1. Pei, Y.; Deng, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, J.; Chen, Z.; Cai, D.; Li, K.; Du, Y.; Zang, J.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, L.; Liu, J.; Chen, H., EAR APICAL DEGENERATION1 regulates maize ear development by maintaining malate supply for apical inflorescence. Plant Cell, 2022, DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac093.
2. 袁薪茹; 闫吉军; 范金石; 褚金芳, CLE家族植物小肽激素的质谱碎裂特征研究.质谱学报, 2022, 43 (1), 56-66.
3. Li, H.; Nian, J.; Fang, S.; Guo, M.; Huang, X.; Zhang, F.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Bai, J.; Dong, G.; Xin, P.; Xie, X.; Chen, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Qian, Q.; Zuo, J.; Chu, J.; Ma, X., Regulation of nitrogen starvation responses by the alarmone (p)ppGpp in rice. J. Genet. Genomics, 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.jgg.2022.02.006.
4. Cao, J.; Liang, Y.; Yan, T.; Wang, X.; Zhou, H.; Chen, C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, S.; Liao, J.; Cheng, S.; Chu, J.; Huang, X.; Xu, D.; Li, J.; Deng, X. W.; Lin, F., The photomorphogenic repressors BBX28 and BBX29 integrate light and brassinosteroid signaling to inhibit seedling development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2022, DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac092.
5. Zhang, D.; Tang, S.; Xie, P.; Yang, D.; Wu, Y.; Cheng, S.; Du, K.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Yu, F.; Xie, Q., Creation of fragrant sorghum by CRISPR/Cas9. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 2022, DOI:10.1111/jipb.13232.
6. 赵三增; 孔丹宇; 辛培勇; 褚金芳; 万迎朗; 凌宏清; 刘毅, AtCPS V326M突变显著影响赤霉素合成.遗传, 2022.
7. Cai, B.; Wang, T.; Sun, H.; Liu, C.; Chu, J.; Ren, Z.; Li, Q., Gibberellins regulate lateral root development that is associated with auxin and cell wall metabolisms in cucumber. Plant Sci., 2022, 317, 110995.
8. Zhao, Y.; Jiang, T.; Li, L.; Zhang, X.; Yang, T.; Liu, C.; Chu, J.; Zheng, B., The chromatin remodeling complex imitation of switch controls stamen filament elongation by promoting jasmonic acid biosynthesis in arabidopsis. J. Genet. Genomics, 2021, 48 (2), 123-133.
9. Wan, T.; Liu, Z.; Leitch, I. J.; Xin, H.; Maggs-Kolling, G.; Gong, Y.; Li, Z.; Marais, E.; Liao, Y.; Dai, C.; Liu, F.; Wu, Q.; Song, C.; Zhou, Y.; Huang, W.; Jiang, K.; Wang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Zhong, Z.; Yang, M.; Yan, X.; Hu, G.; Hou, C.; Su, Y.; Feng, S.; Yang, J.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Chen, F.; Ran, J.; Wang, X.; Van de Peer, Y.; Leitch, A. R.; Wang, Q., The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. Nat. Commun., 2021, 12 (1), 4247.
10. Liu, L.; Ren, M.; Peng, P.; Chun, Y.; Li, L.; Zhao, J.; Fang, J.; Peng, L.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Wang, Y.; Yuan, S.; Li, X., MLT1, encoding a 15-cis-zeta-carotene isomerase, regulates tiller number and stature in rice. J. Genet. Genomics, 2021, 48 (1), 88-91.
11. Kong, Y.; Meng, Z.; Wang, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Hong, L.; Liu, R.; Wang, M.; Zhang, J.; Han, L.; Bai, M.; Yu, X.; Kong, F.; Mysore, K. S.; Wen, J.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Zhou, C., Brassinosteroid homeostasis is critical for the functionality of the medicago truncatula pulvinus. Plant Physiol., 2021, 185 (4), 1745-1763.
12. Jiang, A.; Guo, Z.; Pan, J.; Yang, Y.; Zhuang, Y.; Zuo, D.; Hao, C.; Gao, Z.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Zhong, S.; Li, L., The PIF1-miR408-PLANTACYANIN repression cascade regulates light-dependent seed germination. Plant Cell, 2021, 33 (5), 1506-1529.
13. Ji, Y.; Qu, Y.; Jiang, Z.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Xu, M.; Su, X.; Yuan, H.; Wang, A., The mechanism for brassinosteroids suppressing climacteric fruit ripening. Plant Physiol., 2021, 185 (4), 1875-1893.
14. Di, D.; Sun, L.; Wang, M.; Wu, J.; Kronzucker, H.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Shi, W.; Li, G., WRKY46 promotes ammonium tolerance in Arabidopsis by repressing NUDX9 and indole-3-acetic acid-conjugating genes and by inhibiting ammonium efflux in the root elongation zone. New Phytol., 2021, 232 (1), 190-207.
15. Di, D.; Li, G.; Sun, L.; Wu, J.; Wang, M.; Kronzucker, H.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Shi, W., High ammonium inhibits root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana by promoting auxin conjugation rather than inhibiting auxin biosynthesis. J. Plant Physiol., 2021, 261, 153415.
16. Chen, M.; Ju, Y.; Ahmad, Z.; Yin, Z.; Ding, Y.; Que, F.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Wei, Q., Multi-analysis of sheath senescence provides new insights into bamboo shoot development at the fast growth stage. Tree Physiol., 2021, 41 (3), 491-507.
17. Chen, H.; Yu, H.; Jiang, W.; Li, H.; Wu, T.; Chu, J.; Xin, P.; Li, Z.; Wang, R.; Zhou, T.; Huang, K.; Lu, L.; Bian, M.; Du, X., Overexpression of ovate family protein 22 confers multiple morphological changes and represses gibberellin and brassinosteroid signalings in transgenic rice. Plant Sci., 2021, 304, 110734.
18. Zhao, M.; Tang, S.; Zhang, H.; He, M.; Liu, J.; Zhi, H.; Sui, Y.; Liu, X.; Jia, G.; Zhao, Z.; Yan, J.; Zhang, B.; Zhou, Y.; Chu, J.; Wang, X.; Zhao, B.; Tang, W.; Li, J.; Wu, C.; Liu, X.; Diao, X., DROOPY LEAF1 controls leaf architecture by orchestrating early brassinosteroid signaling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2020, 117 (35), 21766-21774.
19. Zhao, H.; Ma, B.; Duan, K.; Li, X.; Lu, X.; Yin, C.; Tao, J.; Wei, W.; Zhang, W.; Xin, P.; Man Lam, S.; Chu, J.; Shui, G.; Chen, S.; Zhang, J., The GDSL lipase MHZ11 modulates ethylene signaling in rice roots. Plant Cell, 2020, 32 (5), 1626-1643.
20. Xin, P.; Guo, Q.; Li, B.; Cheng, S.; Yan, J.; Chu, J., A tailored high-efficiency sample pretreatment method for simultaneous quantification of 10 classes of known endogenous phytohormones. Plant Commun., 2020, 1 (3), 100047.
21. Wang, Y.; Shang, L.; Yu, H.; Zeng, L.; Hu, J.; Ni, S.; Rao, Y.; Li, S.; Chu, J.; Meng, X.; Wang, L.; Hu, P.; Yan, J.; Kang, S.; Qu, M.; Lin, H.; Wang, T.; Wang, Q.; Hu, X.; Chen, H.; Wang, B.; Gao, Z.; Guo, L.; Zeng, D.; Zhu, X.; Xiong, G.; Li, J.; Qian, Q., A strigolactone biosynthesis gene contributed to the green revolution in rice. Mol Plant., 2020, 13 (6), 923-932.
22. Wang, W.; Yang, J.; Zhang, J.; Liu, Y. X.; Tian, C.; Qu, B.; Gao, C.; Xin, P.; Cheng, S.; Zhang, W.; Miao, P.; Li, L.; Zhang, X.; Chu, J.; Zuo, J.; Li, J.; Bai, Y.; Lei, X.; Zhou, J. M., An arabidopsis secondary metabolite directly targets expression of the bacterial type III  secretion system to inhibit bacterial virulence. Cell Host Microbe, 2020, 27 (4), 601-613.
23. Wang, M.; Zhang, P.; Liu, Q.; Li, G.; Di, D.; Xia, G.; Kronzucker, H. J.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Shi, W., TaANR1-TaBG1 and TaWabi5-TaNRT2s/NARs link ABA metabolism and nitrate acquisition in wheat roots. Plant Physiol., 2020, 182 (3), 1440-1453.
24. Wang, L.; Xu, Q.; Yu, H.; Ma, H.; Li, X.; Yang, J.; Chu, J.; Xie, Q.; Wang, Y.; Smith, S. M.; Li, J.; Xiong, G.; Wang, B., Strigolactone and karrikin signaling pathways elicit ubiquitination and proteolysis of SMXL2 to regulate hypocotyl elongation in arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2020, 32 (7), 2251-2270.
25. Wang, L.; Wang, B.; Yu, H.; Guo, H.; Lin, T.; Kou, L.; Wang, A.; Shao, N.; Ma, H.; Xiong, G.; Li, X.; Yang, J.; Chu, J.; Li, J., Transcriptional regulation of strigolactone signalling in Arabidopsis. Nature, 2020, 583 (7815), 277-281.
26. Wang, F.; Han, T.; Song, Q.; Ye, W.; Song, X.; Chu, J.; Li, J.; Chen, Z. J., The rice circadian clock regulates tiller growth and panicle development through strigolactone signaling and sugar sensing. Plant Cell, 2020, 32 (10), 3124-3138.
27. Wang, D.; Yu, K.; Jin, D.; Sun, L.; Chu, J.; Wu, W.; Xin, P.; Gregova, E.; Li, X.; Sun, J.; Yang, W.; Zhan, K.; Zhang, A.; Liu, D., Natural variations in the promoter of awn length inhibitor 1 (ALI-1) are associated with awn elongation and grain length in common wheat. Plant J., 2020, 101 (5), 1075-1090.
28. Tang, J.; Jia, P.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Shi, D. Q.; Yang, W. C., The Arabidopsis TRM61/TRM6 complex is a bona fide tRNA N1-methyladenosine methyltransferase. J. Exp. Bot., 2020, 71 (10), 3024-3036.
29. Luo, L.; He, Y.; Xu, Q.; Lyu, W.; Yan, J.; Xin, P.; Zhang, D.; Chu, J.; Li, J.; Yu, H., Rapid and specific isolation of intact mitochondria from Arabidopsis leaves. J. Genet. Genomics, 2020, 47 (1), 65-68.
30. Liu, Y.; Wang, K.; Cheng, Q.; Kong, D.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Xie, Q.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Ling, H. Q.; Li, Q.; Miao, J.; Zhao, B., Cysteine protease RD21A regulated by E3 ligase SINAT4 is required for drought-induced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot., 2020, 71 (18), 5562-5576.
31. Liu, X.; Hu, Q.; Yan, J.; Sun, K.; Liang, Y.; Jia, M.; Meng, X.; Fang, S.; Wang, Y.; Jing, Y.; Liu, G.; Wu, D.; Chu, C.; Smith, S. M.; Chu, J.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, B., Zeta-carotene isomerase suppresses tillering in rice through the coordinated biosynthesis of strigolactone and abscisic acid. Mol Plant., 2020, 13 (12), 1784-1801.
32. Liang, T.; Shi, C.; Peng, Y.; Tan, H.; Xin, P.; Yang, Y.; Wang, F.; Li, X.; Chu, J.; Huang, J.; Yin, Y.; Liu, H., Brassinosteroid-activated BRI1-EMS-SUPPRESSOR 1 inhibits flavonoid biosynthesis and coordinates growth and UV-B stress responses in plants. Plant Cell, 2020, 32 (10), 3224-3239.
33. Li, R.; Sun, S.; Wang, H.; Wang, K.; Yu, H.; Zhou, Z.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Zhao, T.; Wang, H.; Li, J.; Cui, X., FIS1 encodes a GA2-oxidase that regulates fruit firmness in tomato. Nat. Commun., 2020, 11 (1), 5844.
34. Jiao, X.; Wang, H.; Yan, J.; Kong, X.; Liu, Y.; Chu, J.; Chen, X.; Fang, R.; Yan, Y., Promotion of br biosynthesis by miR444 is required for ammonium-triggered inhibition of root growth. Plant Physiol., 2020, 182 (3), 1454-1466.
35. He, J.; Xin, P.; Ma, X.; Chu, J.; Wang, G., Gibberellin metabolism in flowering plants: an update and perspectives. Front Plant Sci., 2020, 11, 532.
36. Cheng, H.; Yang, X.; Lan, L.; Xie, L.; Chen, C.; Liu, C.; Chu, J.; Li, Z.; Liu, L.; Zhang, T.; Luo, D.; Cheng, L., Chemical deprenylation of N6-isopentenyladenosine (i6A) RNA. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59 (26), 10645-10650.
37. Yi, J.; Zhao, D.; Chu, J.; Yan, J.; Liu, J.; Wu, M.; Cheng, J.; Jiang, H.; Zeng, Y.; Liu, D., AtDPG1 is involved in the salt stress response of Arabidopsis seedling through ABI4. Plant Sci., 2019, 287, 110180.
38. Wang, Y.; Sun, X.; Ding, Y.; Fei, Z.; Jiao, C.; Fan, M.; Yao, B.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Wei, Q., Cellular and molecular characterization of a thick-walled variant reveal a pivotal role of shoot apical meristem in transverse development of bamboo culm. J. Exp. Bot., 2019, 70 (15), 3911-3926.
39. Tan, H.; Man, C.; Xie, Y.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Huang, J., A crucial role of GA-regulated flavonol biosynthesis in root growth of Arabidopsis. Mol Plant., 2019, 12 (4), 521-537.
40. Sun, L.; Yang, W.; Li, Y.; Shan, Q.; Ye, X.; Wang, D.; Yu, K.; Lu, W.; Xin, P.; Pei, Z.; Guo, X.; Liu, D.; Sun, J.; Zhan, K.; Chu, J.; Zhang, A., A wheat dominant dwarfing line with Rht12, which reduces stem cell length and affects gibberellic acid synthesis, is a 5AL terminal deletion line. Plant J., 2019, 97 (5), 887-900.
41. Luo, Z.; Kong, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, W.; Zhang, D.; Dai, J.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Dong, H., Leaf-derived jasmonate mediates water uptake from hydrated cotton roots under partial root-zone irrigation. Plant Physiol., 2019, 180 (3), 1660-1676.
42. Luo, Q.; Teng, W.; Fang, S.; Li, H.; Li, B.; Chu, J.; Li, Z.; Zheng, Q., Transcriptome analysis of salt-stress response in three seedling tissues of common wheat. Crop J., 2019, 7 (3), 378-392.
43. Liu, L.; Liu, F.; Chu, J.; Yi, X.; Fan, W.; Tang, T.; Chen, G.; Guo, Q.; Zhao, X., A transcriptome analysis reveals a role for the indole GLS-linked auxin biosynthesis in secondary dormancy in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). BMC Plant Biol., 2019, 19 (1), 264.
44. Ju, L.; Jing, Y.; Shi, P.; Liu, J.; Chen, J.; Yan, J.; Chu, J.; Chen, K. M.; Sun, J., JAZ proteins modulate seed germination through interaction with ABI5 in bread wheat and Arabidopsis. New Phytol., 2019, 223 (1), 246-260.
45. He, J.; Chen, Q.; Xin, P.; Yuan, J.; Ma, Y.; Wang, X.; Xu, M.; Chu, J.; Peters, R. J.; Wang, G., CYP72A enzymes catalyse 13-hydrolyzation of gibberellins. Nat. Plants, 2019, 5 (10), 1057-1065.
46. Hao, X.; Tang, H.; Wang, B.; Wang, L.; Cao, H.; Wang, Y.; Zeng, J.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Yang, Y.; Wang, X., Gene characterization and expression analysis reveal the importance of auxin signaling in bud dormancy regulation in tea plant. J. Plant Growth Regul., 2019, 38 (1), 225-240.
47. Duan, J.; Yu, H.; Yuan, K.; Liao, Z.; Meng, X.; Jing, Y.; Liu, G.; Chu, J.; Li, J., Strigolactone promotes cytokinin degradation through transcriptional activation of CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE 9 in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2019, 116 (28), 14319-14324.
48. Zhou, Y.; Zhang, D.; An, J.; Yin, H.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J., TCP transcription factors regulate shade avoidance via directly mediating the expression of both PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs and auxin biosynthetic genes. Plant Physiol., 2018, 176 (2), 1850-1861.
49. Zheng, X.; Zhao, Y.; Shan, D.; Shi, K.; Wang, L.; Li, Q.; Wang, N.; Zhou, J.; Yao, J.; Xue, Y.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Guo, Y.; Kong, J., MdWRKY9 overexpression confers intensive dwarfing in the M26 rootstock of apple by directly inhibiting brassinosteroid synthetase MdDWF4 expression. New Phytol., 2018, 217 (3), 1086-1098.
50. Zhao, Y.; Luo, L.; Xu, J.; Xin, P.; Guo, H.; Wu, J.; Bai, L.; Wang, G.; Chu, J.; Zuo, J.; Yu, H.; Huang, X.; Li, J., Malate transported from chloroplast to mitochondrion triggers production of ROS and PCD in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Res., 2018, 28 (4), 448-461.
51. Xin, P.; Li, B.; Yan, J.; Chu, J., Pursuing extreme sensitivity for determination of endogenous brassinosteroids through direct fishing from plant matrices and eliminating most interferences with boronate affinity magnetic nanoparticles. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2018, 410 (4), 1363-1374.
52. Ma, H.; Liu, C.; Li, Z.; Ran, Q.; Xie, G.; Wang, B.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Zhang, J., ZmbZIP4 contributes to stress resistance in maize by regulating ABA synthesis and root development. Plant Physiol., 2018, 178 (2), 753-770.
53. Liu, L.; Xie, T.; Peng, P.; Qiu, H.; Zhao, J.; Fang, J.; Patil, S. B.; Wang, Y.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Yuan, S.; Zhang, W.; Li, X., Mutations in the MIT3 gene encoding a caroteniod isomerase lead to increased tiller number in rice. Plant Sci., 2018, 267, 1-10.
54. Jin, H.; Pang, L.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Li, R.; Zhu, Z., High ambient temperature antagonizes ethylene-induced exaggerated apical hook formation in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell Environ., 2018, 41 (12), 2858-2868.
55. Du, L.; Xu, F.; Fang, J.; Gao, S.; Tang, J.; Fang, S.; Wang, H.; Tong, H.; Zhang, F.; Chu, J.; Wang, G.; Chu, C., Endosperm sugar accumulation caused by mutation of PHS8/ISA1 leads to pre-harvest sprouting in rice. Plant J., 2018, 95 (3), 545-556.
56. Zheng, Y.; Cui, X.; Su, L.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Gong, Q.; Yang, J.; Zhu, Z., Jasmonate inhibits COP1 activity to suppress hypocotyl elongation and promote cotyledon opening in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant J., 2017, 90 (6), 1144-1155.
57. Jiang, J.; Chen, Z.; Ban, L.; Wu, Y.; Huang, J.; Chu, J.; Fang, S.; Wang, Z.; Gao, H.; Wang, X., P-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE from Medicago sativa is involved in vitamin E biosynthesis and abscisic acid-mediated seed germination. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7, 40625.
58. Guo, P.; Li, Z.; Huang, P.; Li, B.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Guo, H., A tripartite amplification loop involving the transcription factor WRKY75, salicylic acid, and reactive oxygen species accelerates leaf senescence. Plant Cell, 2017, 29 (11), 2854-2870.
59. Du, Y.; Liu, L.; Li, M.; Fang, S.; Shen, X.; Chu, J.; Zhang, Z., UNBRANCHED3 regulates branching by modulating cytokinin biosynthesis and signaling in maize and rice. New Phytol., 2017, 214 (2), 721-733.
60. Chen, J.; Nolan, T. M.; Ye, H.; Zhang, M.; Tong, H.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Chu, C.; Li, Z.; Yin, Y., Arabidopsis WRKY46, WRKY54, and WRKY70 transcription factors are involved in brassinosteroid-regulated plant growth and drought responses. Plant Cell, 2017, 29 (6), 1425-1439.
61. 夏群; 辛培勇; 褚金芳, 全自动在线固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测水稻中6种内源性植物激素.分析化学, 2016, 44 (4), 409-415.
62. Yao, R.; Ming, Z.; Yan, L.; Li, S.; Wang, F.; Ma, S.; Yu, C.; Yang, M.; Chen, L.; Chen, L.; Li, Y.; Yan, C.; Miao, D.; Sun, Z.; Yan, J.; Sun, Y.; Wang, L.; Chu, J.; Fan, S.; He, W.; Deng, H.; Nan, F.; Li, J.; Rao, Z.; Lou, Z.; Xie, D., DWARF14 is a non-canonical hormone receptor for strigolactone. Nature, 2016, 536 (7617), 469-473.
63. Xin, P.; Yan, J.; Li, B.; Fang, S.; Fan, J.; Tian, H.; Shi, Y.; Tian, W.; Yan, C.; Chu, J., A comprehensive and effective mass spectrometry-based screening strategy for discovery and identification of new brassinosteroids from rice tissues. Front Plant Sci., 2016, 7, 1786.
64. Xia, Q.; Xin, P.; Chu, J., An automated on-line solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for six endogenous phytohormones analysis in rice. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2016, 44 (3), 409-415.
65. Li, Y.; Wang, C.; Liu, X.; Song, J.; Li, H.; Sui, Z.; Zhang, M.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Xin, M.; Xie, C.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Q.; Ni, Z., Up-regulating the abscisic acid inactivation gene ZmABA8ox1b contributes to seed germination heterosis by promoting cell expansion. J. Exp. Bot., 2016, 67 (9), 2889-2900.
66. Fang, L.; Su, L.; Sun, X.; Li, X.; Sun, M.; Karungo, S. K.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Li, S.; Xin, H., Expression of Vitis amurensis NAC26 in Arabidopsis enhances drought tolerance by modulating jasmonic acid synthesis. J. Exp. Bot., 2016, 67 (9), 2829-2845.
67. Zhang, X.; Wu, Q.; Cui, S.; Ren, J.; Qian, W.; Yang, Y.; He, S.; Chu, J.; Sun, X.; Yan, C.; Yu, X.; An, C., Hijacking of the jasmonate pathway by the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) to initiate programmed cell death in Arabidopsis is modulated by RGLG3 and RGLG4. J. Exp. Bot., 2015, 66 (9), 2709-2721.
68. Yin, C.; Ma, B.; Collinge, D.; Pogson, B.; He, S.; Xiong, Q.; Duan, K.; Chen, H.; Yang, C.; Lu, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, W.; Chu, C.; Sun, X.; Fang, S.; Chu, J.; Lu, T.; Chen, S.; Zhang, J., Ethylene responses in rice roots and coleoptiles are differentially regulated by a carotenoid isomerase-mediated abscisic acid pathway. Plant Cell, 2015, 27 (4), 1061-1081.
69. Xu, F.; Fang, J.; Ou, S.; Gao, S.; Zhang, F.; Du, L.; Xiao, Y.; Wang, H.; Sun, X.; Chu, J.; Wang, G.; Chu, C., Variations in CYP78A13 coding region influence grain size and yield in rice. Plant Cell Environ., 2015, 38 (4), 800-811.
70. Xi, L.; Wen, C.; Fang, S.; Chen, X.; Nie, J.; Chu, J.; Yuan, C.; Yan, C.; Ma, N.; Zhao, L., Impacts of strigolactone on shoot branching under phosphate starvation in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum cv. Jinba). Front Plant Sci., 2015, 6, 694.
71. Wang, B.; Chu, J.; Yu, T.; Xu, Q.; Sun, X.; Yuan, J.; Xiong, G.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Li, J., Tryptophan-independent auxin biosynthesis contributes to early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2015, 112 (15), 4821-4826.
72. Pan, L.; Zeng, W.; Niu, L.; Lu, Z.; Liu, H.; Cui, G.; Zhu, Y.; Chu, J.; Li, W.; Fang, W.; Cai, Z.; Li, G.; Wang, Z., PpYUC11, a strong candidate gene for the stony hard phenotype in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch), participates in IAA biosynthesis during fruit ripening. J. Exp. Bot., 2015, 66 (22), 7031-7044.
73. Ma, X.; Ma, J.; Zhai, H.; Xin, P.; Chu, J.; Qiao, Y.; Han, L., CHR729 is a CHD3 protein that controls seedling development in rice. PLoS One, 2015, 10 (9), e0138934.
74. Liu, L.; Tong, H.; Xiao, Y.; Che, R.; Xu, F.; Hu, B.; Liang, C.; Chu, J.; Li, J.; Chu, C., Activation of Big Grain1 significantly improves grain size by regulating auxin transport in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2015, 112 (35), 11102-11107.
75. Sun, X.; Ouyang, Y.; Chu, J.; Yan, J.; Yu, Y.; Li, X.; Yang, J.; Yan, C., An in-advance stable isotope labeling strategy for relative analysis of multiple acidic plant hormones in sub-milligram Arabidopsis thaliana seedling and a single seed. J. Chromatogr. A, 2014, 1338, 67-76.
76. Sang, D.; Chen, D.; Liu, G.; Liang, Y.; Huang, L.; Meng, X.; Chu, J.; Sun, X.; Dong, G.; Yuan, Y.; Qian, Q.; Li, J.; Wang, Y., Strigolactones regulate rice tiller angle by attenuating shoot gravitropism through inhibiting auxin biosynthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2014, 111 (30), 11199-11204.
77. Liu, Y.; Fang, J.; Xu, F.; Chu, J.; Yan, C.; Schlappi, M.; Wang, Y.; Chu, C., Expression patterns of ABA and GA metabolism genes and hormone levels during rice seed development and imbibition: a comparison of dormant and non-dormant rice cultivars. J. Genet. Genomics, 2014, 41 (6), 327-738.
78. Liang, C.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Tang, J.; Hu, B.; Liu, L.; Ou, S.; Wu, H.; Sun, X.; Chu, J.; Chu, C., OsNAP connects abscisic acid and leaf senescence by fine-tuning abscisic acid biosynthesis and directly targeting senescence-associated genes in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2014, 111 (27), 10013-10018.
79. Gao, S.; Fang, J.; Xu, F.; Wang, W.; Sun, X.; Chu, J.; Cai, B.; Feng, Y.; Chu, C., CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE4 integrates cytokinin and auxin signaling to control rice crown root formation. Plant Physiol., 2014, 165 (3), 1035-1046.
80. 欧阳玥; 孙晓红; 闫静; 褚金芳; 闫存玉, 稳定同位素标记技术在生物分子相对定量分析研究中的应用与进展.科学通报, 2013, 58 (27), 2762-2778.
81. 骆丹; 辛培勇; 孙晓红; 闫静; 褚金芳; 闫吉军; 房爽; 闫存玉, 新型植物激素独角金内酯类化合物的电喷雾傅里叶变换离子回旋共振串联质谱研究.质谱学报, 2013, 34 (5), 263-268.
82. Zhou, F.; Lin, Q.; Zhu, L.; Ren, Y.; Zhou, K.; Shabek, N.; Wu, F.; Mao, H.; Dong, W.; Gan, L.; Ma, W.; Gao, H.; Chen, J.; Yang, C.; Wang, D.; Tan, J.; Zhang, X.; Guo, X.; Wang, J.; Jiang, L.; Liu, X.; Chen, W.; Chu, J.; Yan, C.; Ueno, K.; Ito, S.; Asami, T.; Cheng, Z., Wang, J.; Lei, C.; Zhai, H.; Wu, C.; Wang, H.; Zheng, N.; Wan, J., D14-SCFD3-dependent degradation of D53 regulates strigolactone signalling. Nature, 2013, 504 (7480), 406-410.
83. Zhang, Y.; Yu, Y.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.; Liu, Q.; Xu, J.; Liao, J.; Wang, X.; Qu, L.; Chen, F.; Xin, P.; Yan, C.; Chu, J.; Li, H.; Chen, Y., Overexpression of microRNA OsmiR397 improves rice yield by increasing grain size and promoting panicle branching. Nat. Biotechnol., 2013, 31 (9), 848-852.
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