plant Physiology 173: 112-121.
    26.  Jia, P.F., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2017). Analysis of peroxisome biogenesis in pollen by confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In Plant Germline Development: Methods and Protocols (Ed. Anja Schmidt), PP. 173-180. Methods in Plant Molecular Biology 1669. Springer protocols.
    27.  Jia, P.F., Li, H.J., and Yang, W.C. (2017). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study histology of pollen and pollen tubes. In Plant Germline Development: Methods and Protocols (Ed. Anja Schmidt), PP. 181-189. Methods in Plant Molecular Biology 1669. Springer Protocols.
    28.  Yu, T.Y., Shi, D.Q., Jia, P.F., Tang, J., Li, H.J., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2016). The Arabidopsis receptor kinase ZAR1 is required for zygote asymmetric division and its daughter cell fate. PLoS Genetics 12(3): e1005933.
    29.  Wang, T., Liang, L., Xue, Y., Jia, P.F., Chen, W., Zhang, M.X., Wang, Y.C., Li, H.J. and Yang, W. C. (2016). A receptor heteromer mediates the male perception of female attractants in plants. Nature 531: 241-244.
    30.  Li, H.,and Yang, W.C. (2016). RLKs orchestrate the signaling in plant male-female interaction. Science China Life Science 59: 867-877.
    31.  Zhou, J.M., and Yang, W.C. (2016) Receptor-like kinases take center stage in plant biology. Science China Life Science 59: 863-866.
    32.  Li, H.J., Zhu, S.S., Zhang, M.X., Wang, T., Liang, L., Xue, Y., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2015). Arabidopsis CBP1 is a novel regulator of transcription initiation in central cell-mediated pollen tube guidance. Plant Cell 27: 2880-2893.
    33.  Wang, J.Z., Li, H.J., Han, Z.F., Zhang, H.Q., Wang, T., Lin, G.Z., Chang, J.B., Yang, W.C. and Chai, J.J. (2015). Allosteric receptor activation by the plant peptide hormone phytosulfokine. Nature 525: 265-268.
    34.  Yan, L.H., Wei, S.W., Wu, Y.R., Hu, R.L., Li, H.J., Yang, W.C., and Xie, Q. (2015). High-efficiency genome editing in Arabidopsis using YAO promoter-driven CRISPR/Cas9 system. Molecular Plant 8: 1820-1823.
    35.  Chen, L.Y., Shi, D.Q., Zhang, W.J., Tang, Z.S., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2015). The Arabidopsis alkaline ceramidase TOD1 is a key turgor pressure regulator in plant cells. Nature Communications 6: 6030.
    36.  Chen, G.H., Sun, J.Y., Liu, M., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2014). SPOROCYTELESS is a novel embryophyte-specific transcription repressor that interacts with TPL and TCP proteins in Arabidopsis. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 41(12), 617-625.
    37.  Li, X.R., Li, H.J., Yuan, L., Liu, M., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang W.C. (2014). Arabidopsis DAYU/ABERRANT PEROXISOME MORPHOLOGY9 is a key regulator of peroxisome biogenesis and plays critical roles during pollen maturation and germination in planta. Plant Cell 26: 619-635.
    38.  Liu, P., Qi, M., Wang, Y., Chang, M., Liu, C., Sun, M., Yang, W., and Ren, H. (2014). Arabidopsis RAN1 mediates seed development through its parental ratio by affecting the onset of endosperm cellularization. Molecular Plant 7: 1316–1328.
    39.  Zhu, Y.N., Shi, D.Q., Ruan, M.B., Zhang, L.L., Meng, Z.H., Liu, J., and Yang, WC. (2013). Transcriptome analysis reveals crosstalk of responsive genes to multiple abiotic stresses in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PLoS ONE 8: e80218.
    40.  Cheung, A.Y., Palanivelu, R., Tang, W.H., Xue, H.W., and Yang, W.C. (2013). Pollen and plant reproduction biology: Blooming from east to west. Molecular Plant 6: 995–997.
    41.  Wang, S.Q., Shi, D.Q., Long, Y.P., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2012) GAMETOPHYTE DEFECTIVE 1, a putative subunit of RNases P/MRP, is essential for female gametogenesis and male competence in Arabidopsis. PLoS One 7: e33595.
    42.  Li, H.J. and Yang, W.C. (2012). Emerging role of ER quality control in plant cell signal perception. Protein & Cell 3: 10-16.
    43.  Zhao, Y.T., Wang, M., Fu, S.X., Yang, W.C., Qi, C.K., and Wang, X.J. (2012). Small RNA profiling in two Brassica napus cultivars identifies microRNAs with oil production and developmental correlated expressions and new small RNA classes. Plant Physiology 158: 813-823.
    44.  Liu, W., Kohlen, W., Lillo, A., Op den Camp, R., Ivanov, S., Hartog, M., Limpens, E., Jamil, M., Smaczniak, C., Kaufmann, K., Yang, W.C., Hooiveld, G.J.E.J., Charnikhova, T., Bouwmeester, H.J., Bisseling, T., and Geurts, R. (2011). Strigolactone biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula and rice requires the symbiotic GRAS-type transcription factors NSP1 and NSP2. Plant Cell 23: 3853-3865.
    45.  Li H.J., Xue Y., Jia D.J., Wang T., Shi D.Q., Liu J., Cui F., Xie Q., Ye D., and Yang W.C. (2011). POD1 regulates pollen tube guidance in response to micropylar female signalling and acts in early embryo patterning in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 3288–3302.
    46.  Shi, D.Q. and Yang, W.C. (2011). Ovule development in Arabidopsis: progress and challenge. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 14: 74-80.
    47.  Zhao, P., Shi, D.Q., Yang, W.C. (2011). Patterning the embryo in higher plants: Emerging pathways and challenges. Frontiers in Biology 6: 3-11.
    48.  Li, H.J., Liu, N.Y., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2010). YAO is a nucleolar WD40-repeat protein critical for embryogenesis and gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology 10:169.
    49.  Liu, M., Shi, D.Q., Yuan, L., Liu J., and Yang, W.C. (2010). SLOW WALKER3, encoding a putative DEAD-box RNA helicase, is essential for female gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52: 817-828.
    50.  Yang, W.C., Shi, D.Q., and Chen, Y.H. (2010). Female gametophyte development in flowering plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology 61: 89–108.
    51.  Deng, Y., Dong, H., Mu, J., Ren, B., Zheng, B., Ji, Z., Yang, W.C., Liang, Y., and Zuo, J. (2010). Arabidopsis histidine kinase CKI1 acts upstream of HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROTEINS to regulate female gametophyte development and vegetative growth. Plant Cell 22: 1232–1248.
    52.  Shi, D.Q. and Yang, W.C. (2009). Pollen germination and tube growth. In Plant Developmental Biology – Biotechnological Perspectives (eds. E.C. Pua and M.R. Davey), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. Vol. I, pp245-282.
    53.  Li, N., Yuan, L., Liu, N., Shi, D., Li, X., Tang, Z., Liu, J., Sundaresan, V., and Yang, W.C. (2009). SLOW WALKER2, a NOC1/MAK21 homologue, is essential for coordinated cell cycle progression during female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 151: 1486-1497.
    54.  Ruan, M.B., Zhao, Y.T., Meng, Z.H., Wang, X.J., and Yang W.C. (2009). Conserved miRNA analysis in Gossypium hirsutum through small RNA sequencing. Genomics 94:263-268.
    55.  Liu, M., Yuan, L., Liu, N.Y., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2009). GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR1, involved in pre-mRNA splicing, is essential for megagametogenesis and embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51: 261-271.
    56.  Liu, N.Y., Zhang, Z.F., and Yang, W.C. (2008). Isolation of embryo-specific mutants in Arabidopsis: Plant transformation. In Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Embryogenesis (ed. M.F. Suarez and P.V. Bozhkov), pp91-100. Humana Press, Totowa, USA.
    57.  Liu, N.Y., Zhang, Z.F., and Yang, W.C. (2008). Isolation of embryo-specific mutants in Arabidopsis: Genetic and phenotypic analysis. In Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Embryogenesis (ed. M.F. Suarez and P.V. Bozhkov), pp101-109. Humana Press, Totowa, USA.
    58.  Pu, L., Li, Q., Fan, X.P., Yang, W.C., and Xue, Y.B. (2008). A R2R3 MYB transcription factor GhMYB109 is required for cotton fiber development. Genetics 180: 811-820.
    59.  Wang, F., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2008). Novel nuclear protein ALC-INTERACTING PROTEIN1 is expressed in vascular and mesocarp cells in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 918-927.
    60.  Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Qin, G., Tsuge, T., Sakaguchi, N., Luo, G., Sun, K., Shi, D., Aki, S., Zheng, N., Aoyama, T., Oka, A., Yang, W.C., Umeda, M., Xie, Q., Gu, H., and Qu L.J. (2008). Targeted degradation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK4/KRP6 by RING-type E3 ligases is essential for mitotic cell cycle progression during Arabidopsis gametogenesis. Plant Cell 20: 1538-1554.
    61.  Chen, Y.H., Li, H.J., Shi, D.Q., Yuan, L., Liu, J., Sreenivasan, R., Baskar, R., Grossniklaus, U., and Yang, W.C. (2007). The central cell plays a critical role for pollen tube guidance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 3563-3577.
    62.  Escobar-Restrepo, J.M., Huck, N., Kessler, S., Gagliardini, V., Gheyselinck, J., Yang, W.C., and Grossniklaus, U. (2007). The FERONIA receptor-like kinase mediates male-female interactions during pollen tube reception. Science 317: 656-660.
    63.  Meng, Z.H., Liang, A.H., and Yang, W.C. (2007). Effects of hygromycin on cotton cultures and its application in Agrobacterium-mediated cotton transformation. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 43: 111-118.
    64.  Song, X.F., Yang, C.Y., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2006). RPA, a Class II ARFGAP protein, activates ARF1 and U5 and plays a role in root hair development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 141: 966-976.
    65.  Ding, Y.H., Liu, N.Y., Tang, Z.S., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2006). Arabidopsis GLUTAMINE-RICH PROTEIN23 is essential for early embryogenesis and encodes a novel nuclear PPR motif protein that interacts with RNA polymerase II subunit III. Plant Cell 18: 815-830.
    66.  Chen, Y.H., Wu, X.M., Ling, H.Q., and Yang, W.C. (2006). Transgenic expression of DwMYB2 impairs iron transport from root to shoot in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research 16: 830-840.
    67.  Yang, W.C. (2005). Female gametophyte development, In Handbook of Seed Science and Technology (ed. Basra, A.S.), pp.27-62. The Haworth Press, Inc. New York.
    68.  Yang, S.L., Jiang, L., Puah, C.S., Xie, L.F., Zhang, X.Q., Chen, L.Q., Yang, W.C., and Ye, D. (2005). Overexpression of TAPETUM ETERMINANT1 alters the cell fates in the Arabidopsis carpel and tapetum via genetic interaction with EXCESS MICROSPOROCYTES1/EXTRA SPOROGENOUS CELLS. Plant Physiology 139: 186-191.
    69.  Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., Xiang, Y.H., Ye, D., Sundaresan, V., and Yang, W.C. (2005). SLOW WALKER1, essential for gametogenesis in Arabidopsis, encodes a WD40 protein involved in 18S ribosomal RNA biogenesis. Plant Cell 17: 2340-2354.
    70.  Li, X.B., Fan, X.P., Wang, X.L., Cai, L., and Yang, W.C. (2005). The cotton ACTIN1 gene is functionally expressed in fibers and participates in fiber elongation. Plant Cell 17: 859-875.
    71.  Jiang, J., Yang, S.L., Xie, L.F., Puah, C.S., Zhang, X.Q., Yang, W.C., Sundaresan, V., and Ye, D. (2005). VANGUARD1 encodes a pectin methylesterase that enhances pollen tube growth in the Arabidopsis style and transmitting tract. Plant Cell 17: 584-596.
    72.  Rotman, N., Durbarry, A., Wardle, A., Yang, W.C., Chaboud, A., Faure, J.-F., Berger, F., and Twell, D. (2005). A novel class of MYB factors controls sperm-cell formation in plants. Current Biology 15: 244-248.
    73.  Yang, S.L., Xie, L.F., Mao, H.Z., Puah, C.S., Yang, W.C., Lixi Jiang, L.X., Sundaresan, V., and Ye, D. (2003). The TAPETUM DETERMINANT 1 gene is required for cell specialization in the Arabidopsis anther. Plant Cell 15: 2792-2804.
    74.  Wu, X.M. Lim, S.H., and Yang, W.C. (2003). Characterization, expression and phylogenetic study of R2R3-MYB genes in orchid. Plant Mol Biol 51: 959-972.
    75.  Compaan, B., Yang. W.C., Bisseling, T., and Franssen, H. (2001). ENOD40 expression in the pericycle precedes cortical cell division in Rhizobium-legume interaction and the highly conserved internal region of the gene does not encode a peptide. Plant & Soil 230: 1-8.
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    81.  Heidstra, R., Yang, W.C., Yalcin, Y., Peck, S., Emons, A., Van Kammen, A., and Bisseling, T. (1997). Ethylene provides positional information on cortical cell division but is not involved in Nod factor-induced root hair tip growth in Rhizobium-legume interaction. Development 124: 1781-1787.
    82.  Meskiene, I., Yang, W.C., De Blank, C., Bogre, L., Zwerger, K., Brandstotter, M., Mattauch, M., Bisseling, T., and Hirt, H. (1996). Cell cycle regulation during nodule development. In Biological Fixation of Nitrogen for Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture/NATO ASI series, Series G, Ecological Sciences, 39:63-65.
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    87.  Brito, B., Palacios, J.M., Imperial, J., Ruiz-Argueso, T., Yang, W.C., Bisseling, T., Schmidt, H., Kerl, V., Bauer, T., Kokotek, W., and Lotz, W. (1995). Temporal and spatial co-expression of hydrogenase and nitrogenase genes from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae in pea (Pisum sativum L.) root nodules. Molecular Plant-Micobe Interaction 8: 235-240.
    88.  Mylona, P., Moerman, M., Yang, W.C., Gloudemans, T., De Kerkhove, J., Van Kammen, A., Bisseling, T., and Franssen, H.J. (1994). The root epidermis specific pea gene RH2 is homologous to a pathogen related gene. Plant Molecular Biology 26: 39-50.
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    91.  De Maagd, R.A., Yang, W.C., Goosen-de Roo, L., Mulders, I.H.M., Roest, H.P., Spaink, H.P., Bisseling, T., and Lugtenberg, B.J.J. (1994). Down-regulation of expression of the Rhizobium leguminosarum outer membrane protein gene ropA occurs abruptly in interzone II-III of pea nodules and can be uncoupled from nif gene activation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 7: 276-281.
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    杨维才,贾鹏飞,郑国锠. (2015). 《郑国锠细胞生物学》,科学出版社