
        “第四届LipidALL国际脂代谢会议”拟于2018年11月9-12日在北京中科院遗传发育所举办,邀请了脂代谢科学领域内45位左右优秀科学家围绕“代谢调控,脂质运输与膜动力学, 代谢紊乱与疾病,植物脂质代谢与功能,运动、营养与代谢,代谢前沿技术与应用”等主题向参会人员展示国内外脂代谢科学领域的最新研究成果,预计参会人数350人。本次会议将是国内外脂代谢科学领域的学术盛会,也是广大科研人员交流合作、厂商展示的重要窗口与平台。
        组委会成员:李蓬,杨维才,John Speakman,
        会议秘书长:Sin Man Lam
        11月9日:受邀报告人报到  (地点:北京亚奥酒店)
 11月9日 November 9 (Day 1)
        2:00PM-6:00PM, 组学专题讲座 (地点:中科院遗传发育所1号楼215室)
        1. 脂质组学、代谢组学介绍      
        2. 脂质组学、代谢组学分析方法选择
        3. 组学大数据分析及数据挖掘    
        4. 基于组学数据的通路分析
        6:10PM         讲座自助晚餐
        6:30PM-8:30PM, Reception dinner for invited speakers (受邀报告人报到),
        Ya'ao International Hotel Beijing (亚奥酒店)
11月10日 November 10 (Day 2)
        8:00-9:00  大会报到注册 Reception (地点:中科院遗传发育所1号楼2楼)
        9:00-9:10    开幕式 Opening Ceremony
        9:10-9:40    Rudolf Zechner (Univ of Graz, Austria)
        Lipolysis – a drug target for the treatment of metabolic diseases
        9:40-10:10   Vytas A. Bankaitis (TAMU, USA)
        Golgi Inositol Lipid Signaling and the Construction of the Mammalian Brain
        10:10-10:35  茶歇 照相 Tea Break &Photo-taking
        10:35-11:00  Chong Wee Liew (UIC, USA)
        Novel regulator for energy and metabolic homeostasis
        11:00-11:25  Shuai Chen 陈帅 (南京大学)
        Targeting Skeletal Muscle To Combat Metabolic Diseases
        11:25-11:50  Huiyong Yin 尹慧勇 (中国科学院营养所)
        Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Regulates Macrophage foam Cell Formation in Atherosclerosis
        11:50-12:15  Yongsheng Li 李咏生 (陆军军医大学)
        Programmed Inflammation Resolution
        12:15-12:35  Jianhui Rong (HKU, Hong Kong, China)
        Molecular mechanism underlies the anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective activities of ω-alkynyl arachidonic acid against acute myocardial infarction
        12:35-13:30  午餐 Lunch
        13:30-14:00  John Speakman (IGDB, CAS/AU, UK)
        Multi-tissue metabolomic responses to graded caloric restriction
        14:00-14:25  Youfei Guan 管又飞 (大连医科大学)
        HSD17B13: a novel lipid droplet protein important for hepatic lipid homeostasis
        14:25-14:50  Qunying Lei 雷群英 (复旦大学)
        Acetate functions as an epigenetic metabolite to promote lipid synthesis under hypoxia
        14:50-15:15  Weiping Zhang 章卫平 (第二军医大学)
        Transcriptional Regulation of fructose metabolism
        15:15-15:40  Yiguo Wang 王一国 (清华大学)
        Hormonal Regulation of Glucose Homeostasis
        15:40-15:55  茶歇 Tea Break
        15:55-16:20  Yong Liu 刘勇 (武汉大学)
        ER Stress and Metabolic Dysfunction
        16:20-16:45  Thierry Galli (Inserm, France)
        Conventional and unconventional secretion in neurite growth
        16:45-17:10  Han-Ming Shen (NUS, Singapore)
        Lipid and lipid rafts in regulation of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway
        17:10-17:35  Dahai Zhu 朱大海 (中国医学科学院基础医学研究所)
        Metabolic homeostasis mediated by crosstalk between skeletal muscle and fat
        17:35-18:00  Ronald Ching Wan Ma (CUHK, Hong Kong, China)
        Epidemiology and Genetics of Diabetic complications- Insights from the Hong Kong Diabetes Register and Hong Kong Diabetes Biobank
        18:30        晚宴 Dinner
        10:35-10:55  Suneng Fu 傅肃能 (清华大学)
        Metabolic Reprogramming in Hepatic Steatosis
        10:55-11:15  Changtao Jiang 姜长涛 (北京大学)
        Gut microbiota and intestinal ceramide signaling control metabolic diseases
        11:15-11:35  Cuiqing Liu 刘翠清 (浙江中医药大学)
        PM2.5, Metabolism and Lipid
        11:35-11:55  Zhao He何钊 (山东大学)
        Effect of omega-3 PUFA on breast adenocarcinoma metabolism
        11:55-12:15  Jiangwei Wu吴江维 (西北农林科技大学)
        Compound A prevents high fat diet induced obesity by promoting white adipose tissue browning
        12:15-12:35  Guifen Qiang 强桂芬 (中国医学科学院药物研究所)
        TRIP-Br2 is a key mediator for functional heterogeneity of white adipose tissue
        12:45-13:15  Lunch Seminar (午餐报告) 刘春胜 (华质泰科)
11月11日November 11 (Day 3)
--        会场1:中科院遗传发育所1号楼215室
        9:00-9:30   Jiayang Li 李家洋 (中科院遗传发育所)
        Deficiency in fatty acid biosynthesis plays a key role for growth and development in Arabidopsis thaliana
        9:30-9:55   Xuemin Wang (Mizzou, USA)
        Interaction and regulation between lipid metabolism and circadian clock
        9:55-10:20   Yongmei Qin 秦咏梅 (北京大学)
        An Arabidopsis mutant in sphingolipid synthesis is used as a tool to understand the function of plasmodesmata
        10:20-10:45  茶歇 Tea Break
        10:45-11:10  Yuki Nakamura (IPMB, Taiwan, China)
        Phospholipid function in Arabidopsis flower development
        11:10-11:35  Jinsong Zhang 张劲松 (中科院遗传发育所)
        Regulation of oil accumulation in soybean
        11:35-12:00  Zhongkai Zhou 周中凯 (天津科技大学)
        Characteristics of GABA-enriched Rice Bran and Its Functionality
        12:00-13:00  午餐 Lunch
        13:00-13:30  Tao Xu/徐涛 (中科院生物物理所)
        DDX1 is responsible for HFD-induced repression of insulin biosynthesis
        13:30-13:55  Xiang Gao 高翔 (南京大学) 
        Single bacterial gene SNP of (blcG251A/BlcG84E) induces host colonic epithelial barrier disruption through regulating lipid level
        13:55-14:20  Pingsheng Liu 刘平生 (中科院生物物理所)
        Lipid droplets tightly contact mitochondria in brown adipocytes
        14:20-14:45  Shimin Zhao 赵世民 (复旦大学)    
        Dysregulation of metabolite signaling and disease development
        14:45-15:10  Ho Yi Mak (HKUST, Hong Kong, China)   
        Regulation of cellular fat storage at the ER-lipid droplet interface
        15:10-15:30  Xun Huang 黄勋 (中科院遗传发育所)        
        Lipid droplet in neurons: regulation and function
        15:30-15:50  茶歇 Tea Break
        15:55-16:20  Meng Wang (BCM, USA)   
        Revealing Lipid Dynamics Regulation by Stimulating Raman Scattering Microscopy
        16:20-16:45  Markus R Wenk      (NUS, Singapore) 
        Translation of lipidomic technologies towards quantification of blood lipids and their natural variations
        16:45-17:10  Yi Yang杨弋 (华东理工大学)   
        Illumining Cell Metabolism with Genetically Encoded Sensors
        17:10-17:30  Guanghou Shui    税光厚  中科院遗传发育所 
        High-throughput, high coverage profiling of sphingolipids
        17:30-17:50  Wanzhu Jin     金万洙      中科院动物所  
        Brown Adipose Tissue and Metabolic syndrome
        17:50-18:00  闭幕式 Closing remarks               
        18:30        晚宴 Dinner
        9:30-9:55    Zhengzhen Wang 王正珍 (北京体育大学)  
        Summary of exercise prescription for dyslipidemia          
        9:55-10:20   Xiaohui Wang 王晓慧 (上海体育学院)  
        Improvement of glycolipid metabolism through aerobic exercise in obesity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis and its mechanisms: the roles of adipokine chemerin and its receptor CMKLR1.                                                                 
        10:45-11:10   Shujie Lou 娄淑杰 (上海体育学院)
        Influence of Abnormity of Glucose Metabolismon on Neuroplasticity-associated Protein Expression in Rat Hippocampus  and effect of Aerobic Exercise
        11:10-11:35   Yi Yan 严翊 (北京体育大学)   
        Exericise regulation of adipose tissue thermogenesis and energy homeostasis.
        11:35-11:55   Rengfei Shi 史仍飞 (上海体育学院)   
        Mechanical stretch activates glycometabolism-related enzyme through estrogen in C2C12 myoblasts.                                                                                       
        12:20-12:40   赞助商报告  司丹丹 (SCIEX)
        账 号:0200006209088114180
        地 址:中国北京海淀区学院路30号
        北京亚奥国际酒店 (联系电话:010-64874433)
        国家会议中心大酒店 (联系电话:010-84372008)
        华创东润快捷酒店(联系电话:010- 57761958)
        北京国天招待所 (联系电话:010-64888758)
        联系人:张少华    刘蕊 